Chapter 7

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I woke up to the harsh rays of sunlight streaming into my bed and a very shocked and worried face of Rachel. I could tell she was mad at me, I mean who wouldn’t be I’d been gone for about two days without any sort of warning.

“Where the heck have you been, I’ve been worried sick about you not to mention the fact I had to lie to cover up for you in class. You better have a good excuse because we could both be in a lot of trouble for this”.

I didn’t know what I was supposed to say to her now or what she wanted to hear from me. In some twisted way she was my friend and she did cover for me so I felt she deserved the truth, but all that had happened was such a big deal that I didn’t even understand myself so there was no way I could possibly tell her.

“Tyler and I decided to skip school but I changed my mind after a while so now I’m back”. At least there was some truth in it and it was enough for her to think on so I was off the hook…for now.

Rachel was pacing beside my bed and now I had kind of come clean she finally sat down with a long exhale looking me over. It was probably the middle of the day but, I wasn't shocked by that. I had a really long couple of days. Now I was just glad to be back. She didn’t push me for anything more, Rachel just went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

I realised then that she hadn't seen me the night before if not she would have woken me up in the middle of the night. Rachel hadn't slept in the room! I shook my head at the thoughts that were coming. I was back here everything was normal.

It was a Saturday which meant no classes so I could catch up on what I had missed in school. It turned out I had not missed much, I should have expected that, not like anything interesting ever happens here. It was just around 10 o’clock so I still had the whole day to go but I had nothing doing, the only team I was on was track but there were no competitions coming up anytime soon so I was really out of luck on what to keep me busy.

So it was because of this that when Rachel suggested we hang out I quickly jumped at the chance, okay if I was honest with myself I’ll admit it was because I had no one else and, besides her excessive talking, I found her to be a nice person.

We headed for the common room and we met up with Sharlette, she was talking to another girl who I knew from biology class, her name was Jane. She was a smallish girl with long brown hair and green eyes and she was really quiet. Well it didn’t seem to be a problem since Sharlette was happy doing all the talking.

She was talking about this guy, Eric who apparently all the girls were swooning over. I still didn’t get it, I mean I know he is hot and on the football team but he wasn’t anything special really. I guess he wasn’t my type.

“So what about you Lexis, you have a thing for any guy?” Rachel asked. I looked up to find them staring at me waiting for an answer. It was quite obvious they were looking for gossip on me and Tyler, the whole school probably thought we were an item. Well too bad I had to disappoint them not like I was sorry I did. We were barely even friends before he left and now he wasn’t coming back there’s a fat chance of anything ever happening between us.

I just shrugged mindful not to indulge them. The last thing I needed were questions on my romance life.

When it was clear they weren’t getting the gist from me Sharlette decided to divert to more comfortable ground, thank goodness. We started talking about the joys of good tv. We were talking about what kind of movies we liked which for me included everything but slasher movies and any low budget films. Then we went on to talk about which actors were hot and I was all pro Johnny Depp and was glad to find out that both Jane and Rachel shared my interest. I mean any girl who loves him half as much as I do is worth being friends with. Sharlette thought he was hot too but she was all for Zac Efron which led to a big debate between her and Rachel. The argument was getting pretty monotonous when the tv went on and we saw a very hot very dreamy Edward in the very intriguing Twilight and we all settled into silent bliss.

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