02 | Tulle Pastry

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"So," he disrupted the shy humming of elevator music as we waited to arrive at our floor, "Dinner was... interesting."

A smirk twitched onto my face as I turned to meet his confused eyes. There was finally lust in those eyes as they admired my body blatantly. Just as quickly, he looked away, almost ashamed or perhaps just... shy? He's adorable.

When he finally seemed to have gathered his thoughts, he looked at me again with his lips ready to speak. But there were no words. He just met my alluring gaze with a dreamy expression on his face.

"Yes, it was," I murmured, leaning in closer to him, "Did you enjoy it?"

His lips were parted, begging me to kiss them, and he nodded ever so slightly, still captivated by our shared gaze. Within moments, our lips were pressed together, moving at a rhythm as I was lifted against the elevator wall with my legs wrapped around his hips.

I ran my fingers through his rich brown hair and felt his fingers tangled in my curls. The air was filled with out heavy breathing, my occasional moans, and his occasional grunts. His touch left trails of fire on my skin and I was so desperate to feel him against me, to taste him, and to see this reserved man become a little more animal in bed.

Vaguely aware that the doors had opened, he carried me to our room while his lips continued to massage mine and his hands roamed my curves. It was only when we were finally in the room did he pause to stare at me with a blank expression.

"Alex? What's wrong?" I noticed his bulge pressed against me.

"I didn't bring any protection," he mumbled.

"Oh, I have some condoms in my purse," I told him, brushing my worries away.

"You do? Did you anticipate..."

"I always supply the protection for my clients," I reassured him.

"Clients?" He loosened his hold on me and I got on my feet. "What do you mean clients?"

"Alex," I stated, my tone firm and serious, "You know that I'm an escort, right?"

"You're a what?" He pulled out his phone and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration as he tapped to call someone. I'm assuming it would be Lance.

"You really didn't know?" I tilted my head and gave him a puzzled look. "Would first dates ever do to you what I did at the dinner table?"

He sighed as he waited for Lance to pick up and walked off into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I could only hear bits and pieces of what Alex was saying, so I stopped trying and decided to change into my sleepwear.

"So it looks like we can't do anything about what's already done," he came out of the bathroom staring at his phone. "My parents have already met you and I guess we'll just attend the wedding tomorrow."

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