chapter 3

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“What’s up with you and that Tyler boy? You seem to have been hanging out a lot lately”. Ah Rachel always the inquisitive friend.

Sure I had been hanging with Tyler more than the other students, actually I was the only one hanging out with him but so what. I mean I had been in this school for a week now and not everyone was rolling out the welcome carpet, except for Rachel and the rest of the gang and I didn’t really have much in common with them.

Plus I kind of liked him even though he probably didn’t like me, but none of it mattered because for once in my life I had someone that understood me. Which reminded me, I had to go talk to him I hadn’t talked to him in two days.

“Yeah I get that we have been hanging out a lot. By the way have you seen him lately? I didn’t see him throughout classes today”.

“Didn’t you hear? He was detained by the principal for punching a security guard in the face last night. It’s serious they are considering suspending him and that’s just taking it lightly. I don’t know but he is in real trouble this time”.

“Thanks I guess. I think I’d be able to find him. Sorry Rachel we’ll hang out later”.

It was no shock that Tyler had gotten into trouble, but I thought he’d tell me about it himself, first. Well there was no time to dwell on that. I had to go look for him and I knew where I’d find him.

“Hey you, I knew I’d find you here. What’s up?” Silence was all I got and to think this was the person I talked to a lot. Great he was going to be difficult. “I heard what happened. I really hope you’re going to be okay. You know that I’ll be there for you if you need me right? I can help you”.

“Why don’t you just stop trying to be nice? How can you help me when you don’t even know me? You don’t know what I am or what I’m capable of so why don’t you do yourself a favor and just stay out of my life.” He just walked away and left me standing by myself looking like an idiot. What was that all about?

I went back to my room. Luckily Rachel was not there so I had the chance to gather my thoughts. All I wanted to do was cry.

It had been a long day for me. I hadn’t talked to Tyler since his outburst and I wasn’t interested in talking to Rachel. I just wanted to rest after the long boring classes.

Apparently even that wasn’t in the cards for me today. My rest was cut short by a call to the principal’s office. What did they want from me this time? 

As I found my way into the principal’s office my mood changed from tired and confused to panicked and even more confused. Something was wrong I just knew it. I couldn’t have guessed what the problem was even with the look on the principal’s and the man in uniform’s face.

Could there have been a problem with my admission, but then why would a cop be here for that? The cop was talking to me now and I was trying my hardest to listen. Maybe I was getting expelled or they found something that belonged to me or…

“Miss Lexis I’m truly sorry for your loss”. The world seemed to be spinning out of its axis for a moment and I was just lost and off balance. I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder and it snapped me back into reality.

It was true, the only mother I ever knew was dead. They said it was a heart attack, I should have expected it with her age and the health issues she had been having, but I just didn’t really believe it was ever going to happen.

The principal tried reassuring me that there was nothing to worry about because the financial aid my mother covered was enough to put me through school plus the scholarship I was on. That wasn’t my problem honestly. The thing was I really had no one anymore, I just lost the only person I ever cared about. The only person that ever cared about me.

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