Chapter 1

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 Hi everyone. This little gem here is the first YA book I ever wrote. I'm happy to finally share it with everyone so thank you for reading!
It's been years since I wrote this and although I've come a long way since then, I still love this story. I hope you love it too.


As I took out the last trash bag, I could only think of the next day to come, my seventeenth birthday. Most people would be planning a big party, inviting all their friends and just having loads of fun, I am not most people so that was clearly not on my list of things to do.

My foster mother had told me I would be going to a new school, a place where I could finally make friends, since she had to find a new job and the only one available was far into the city and it required a lot of time from her.

She said it was a new opportunity for me to start afresh, a new beginning. I didn’t see it that way, I was being sent away. To boarding school no less. It was for my own good that was what my foster mother kept telling me. She believed it was the best thing she could do for me, the only way to get me ready for this world.

That was why she saved up money all these years she never had use for it before. I could have said no, I should have. I hate the idea of school but I am all she has in this world and she is all I have. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint her.

So I went to my room to finish packing up my things, one tooth brush, one hair brush, few well worn clothing items, a pair of comfortable shoes my only good pair sadly, fifty bucks, a few other necessities and my necklace, I didn’t have make up not like I had much use for it, these were all I had to show for myself in this sad world. As I put the last item in my suitcase I mentally prepared myself for what tomorrow will bring. I had no idea what I was getting into or where I was going from there.

I climbed into bed, as the one light bulb flickered in the room I thought of all the people I was leaving behind, no one, I wasn’t even going to miss my foster mom, after all she was the one sending me away. I finally settled into my bed and leaned towards the switch, it was twelve midnight, the day that held great anxiety for me.

 “Happy birthday” I said to my miserable self then turned off the light. Darkness.

I hear a baby crying, a woman rushes over and carries the baby to a trap door hidden in a wall. ‘Don’t cry my child’ I hear the woman say. The baby suddenly falls silent as if it understands its mother’s words or can hear the urgency in her voice. I cannot get a good view of the woman, so I reach out to touch the woman then suddenly the doors of the room are burst open. ‘Where is the child?!’ someone is yelling. ‘You’ll never find her’ was the woman’s reply. The woman is, immediately, stabbed. Before she dies she looks at the face of the man who caused her such injustice and says ‘she will be your own destruction’. Then he leaves with so much anger in him. I finally walk over to the wall where the trap door is fixed then I open it and look at the baby. It has piercing eyes as blue as a sapphire. I am the baby.

“Wake up Lexis, wake up”. My foster mother was leaning over me, I could see the anxiety all over her face, I wondered why then I remembered what today was. “Wake up or you are going to be late”.

I checked the time it was well past day break. No worse, it was time for me to leave. I was going to Hathaway High, a boarding school with a special financial scholarship program. According to my step mother it was perfect for me seeing as we didn’t make enough money to put me in school and I qualified for a scholarship.

I guess it should have been a big deal to me, but the glam of the system must have escaped me. I had been in the orphanage system since I can remember, but then I escaped from the orphanage only to be caught three years later and be put back in the system.

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