December 11th

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"Alright, everything is all set here." Piper said looking around. She turned the lights off and set the timer for the Christmas tree and everything else was in order.

"Alright let's head out." Harry said grabbing her bag.

"Wait a minute...wait just a fucking minute." He stopped suddenly. Piper, not expecting him to stop, ran into his back at his sudden movement.

"Ouch! What? And what did I tell you about cursing?" She asked.

"So we spent all that time, and money mind you, to put up two trees only to head to my home town for the next two weeks? What was the point?" Harry questioned.

"Tradition!" Piper said.

"Tradition? They're just going to sit there wilting away."

"You just don't want to admit you kind of enjoyed putting them up do you?" Piper questioned.

"Besides the point." Harry said.

"I knew it!" She said gleefully. "Besides, in my defense, heading to your house was not in the original plan." She pointed out.

"Yeah yeah." He sounded off heading out the door.

"Well I'd love to drive my car up there but this hunk of junk is frozen!" Harry grumbled giving a swift kick to one of the tires. "Knew I needed a new car."

"Oh no." Piper said hopping around to try retain some warmth.

"No worries, we can take the train up. I'll just have to tell mum it'll take a bit longer than expected." He sighed. His mother would never let hear the end of this.

"Thought mum said you were coming up?" Gemma asked.

"I am." Harry mumbled.

"Well where are you? You usually leave first thing in the morning."

"Car wouldn't start so I'm on the train."

"The train? You're not going to get here 'til way late!" She barked.

"It's all I've got, sorry." He said tiredly. There was a shuffle on the phone before a new voice came through the line,

"Uncle Harry?" Poppy, his 6 year old niece, questioned.

"My little flower. How are you sweetheart?" Harry cooed. Piper perked up from beside him, not used to such an affectionate tone from him.

"Are you coming up to see me?" She asked shyly.

"Of course I am. I'm on my way as we speak." He assured her.

"Really?" He chuckled at how excited she suddenly got. Oh the mood swings of a 6 year old.

"I promise. I probably won't see you today but I will be there when you wake up."

"Why won't I see you today?"

"Because I get in way past your bedtime."

"I can stay up, I'm a big girl." She said adamantly. Harry could hear Gemma laughing in the background.

"I know you are, but even big girls have a bedtime. I still have a bedtime." He said. He chuckled as Poppy gasped into the phone.

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