12 | In Every Aspect

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"Did you like your dress?" I heard Theo by the door, but I remained calm. In fact, I was ready for his presence. I had to put it all behind me. I needed a fresh start, no matter how much it hurt to see him.

"Yes," I sighed and turned to face him. I watched as his eyes immediately dropped to the charm that rested on my chest, his golden rose and its blood red teardrop gem, stone cold and rigid in form. "I did."

"I'm glad you can still... appreciate the nostalgia." He slowly sat down, his eyes still on the necklace.

"Nostalgia's not the factor I appreciated most. It's the fact that it was a gift from Alex," I stated plainly as I pulled my hair out of its bun and loosened the waves over my shoulders and chest. With my locks covering my necklace, Theo's eyes averted to mine, which were ready to take on whatever storm he means to send my way.

"Yes, about that," he leaned in with a smirk, "You're not planning on sticking around with him, are you?"

"Yes, I do, Theo," I pursed my lips, wondering what he could possibly want from me.

"You do realize what kind of position this puts us in, right?" He pulled on a ball at the end of my Newton's Cradle, letting it swing and hit its neighbor.

"What are you talking about?" I watched as the energy of his mere fingers lead to the rhythmic consequence of my belonging. What I hated most about it was that it was seemingly perpetual, like the nightmares I've had of him.

"We both know that if Alex knew our past, things would come to a screeching halt," he spoke confidently.

"What do you want?" The words were wedged out of my aggressive teeth.

He stood up and bent over the table, resting over one hand while the other reached for my chin, cupping it tenderly. "You're too deep in lies to get to have that tone with me."

I closed my eyes briefly and took a deep breath, calming my nerves and slowly unballing my fists. When I finally opened my eyes, I found him gaping at me. I almost laughed.

"Fine, Theo. What is it exactly that you want?" I spoke through my teeth.

"Meet me at my place," he commanded as he scribbled on the back of his business card, "Today immediately after work."

Speechless, I watched as he stood up and walked out of my office without saying another word. The card he left had an address on it. His.


After work, I swung home to change into my least revealing clothes, a loose t-shirt and a comfy pair of jeans. I thought it would be smart to reduce my allure as much as possible. Thoughts raced through my mind constantly as I made my way over to the address he had given me, and the worst one rang in front of my head.

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