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"Mummy tell the story again!" Little Robin squealed happily. He loved when his mother told the this story.

"It's passed your bedtime mister." Piper said gently tickling his sides. She reveled in his boisterous laughter.

"Please please pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase?" He pleaded jumping around her on the couch.

"Tomorrow little man, I promise." She compromised. The last thing she needed cranky toddler awake past his bedtime.

"But I'm not even tired." Robin whined. Piper shook her head and scooped him up. "Look mummy, I'm an airplane!" He cried holding his arms and legs out .

"Ladies and gentlemen we've been cleared for takeoff." Piper said in her best pilot voice. She held her son high in the air making airplane noises as she moved him around the room.

"Higher mummy." Robin cried. Piper obliged and held him as high as she could. She flew him around the living room and into the dining room and kitchen. She stopped short upon seeing her husband standing at the bottom of the stairs with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Just one more story and I'll send him to bed, I promise." He said playfully mimicking her voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen we're going to need to make an unscheduled landing." She said, still in her pilot voice, as she lowered Robin.

"Aww daddy, don't be a buzzkill." He whined.

"Clearly you've been spending too much time with your mum today. Come on you little monster, it's time for bed with ya." He said hoisting his son on his hip. Robin scowled and huffed as he held onto his fathers neck, knowing his dad wouldn't let him stay up longer.

"Mummy." He whined.

"I'll be up soon to kiss you good night." She promised. She blew a kiss to his pouting face looking at her over his fathers shoulder. He looked like a carbon copy of her, except he got the same blonde hair his father had.

With their son being put to bed Piper took the chance to tidy up the downstairs. The leftover wrapping paper needed to be cleaned up and the bows needed to be put back in the box. Trying to wrap presents with a hyper 5 year old was an impossible task. Also trying to hide gifts from him, and his father at that, had proven exceptionally difficult this year, every nook and cranny had been searched. Piper constantly found herself having to move gifts around to keep from them from being discovered.

"Mummy!" She heard from upstairs. Thankfully most everything had been cleared away and any evidence of Santa had been done away with.

"What's up my love?" She asked coming in his room.

"Santa's not gonna forget to come is he?" Ah, his greatest fear.

"Of course not. He's got this house circled because someone has been such a good boy this year." She reassured him.

"I'm always a good boy." He said. Piper smiled and easily pictured those exact words coming from his father.

"Yes you are. My special little guy." She said gently tickling his tummy.

"Mummy! That tickles!" He giggled wiggling around on the bed. Piper smiled and began tucking him into bed.

"Goodnight my little love. Mummy loves you so much." Piper smiled as she leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

"I love you too mummy." Robin said sleepily. Clearly all the excitement from the day caught up to him as soon as he laid down.

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