Chapter 5

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“It’s you again. Are you following us everywhere or did you just happen to run in to us like you did before?” I remarked dryly.

“You know him?” Tyler asked trying to figure out if he had met the guy before.

“Yes we both do. He was the one that attacked me.”

Tyler was annoyed, “Well you better stay away from her before I hurt you.”

“Easy there I don’t want you hurting that shoulder of yours more than I already have.” He smirked then turned to talk to me. “If it helps I’m sorry I was only trying to scare you off, I didn’t think wolf boy over here was going to shift and jump at me. So I had to attack he posed a threat and I wasn’t about to take any chances.” He said as he looked both of us over. “I am sorry though, I wasn’t planning on hurting anyone. Let me try making it up to you, at least let me show you around”.

We exchanged looks as we tried to figure out if we should let him. When we concluded that he was not a problem to us considering the fact that he was a part of this community, we decided to take him up on his offer.

“Okay then let’s be going. By the way my name is Mark.”

We walked around as Mark showed us different places it was so strange, there were people everywhere that seemed normal yet they were not. There were shifters of different kinds, others who did not transform but possessed special skills like controlling natural elements, mind reading and other super cool gifts or talents or whatever they called it.

We walked on further until we came across a group of guys shouting. It looked like there was some sort of fight going on. Mark led us to the group as he joined in the shouting, typical male.

I was still shocked at the pure display of strength when one of the guys in the fight bumped into me and sent me fast to the ground.

“Hey watch it.” Tyler was warning as he helped me back to my feet.

“Sorry about that.” The guy replied. “We were just having some fun.”

“What’s the matter,” someone in the crowd was saying to the guy “don’t tell me this guy is too much for you to handle.”

“Yah,” someone else added “you suddenly become afraid to take on one guy?!”

There was more shouting and mocking as they urged the fighter to beat up Tyler. The guys gathered round were already betting on who was going to win this fight when Mark interrupted. He didn’t think this was the best way for us to start off in the community. There were few sour faces when Mark talked the guy out of a fight with Tyler but that was better than the reaction of the fighter who lost. The crowd slowly dispersed as they realized that no one else was going to be fighting.

“I didn’t need your help. I could have taken on that guy myself.” Tyler protested. There was no way he was going to let some guy he just met show him up. Still angry at what just happened, Tyler walked ahead he didn’t want to be around Mark a second more.

“I should have let him get beat up.” Mark commented. As far as he was concerned, Tyler was just an ungrateful and bitter person.

“Thank you for stopping that guy.” I interrupted his thoughts. “Look Tyler won’t say it but he appreciates someone caring enough to stick up for him.”

“I doubt that he appreciates my help, I guess he’s just worried about keeping a good impression, I mean, why won’t he when someone as beautiful as you is around.” I blushed which was dumb. “Why do you put up with him?”

“I don’t know. I guess in a lot of ways we are alike. We are both searching for answers.”

“We are all searching for answers. The problem is we keep asking the wrong questions.”

As he said those words to me he looked straight into my eyes and I swear it felt like he could see right into my very soul and that freaked me out.

“Look I’ve got to go back to school, this is too much for me, you have no idea how much I have to handle”, I was already backing away, about to bolt, when his words stopped me mid-stride.

“What are you”? He asked.

I turned back to face him, “I don’t know what you are talking about”.

“Don’t lie to me ok, back there I saw you, I saw your eyes glow. What’s up with that”?

Crap, I had totally forgotten he saw me! “Did you tell anyone? Because you can’t, ok so please don’t tell anyone.”

“Relax, I wasn’t going to tell, but I have never seen anything like that before. What was that?”

“The truth? I have no idea, nothing like that has ever happened to me before. This…” I spread my arms around as I looked round the place “…this is all new to me and I just don’t know how to deal with it”.

“Ok I know this it tough for you, trust me we have all been there, but don’t you think you should let someone know? It might make things easier for you to deal with”.

“Well you know, and honestly, you are all I can handle right now. Just promise me you won’t tell anyone”. Nothing was in my control and at that moment I hoped I could trust him.

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. I promise”.

I rushed back to camp and met up with Tyler, he was still sulking about what happened earlier but I could deal with that later. I knew my plan was to run off with him and figure out where I was going next, but after all I had seen the only logical place for me to be in was school. That wasn’t my ideal place but at least it was my normal. The only thing left to do was to tell Emily I was leaving and to convince Tyler to come with me.

I had just talked to Emily about my plans, she didn’t seem happy with my decision but she respected them. But it was night and heading off to school by this time of day after everything I had seen in less than two days was dumb. She told me I could stay the night and I was grateful for it, but I really had to leave in the morning.

Getting Tyler to go along with my decision was another matter entirely. Sure he didn’t want to hang out with this crowd, but convincing him that school was a better option seemed as impossible as convincing him that Mark wasn’t that bad a person.

I had to try though.

“I’m going back to school Tyler”, I said “I need you to come with me”. He was ignoring me. I couldn’t tell if it was because of Mark or because of the situation in general.

“Listen Tyler, I can’t be here, you know that, but I need to know if you are coming with me or staying here. I’m leaving first thing in the morning and I need to know your answer then.”

I wanted his answer now but I knew not to rush him. If I did he would probably make a decision that I would not be ok with. I just turned and walked off afraid to hear his answer. I met up with Emily and told her about the situation with Tyler. It’s not like she really needed to know, but honestly I had no idea what he was really thinking now. He might choose to stay here.
Thank you again my lovely readers for coming with me on this journey. Your comments are appreciated.

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