01 | Getting Handsy

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"I don't know if I could do that," I told him honestly, fidgeting my fingers

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"I don't know if I could do that," I told him honestly, fidgeting my fingers. I'm usually more confident with my job, but it seems I'm rather lacking in one area of expertise.

"Come on, Valerie, we've known each other for a while. I need your help with this," he pleaded, running his fingers along my bare hip. We were still in bed after round two, which will definitely cost him extra.

"I'll make sure this trip will be worthwhile. I'll double the rate, if you want." He was getting desperate.

I rolled my eyes and ran my fingers through my warm brown curls. "Fine, send me a location and I'll meet up with him for the trip. Where am I going anyway?"

"In wine country. His cousin is having a wedding there and you'll be his plus one," he informed me as he sat up to put on his pants. Leaving the warmth of the silk sheets, I get up to slip back into my satin dress, which hugged my figure wonderfully. The laced sweetheart neckline drew attention to my bosom, which usually makes men gape.

I stood in front of the wall of glass that offered a view of the city from the 27th floor. Tonight, he booked the hotel with less thought than usual, since a client like Lance usually went for the executive suite. Perhaps they ran out of rooms, or maybe he's worried about cutting costs since he will definitely be paying handsomely for this trip I'm apparently going on.

Grabbing my coat and my bag, I headed for the door, but stopped when I felt his hands on my shoulders. I turned around to face him. "I'll be going," I told him firmly.

"So you'll really do it?"

"Yeah, just send me an address." With that, I turned on my heel and headed out the door. "And wire the money for tonight and this weekend."


I took a sip of my martini and looked around the room for anyone who looked like the photo Lance had sent me. Drinking before the job was usually a no in my book, but my nerves were taking over and I felt my gut shaking as I was packing my things earlier.

Across the room were a few men sipping on scotches and eyeing my lustfully. I answered their suggestive looks with a generally disinterested vibe. I've made mistakes before when I was flirting with other men while working, and it had cost me a client. I gained three that day, but that's beside the point.

"Valerie?" I heard a deep and uncertain voice behind me. When I turn, I am faced with one Alex Chadwick, who might I add is much more handsome than he was in the photo I had received.

"Yes, that's me. Hello, Alex," I offered him my hand and felt the warm of his palm radiate throughout my body, leaving parts of me tingling and excited. I wonder if he feels anything.

"Hi," he answered awkwardly, "Lance says you'd be willing to help me this weekend. I told my parents a white lie and now they think I have a girlfriend."

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