03 | Gardenia

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The ceremony was long over as I spotted Valerie stepping out into the crowd

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The ceremony was long over as I spotted Valerie stepping out into the crowd. Where had she been? What's the point in posing as my girlfriend if she's gone for half the event?

I felt my nostrils flare and my neck grow warm as I started to march over to her, but halted as I felt a tug on my arm.

"Alex, would you tell Valerie thank you for me," Sara whispered into my ear. Turning to give her a puzzled look, I saw the sheepish smile on her face.

"Why? What happened?"

"I had this huge freak out before the ceremony and she got me through it. She even offered to clean up because I told her I didn't want anyone else to know that I had cold feet."

"So that's where she's been?" I turned to took at Valerie, who in the midst of a bunch of strangers, had a very polite and yet uncomfortable expression on her face. Even from here, I could see the features of her face clearly, leaving me as breathless as I was when I first met her. Men must fall for her often; I'm no different.

She wore a long dress with no straps, flowing down to her feet with gold specks here and there on the skirt. The neckline resembled a heart and the blackness of the fabric somehow only brought more attention to her.

It took a bundle of patience for me to reach her across the party, with people stopping me every few steps to try to spark conversation that I couldn't care less about right now. As I finally had a few steps left, she smiled at me, watching me approach her.

"Could we talk," I asked her and smiled when she nodded, pointing to the little garden on the east side of the venue.

There were flowers everywhere, in all shapes and colors. We walked until we stood under two trees that towered over the path, creating an arch with blooming magnolias.

"I'm sorry, I missed the ceremony, Al-"

"That's alright," I gave her a knowing smile and watched as relief washed her expression. There was something in the way her dark brown curls framed her face, or maybe it's the creamy skin on her cheeks, kissed with a rosy glow, that I can't keep my eyes off. "Sara told me what you did for her. Thank you."

"So how was the ceremony?" A gust of wind blew her hair in her face and I reached up to tug it behind her ear.

"Beautiful," I started, wondering if I was still talking about the ceremony, "I even teared up a little."

"Oh really?" A smile spread across her full lips. "Didn't peg you for a crier."

"What can I say? I can be a real softy."

She let out a light chuckle, sending jolts of glee down to my guts. I was shaking inside, excited that she's smiling just from my words.

"So, are you ready to get back in there?" She turned to look at the reception, where people were packed into their tables and engaging in smalltalk like there's no tomorrow.

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