05 | Intensity

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I dropped two sugar cubes into my mug of tea and dipped a slender silver spoon in to stir gently. Dropping the spoon in the sink, I hugged the mug with both my hands, taking in the heat with my palms. Holding it closer to my face, I soaked my senses in its aroma.

It's been a couple of days since I got back from the trip with Alex, and while I was glad I didn't have to deal with Theo again, I found myself missing Alex more and more. It seemed ridiculous the number of times I stared at the number in my phone I have saved under "Workaholic" with a briefcase emoji. I wonder if he even thinks of me, because the number of times my mind drifted to him was alarming.

The rest of the trip was quiet as I pretended to look forward to heading home. I dreaded going back to my own routine, especially now that Theo was back in my mind, haunting me, taunting me. The mention of his name in my mind shattered my heart every time.

But all my worries turned to dust the moment I remember Alex.

I've kissed more men than most, and while some have been spectacular, none come close to Alex. I liked that he was gentle. That he asked questions and listened.

I took a sip from my tea and opened a new text window for his number. I stared at the keyboard for a long period of time, my thumb twitching just an inch above the screen. Shaking my head, I closed the text window and shut off the display of my phone.

He was a one time client. That's it. He didn't even want sex.

Well, I'm sure he did, but he didn't try anything, which both intrigued and disappointed me.

I flinched, almost pouring all of my tea over myself, when my phone lit up his number, ringing loudly. I gingerly placed my mug down and held my phone with both hands, hesitating to tap the little green circle.

I didn't realize I had been holding my breath until I finally did.

"Hello?" My voice was small and uncertain.

"H-Hello? Valerie?" His stutter was absolutely adorable, making me melt from the sound of my name in his voice.

"Yes, that's me," I tried to sound casual. There was a slight trembling from the pit of my stomach and clutched it with my free hand, hoping it would settle down.

"So I know you don't prefer to do the girlfriend experience, but I've just been asked by my parents to bring my lovely girlfriend over for our family day this Sunday, so I hope it's not much of a bother-"

"Yes," I answered rather quickly, so I eased my tone, "I think I can make it work."

"That would be amazing," he sighed in relief.

"So," I tried to extend the call, "family day? Sounds like you and your girlfriend are getting pretty serious."

He laughed nervously as he responded, "Yeah, I actually don't see them often, so family day is their excuse of making my presence mandatory. It's usually mid-June, but it looks like they pulled it back five months early because they want to see you again."

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