10 | Relations

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"Want a mini pretzel dog?" Sara offers as we take a break from all the shopping by having a snack in the food court. Actually, I think I might suggest we head home. I've never seen someone shop so crazily. She wouldn't even take a moment to consider; if she likes an item at all, she's purchasing it. At one point, she even offered to buy me a diamond necklace just because I glanced at it. I didn't want her to know that I could afford it, but that wouldn't even matter. I only glanced at it because it was so flashy.

As an escort, I learned the art of tasteful fashion, steering clear of all things over the top. The goal was to be high class, but also easy to blend in. If I stood in an elevator with nine other people, I'd want at least eight of them to check me out once and maybe only one of them (hopefully a potential client) to take a second look.

"So how are things between you and Alex?" Sara asked as she threw a mini pretzel dog into her mouth. These pieces were two-bite sizes, so as she chewed, her mouth stretched into something of the chipmunk nature.

"Oh, we're alright," I answered cautiously. While Alex and I have somewhat become a real thing, I still do what I do and we had started out as a lie. "He's as sweet as ever."

"That's so good to hear!" She smiled genuinely at me before sipping on her strawberry lemonade.

"And how was the honeymoon?" I pulled my hair out of its ponytail and loosened my locks over my shoulders. When she didn't answer, I looked up to find her deep in thought, staring at nothing with a pair of sad eyes. "Sara?"


"What's wrong?" I leaned forward to search for her eyes.

"It's probably nothing," she shook her head with a slight smile.

"What is it, hon?" Oh god, knowing Theo's a dick only makes me more worried.

"Well, don't laugh, but I was kind of saving myself for the past few months just so he could go crazy on me after the wedding."

I smiled at her. I had no idea she was so... innocent.

"Okay, you're laughing at me." She frowned, but quickly continued. "He just... didn't seem interested. He's a perfect husband and we did consummate on our first night there, but he kept saying he wanted to cuddle. I'm just worried that he doesn't find me attractive."

I nodded in understanding as I brought my straw up to my lips and took a sip.

"What if he's gay?"

I spat all the liquid in my mouth into the air beside me.

Theo? Gay?

I thought back to all the times in bed with him, back when I hadn't known how much of a dick he was. No, Theo definitely is not gay.

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