December 12th

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"Okay so everyone is already awake and downstairs." Harry said walking back into his bedroom. His neck and back hurt were killing him from having to sleep on the floor, but he'd never admit it.

"A family of early risers I see." She commented looking at the clock on his nightstand, 8:30 am.

"Yeah, I mean I'm usually the last to wake up." He nodded. "So you ready to head down to the firing squad?"He questioned. He stifled his laugh at her wide eyes before grabbing her hand and tugging her out of the room.

"You weren't serious about the whole firing squad thing were you?" She whispered as if they were all standing in the hallway.

"No, I was kidding. Don't worry, they're curious at most." He said shaking his head. "They're nice, I promise." He reassured her. They rounded the corner and Harry gently pulled Piper in front of him as they entered the kitchen.

"Good morning you guys." Anne smiled as she set a plate down in front of Robin.

"Mornin' mum." Harry said.

"Good morning." Piper said shyly. She was keenly aware of all eyes being on her and she was nervous.

"Piper, this is my daughter Gemma, her husband Michael and their adorable girls Poppy and Tabitha." Anne introduced everyone. "You met Robin last night."

"It's nice to meet you all." Piper smiled. Everyone said hello and fell into easy conversation as the duo sat down at the table.

After breakfast everyone took their plates to the sink and Harry, Piper, Gemma, and Poppy all gathered around the island in the kitchen.

"You're pretty." Poppy said bounding over to Piper. Piper smiled and kneeled down so they were eye to eye.

"Well thank you, that's quite a compliment coming from someone as beautiful as yourself." She said, smiling as Poppy shyly looked down.

"What do we say Poppy?" Gemma prompted her.

"Thank you." Poppy mumbled and Piper smiled at her. She watched as the little girl ran back and hid behind her mother.

" did you meet my knob of a brother?" Gemma asked looking between Harry and the small woman next to him.

"Hey!" Harry protested.

"I hit him with my hat." Piper shrugged.

"Oh that's too good." Gemma laughed. "What did he do to deserve it?" She asked.

"It wasn't on purpose." Piper shook her head. "I was walking down the street, a big gust of wind passed and my hat just flew off."

"Into my head." Harry added.

"Into his head." Piper confirmed.

"And why does everyone seem to think I did something to deserve it?" Harry asked.

"Who else thought so?" Gemma asked.


"You told Nick?" Piper asked. She wasn't upset about it, more surprised.

"Yes?" He responded in the form of a question. "Is that bad?"

"No, no." She said quickly. "Just didn't expect it that's all." Gemma watched the two of them closely and already had her suspicions about how close they actually were.

"Is there anything I can help you with Mrs...?" Piper asked stepping into the kitchen, leaving everyone else in the backyard, and seeing Anne washing dishes.

"Twist" Anne smiled at her. "But please, call me Anne." She said.

"Will do, Anne." Piper smiled. "So, anything I can help you with?" She asked again.

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