Chapter 9

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“I’m here to protect you.” It was a short answer, a simple one but it made no sense.

“Protect me? From what, what’s going on?”

“Don’t forget you have powers. And you can’t deny that you do and further more your powers are unlike anything I’ve ever seen or even heard of before. And whatever it is you can really do there are others who know about it too. And they will come for you, I have a feeling they have already tried at least once. They don’t mean you good. I’m here to protect you from them at least until you figure out why they are so interested in you.”

As bizarre as it sounded I knew it had to be true. There was no way he could have made that all up and somehow, in a way I can’t begin to explain, I had felt it. I knew something was wrong, felt the danger. Oh sure I had ignored everything that wasn’t seen as normal, but the feeling always lingered. There was no way I could have pushed it back forever. I didn’t want to focus on that right now so I tried focusing on something else.

“If what you are saying is true, how did they find out about me? From what I can tell no one else saw what happened on that day you found us, you are the only one who had seen my powers in action.” I had all but accused him of selling me out, but I had to know. How else would anyone have found out about me?

He looked me squarely in the eyes. I couldn’t tell if what I had said had offended him in the least, he seemed like someone who gave everything away but right now, he had a very unreadable face. Almost cold.

“I made you a promise and I do not break my promises. I could never have told anyone about you.” I was still staring at him intently, I already knew he was telling the truth but I had to be sure… the silence was beginning to stretch so he gave me a smirk and crossed his heart. “Scout’s honor”.

I gave him a quick nod. I didn’t know what to make of his easily masked expressions. “Ok again, from the top, what exactly is going on and I need full details”.

It took him a while to explain everything to me and it took me longer to process what he told me. This could not be happening, but it was. Protection? Why I would need protection from anyone or thing, I don’t know. But that’s what he said he was here for. Emily had had a vision which involved me and somehow my life was in danger, but why? I wasn’t a threat to anyone so why was I getting mixed up in this crazy story?

Ok calm down, I told myself. I was pacing up and down the small space and Mark sat watching me turn crazy. I sat back down beside him and took deep breaths, I read somewhere once that it helped though it didn’t seem to be doing much for me now.

“Are you ok Lexis?” he was asking, “I know this is tough to swallow but this is real and you have to stay protected. We both know that there is something different about you…, special. The others don’t know anything for sure yet, but they are bound to find out soon. So you can’t run from whatever this is. Trust me, I wish I could assure you better or say anything else, but I can’t so you have to deal with it”.

“I understand”. I replied meekly.

“I will protect you, I promise”.

I could only nod in agreement. I wasn’t sure of anything except that my life would never be normal again.

He talked about everything possible to calm my nerves and after a while it was easy to talk to him, I could tell he really wanted to make sure I was alright. It made me laugh a little looking at him ramble on about nothing and suddenly I didn’t feel so displaced anymore. And he walked me back to my dorm though I don’t know if he was being a gentleman or my protector. Either way it was good to have his company, yes despite everything. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.

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