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The following two days were boring. It was the same cycle of gym to class, class to soccer field and then back to the gym. My daily routine that was perfectly timed and arranged, now felt uneventful because I didn't get a glance of her in those two days.

"Wow, again?" Chen asked as he studied my test paper that had an 'A' marked on the top right. "I don't know if I should hate you or beg you to tutor me."

Sarang. I liked her name. It was simple, yet beautiful. A name that immediately brings a smile on your lips. But why I did I notice a hint of bitterness on her face as if she resented it?

"I don't even know if I'll pass this semester." Chen said as he looked at his own paper, fear glimmering in his eyes.

I had met her briefly, seen her face only a couple of times, yet those perfectly sculpted features seemed to haunt me everywhere I went. She was salty and sour and everything else I didn't like, but I still couldn't bring myself to dislike her.

"Are you even listening?" Chen asked as he waved his hand in front of my eyes, making me turn to look at him. "Why do you suddenly space out like this? It creeps me out sometimes."

"Nothing, I was wondering if we could ask everyone to meet up at the den tomorrow?" I suggested and Chen only gave me a confused look.

"We can try asking them if they're free, if you want." He said with furrowed eyebrows. "What's up? Are you hiding something from me?" Somehow, I already knew he would guess it. Chen is not really a sharp one, but I'm just that bad at lying or keeping secrets. We're pretty close and he's the first one that gets updated about stuff going on in my life. Besides, I didn't see the point in hiding this. It would surely be awkward, but eventually I'd have to tell everyone about it.

"Who?!" Chen spat out his coffee. I pushed a tissue paper to his side of the table and gave him the dirtiest glare I could manage.

"Why are you shouting?" I asked, looking around the coffee shop to make sure no one heard us.

"Why wouldn't I be shouting? You just said you found your anima. Why wouldn't you tell me about such an important thing?" He asked, clearly surprised. "Do the others know?"

"I only told Lay." I shrugged.

"Oh." Chen raised his eyebrows. "I see how it is, Kim Minseok. I now realize my worth as your best friend." He nodded dramatically.

"I'll just wait to tell everyone about it once they're free to meet at the den." I informed, taking a sip of my own drink.

I didn't have to wait, at all. The moment I reached home after my soccer practice, Yojeung asked me what time were we leaving for the Hellions' den. I was convinced that Chen texted each and every one and asked them to meet up at the den today.

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Inha asked as sat down on the patch of grass between Maeji and Lay. "I got curious the moment Chen texted me." She smiled.

"Hyung, I do trust you, but this better be important. I left my date hanging and rushed all the way here because this guy told me it was an emergency." Baekhyun said as he pointed towards Chen in annoyance.

"It's not even that big of a deal. Chen just hyped it way too much." I shook my head as I glanced at everyone before me. All of them are here, so it's just going to be increasingly awkward. It probably looks like I called them all the way here, just to brag about the fact that I've found my anima.

"Just spill it already." Chanyeol said impatiently.

I tried maintaining my composure and looking as calm as possible. "I just found my anima." I shrugged. "No biggie, right?"

It was silent for a while until Maeji chuckled, then quickly covered her mouth to muffle her laughter. "Sorry, but you don't have to be so nervous about it." She said and I realized that everyone else were now looking at me like I was a baby that just took his first steps.

"I- I'm not nervous!" I defended. I don't understand why I'm letting my guard down like this.

"When do you ever talk like a teenage girl, using words like 'biggie'?" Kai laughed.

"I didn't know it was possible for someone like you to get flustered and embarrassed like this." Inha said, her eyes filled with awe and adoration.

"Oppa, you're so cute!" This time, it was Yojeung that spoke up.

"I'm not cute! Can you guys stop-" I wasn't even allowed to finish my sentence because Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai and Chen started saying 'awww' in chorus. I want to ask myself why I ever chose to befriend these people.

"Aren't you going to introduce her to us though?" Haru asked as she gestured them to stop teasing and everyone went silent. They're doing this again, being all quiet when I'm going to talk.

"It's too early. She hasn't even started gaining her powers. I tried telling her about the basics of the ability world, but she ended up getting scared." I explained. "Plus, she doesn't seem like a people person. What if she doesn't get along with you guys? I can't let it end up like the day you all met Seolhyun."

"Observe how the usually calm and contained Xiumin, suddenly worries and panics today." Kai whispered to Sehun beside him.

"So, this is what hyung looks like when he is nervous." Sehun nodded. I ignored their remark and looked at the other, sane minded people among us for an answer.

"Do you seriously think that far?" Suho chuckled. I think I dug up my own grave because everyone here is either looking at me with teasing eyes or they're already chuckling at my behaviour. I don't know why I'm behaving this way either. I bet they're going to make fun of me for weeks together after this.

"It's okay, hyung. We don't have to rush anything. There's only one thing I'm worried about." Tao said. "Will she know how to handle herself when she acquires her powers?"

A week passed by just like that. I didn't hear from Sarang or anything about her. It made me curious about what Tao said during our meeting. I surely convinced everyone with the fact that I already gave her my contact information, so she'll know whom to approach in case something comes up, but I was worried myself. What if she doesn't trust me enough to approach me? What if she falls into some sort of trouble because of her suddenly developing abilities? I had even stopped visiting Beans n' Cream Café now.

I sat in the last row of our classroom, my Chemistry book open on the desk before me, tricking others into believing I was studying when in reality, I was lost in my own sea of thoughts. The clock ticked by as I patiently waited for the professor to arrive. Students slowly flocked the previously empty classroom, occupying the seats around me. It was getting nosier by the minute.

"Kim Minseok!" I heard a familiar high pitched screech from the classroom entrance, breaking my chain of thoughts. I looked up, revealing the girl in her red and black school uniform, charcoal black hair and cat-like eyes. Sarang stood by the door, fuming in anger. Standing up, I stared back innocently wondering what I had done to make her this angry. Besides, what was she doing here in our university?

She took long, quick steps in my direction before grabbing my collar threateningly. "What have you done to me?!" Sarang yelled, visibly white fog dispersing in front of her mouth as she spoke. I should've guessed it was a typical winter thing, but her pale lips and unusually pale skin told me otherwise. I could feel her fingers trembling as they made brief contact with my shoulder. She was shivering as if she couldn't withstand the cold anymore.

I wrapped my fingers around her wrist and gently freed my collar from her grip. Her hand was cold to the touch. She let it go and looked at me with furious eyes that actually served as a mask to the fear enveloping her senses. I could tell that she wasn't thinking straight. At that moment, the idea of my classmates watching us didn't cross my mind. I only cared about her and what bothered her this much.

She looked exhausted as if she had trouble keeping her eyes open. I noticed the faint evidence of tears under her once angry eyes. She looked like she had been crying. Eventually, her eyes fell shut and I was quick enough to wrap an arm around her waist, preventing her from hitting the ground as she collapsed in front of me.


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