Chapter 10

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Hello readers I'm back! So sorry for not posting in a while. I've had a rough few weeks being sick and all. But now I'm ready to keep publishing.

Beep beep beep... I woke up with a start to the sound of my alarm. Shoot it was already 8.30, I was going to be late for first period, Mrs. Sanders didn’t tolerate tardiness and her class on Sociology wasn’t my best so I couldn’t afford her singling me out. I rushed to the bath and quickly took a shower. I was done in record time. It was when I was hopping on one foot to get my shoe on, trying to organize my day in my head that I remembered I didn’t have a first period. She had informed us that she was going on a workshop and that on her return we were going to have a quiz on the topic for the week.

Ok since I was already up and ready anyway there was no point in staying back in the room till the next class, I decided going to get a quick breakfast wasn’t such a bad idea though I wasn’t much of a breakfast eater.
I walked into the cafeteria, picked a bowl of Frosties and some orange juice and headed to our usual table. Hmm my friends Rachel, Gary and Sharlette were all on the table, except for Mark thank goodness. Still as I got to the table something felt off.

Sharlette was giving me a disapproving look, Gary was looking at me like I just came from an accident and was limping, better than the look of disapproval…I think, and Rachel was avoiding my eyes all together.

Let’s see either I got in trouble for God knows what or, Rachel told on me! No no no don’t panic no time for that, I could be wrong. I mean there are plenty of reasons they could be looking at me like that. Maybe they found out about the whole having powers thing right, please let that be the case and not what I’m thinking of.

I tried willing myself to confront them on what was going on.

“I’m so sorry Lexis, I couldn’t hold it back”. Rachel blurted out.

My breath that I had no idea I was holding left me. Now they knew the truth, or some version of it. Though that wasn’t my main concern, I could cope with Sharlette’s lectures or even Gary’s pity, but what really bothered me was that if not only Rachel knew but also Sharlette and Gary, there was no way I could hide this little lie from Mark.

Speak of the devil. He just had to show up at that moment. Why couldn’t he just go back to where he came from and crawl under a rock, like I wanted to do right now.
He walked towards the table and I’m sure we looked ridiculous with the way he was staring at us with quiet amusement. Mortification is not a good color on me. He sat down.

“We heard what Lexis did to you,” Sharlette started, “about the breakup”.

“Oh you did?” he replied “What did she tell you”.

He was playing it cool, and he wasn’t breathing fire either! Be calm Lexis there are other ways he could make you pay.

“We know she abandoned you in your last school and when you came here she dumped you. That was too cruel”.

Could the ground just open up and swallow me already?

“So she told you all that? How she dumped me, even after I thought things were going so great?” What was he getting at? “It’s a shame though how things turned out, but I was hoping I could get a fresh start and hope she would accept me as a friend now if nothing else”.

That was too low, he was playing the victim! He was making me look bad in front of my friends. I would get him back if that was the last thing I did.
He had a plate in front of him and started picking at the food on his plate. I joined him. The others were just going back and forth looking between us. I was not going to back down and look guilty in front of my friends.

The bell! Thank God I never thought I could be so happy attending Mrs Drew’s class. Our stuffy Chemistry teacher whose only joy in life was making kids cry, though it was hard to tell if she was actually happy, with her permanent look of disdain.

After almost two hours of trying not to be noticed in class, it was finally over. I intercepted Mark again outside class so we could talk before the next class started.

“Sorry about all that. When Rachel was interrogating me last night that was the best story I could come up with”.

“Really, that was the best you could do? If I didn’t know any better I could have sworn you just wanted them to know I wasn’t available to them.” He was doing it again, getting on my nerves “Good thing I know better”. Then he smiled that his half smile that pissed me off whenever he did it.

“Look I’m not up for your games. What’s done is done there isn’t much to the story anyway so it would stick. Let’s get down to the reason you are really here”.

“You mean to claim you back as my girlfriend?” Punch him just punch him and walk away, maybe then he’ll get the message.

“I’m being serious here. I don’t want you hovering around me, I know you applied for the same classes as me. How you even did all this I have no idea. But under the circumstances I think it would be better if you didn’t hang around me so much. It would be uncomfortable for me. I need my space”.

“Sounds like you really dumped me”. I gave him a look that should freeze ice. “Okay, okay. I’ll see what I can do”.

“No, I want you to make it happen. I won’t have you hanging around me all the time”.

“I can’t leave you on your own. You don’t know how to fend for yourself,” he looked annoyed “this isn’t a game to me, you could die and it will be my fault for not keeping you safe”.

He may be right buy I was not going to bend on this. If looks could kill. “Train me”.

“What?!” he was astounded.

“You heard me right. Train me. I’ve seen you guys train on the field. I know they wouldn’t have sent you alone to watch over me if they didn’t think you were skilled enough. So all I’m asking is that you train me teach me some of the basics I’ll need to fend of attacks. Because like it or not you won’t be able to protect me all the time”.

I hoped I was getting through to him. He stood quiet for a while looking at me. Then he smiled a little.
“Ok newbie. 4 o’clock sharp second track field we start training. If you can cut it then I’ll loosen up the ropes. If not you won’t ever be rid of me. Don’t be late”.

Just like that he was gone. So I had to prove myself to him in about four hours. That shouldn’t be too hard. I hoped.
“You’re late newbie. Run five laps no stops and meet me here front and center.”

I guess he wasn’t going easy on me, but no problem I could handle it.
Punch, duck, return, duck… I was flat on my back for the seventh time in a row. Ok maybe I couldn’t handle it. This was proving to be tougher than I expected.

“We’re done”. He said abruptly.
“Wait hold on a sec, how can we be done already it’s been only an hour since we started”.

“We are done because I say we are done”.

This wasn’t fair he wasn’t going to keep training me. “I knew it. This was just some ploy to scare me off of training. You had no intention of teaching me what I needed to know. You wanted to test me and already knew I would fail. Well you should have just told me from the start that you weren’t going to cooperate with me”.

“Are you done Lexis. We are done for the day. Meet me here again tomorrow same time and this time don’t be late”. He strolled away, then he turned back “And Lexis, not bad for a newbie”.

Again I was left gaping at his retreating back. We weren’t done, I somehow had passed his test. Though I made up the whole test thing in my head, but still I passed! I was going to be great at this. I was so excited I did a cat wheel then a fist pump in the air. Hope no one witnessed that. Just you wait and see I was going to be great.
“The girl you teach her to fight now?” Emily asked.

“Yes”. Mark replied.

“You are her protector. Do you think she needs to learn to fight?”

“If the Seer says she is important then there would be those who will come after her. She needs to know how to defend herself when the time comes”.

“Just do not draw attention to the girl”.

“I know my duty”. He watched her land the cat wheel. She was going to be impossible to keep away from attention. He frowned.

Thanks to everyone that chose to come on this journey with me. I love my characters I love the lightness of the story. I hope you love them as much as I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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