Chapter 12

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The next semester started in full swing. We rushed with our syllabus, had tests every other day, hardly any time to breathe or think about anything other than our studies.

At last, we finally got a breakthrough. We had a long weekend so all of us decided to go to Sunway Lagoon to de-stress. Given our situation, a visit there sounded like heaven. We just finished deciding the day and time. We were going this Saturday, two days more. I was looking forward to catching up with everybody; Yuki & Lucy, Nate & Phoenix, Nik, and especially Jake. And oh, of course, Mika is tagging along. I didn't mind honestly I just want to have a good time.

Friday went by so excruciating slow. We were so pumped and ready to leave but time was snailing down. Yuki and I excitedly ran back to get packed.

"This is a much-needed escape don't you think?" she asked.

"Definitely is. I have no energy for classes but I'm so ready for this." I answered.

"I know!! I can finally have some time with Lucy too."

"Wow someone's in love!"

"You're making me shy." she said and blushed. "She's really sweet and I'm waiting to spend some more time with her."

I stopped and looked at her. She looked so innocent and happy. "I'm so happy for the two of you" I said while giving her a hug.

"Thank you. And I'd say the same for you."

I looked puzzled.

"Oh don't give me that look, Jake adores you."

I felt my cheeks turn red. "No, he doesn't."

"It's so plain to see, you know?"

I disagreed with her but mentally hoping she was right. I think I really do like him. If only she was right.

It was finally the awaited day. I was feeling extra happy because of what Yuki said. Nothing could bring me down today! Or so I thought.

We met each other outside the cafe and carried on together to the park. Jake looked so good, he always does but today there was something about him that just left me staring at him. Hmm, is this what love feels like?

"What you looking at?" he asked.

I realized I was staring right at him and flustered.


He chuckled. "You have something on your face."

He came close to my face to wipe it off and I couldn't stop looking at him. At this moment, something changed. I don't know what it is, but something doesn't feel the same. I'm feeling so shy around him, I've known him for so long, why now? Why I'm I so nervous when he's near? Why is my heart beating so much? Its so loud he might hear. Shhh! Why does it feel like time has stopped? What is this??

"Looks like someone had milo this morning." he laughed and walked away.

I stood there, confused as my heart continued beating so fast, my hand on the place he wiped.

I want more time with him like this.

We reached there and wowed at the sight. It looked super fun and I couldn't wait to try the rides.

I was really starting to enjoy myself and felt so much better, laughing with everyone. We were all talking about how much we needed this outing. Since we were from the same college we got a discount plus free food. Free. Food. Whats better than that? Famished from all that fun, we decided to go eat and then go back to exploring the park.

The food was good and I might have ended up stuffing myself more than I imagined. Lucy was with Yuki and Nate with Phoenix, Jake was nowhere to be seen so I thought of looking for him. I felt like I need to see him, be with him. I got a rush of excitement to see him.

I was looking everywhere for him, and then I finally did!

"There you are! I was-" I suddenly froze in my track. I don't know what made me do this or why I felt like this, but I ran away from there. Seeing him with her made me feel weird. I don't know what it was. I wasn't thinking straight and ran out of the park and straight back into college. I have no idea what's wrong with me today, I'm acting so stupid.

All of this seemed too much for me at the moment, I decided to take a nap.

"Tiffany wake up!!"

I jerked up with a start.

I tried to comprehend the situation. Yuki was staring at me, rather angrily?

"What.. happened?" I managed to speak, my head still hazy.

"What happened?? You suddenly disappeared, do you know how worried we all were? We've been searching for you since god knows when!"

My memory caught up with me and the scenes from this afternoon played back in my head. "I'm so sorry I made you worried."

"What got into you?" she asked, worry in her voice.

"My stomach was upset, guess I overate quite a bit." I let out an awkward laugh. I hope I'm convincing enough.

"Well, you should have at least told me. You got me so worried."

I gave her a weak smile.

"I'll tell everyone else you're fine. Be right back."

I was confused but made up my mind to act as normal as possible around Jake. Maybe I overreacted? He talks to Mika all the time, I'm sure I was just disoriented.


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