Chapter 6

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Hello readers. This is a continuation of the last chapter. Enjoy!
He met up with me but he didn’t say a word, I didn’t say anything either. We were shown to our sleeping quarters by a young girl of about thirteen. We weren’t put in the same room but the little tents were close to each other. The little girl, whose name I didn’t catch excused herself and we were left standing in front of the tents, alone.

“Tyler I-”

“Goodnight”. He entered into his tent without waiting for me to speak.

It was heartbreaking. This wasn’t supposed to be this complicated. Maybe I didn’t really know what was going on with him. I took his lead and went into the tent they prepared for me. In there was a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, mine. Someone had gone through the trouble of sorting my own clothes which weren’t much. I didn’t like people looking through my things.

Looking at the bed I felt really tired and it was so inviting. I had been asleep not so long ago, or at least in a state of unconsciousness. But the events that had been happening made me feel exhausted. And now my mind was swamped with thoughts of Tyler. What was he going to do? I just couldn’t believe that he would leave me just like that, but I didn’t know enough.

I changed into the clothes laid out for me and got into bed. The bed was comfortable enough, but as soon as my head touched the pillow all thoughts of sleep vanished. Too much going on in my mind, things I had to sort out but didn’t know where to begin. I had been taking everything in but now that I was alone I realized that it was all too overwhelming for me to comprehend.

I had to sleep though if I was going to deal with tomorrow so I forced my eyes shot. I spent the night going in and out of sleep, never truly sleeping. Every movement outside bothered me.

I got up the next morning already paying for my restless sleep. My head throbbed like someone had hit it with a boulder. But I couldn’t dwell on it I had answers to get and I needed them now. But first I had to eat something. I found my way close to the center of camp where I had noticed people eating the previous night as we were being led to our tents.

The place was full today too and I began to wonder if I had made an error in judgment coming here to eat. Maybe finding Emily was a better option before anything else. I had just turned to leave when I heard my name being called, not really my name but I was clearly the one being referred to.

“Hey new girl”. With gritted teeth I turned around to see Mark standing among some guys at the table, and a sizable number of eyes looking at me. So he was the one who just put me on the spot.

I grudgingly walked over to where he was, “It’s Lexis, but you already knew that”.

He smirked at me and nodded to an empty seat in front of me. I wanted to hit him but right now I was more hungry than pissed off, so I took the seat. Food was passed down to me by one of the guys at the table and I politely accepted. I looked around to see if Tyler was here.

He wasn’t. I didn’t really think he was going to join this crowd even for a meal but I had hoped he would be here. He must still be sleeping I said to myself, but I knew he was excluding himself on purpose which was never a good sign of anything.

The meal passed on in silence. For a meal made by a bunch of people in hiding living in the woods it wasn’t half bad and, hard to admit, I enjoyed it, even with my recent friend- enemy? sitting in front of me.

I refused to look ahead of me because I couldn’t shake the feeling that Mark was watching me and I didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of knowing it bothered me. After the meal I went to look for Tyler. I first went to his tent but when there was no sign of him, I went to meet Emily. As I reached her place he walked out of her tent. For a heartbeat we just stared at each other.

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