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What, in an ordinary person's opinion, would be the worst part of their day? Our daily schedules vary according to each day of the week, but there's one thing that's constant; a routine we cannot afford to change.

Getting out of bed.

Perhaps, one of the most difficult and heart breaking tasks of my day is leaving the comfort of my bed, the warmth of my blanket and the soft, fluffy surface of the mattress to get ready and tackle a day like any other. I'd remain wrapped in a warm blanket while the spine chilling weather outside my window would destroy whatever little part of me wanted to get out of bed and get ready for school. I'd regret reading the time when my excruciatingly bright phone screen would scream into my eyes, 7:00 am.

'Two minutes more', my subconscious would plead.

That was what it felt like, sitting against the wall and being held by Xiumin in silence. I didn't even realize when my hands raised up to his shoulders, clutching his shirt into fists. The thunder was long gone, the pattering of rain against the window was slowly dissipating, but none of us wanted to move away. It was surprising how nobody had even come to call us for dinner yet.

I had learned something new about Xiumin; he was persuasive. He knew exactly what strings to pull in order to make things go his way. It sort of reminded me of Jun. He was good at manipulating, convincing and to an extent confusing people too.

We heard a soft knock on the door, breaking my chain of thoughts. Xiumin jumped a little, then turned to look in the direction of the closed door.

"Oppa?" Another wave of guilt washed over me as I heard her voice, carefully calling out to him, worried that she might be intruding. "Can I come inside?" Yojeung asked. I was having an internal debate on whether I should move away or just stay like this. It would be unfair on her part and low on my part if I mistook his act of kindness in a wrong way.

"Do you want to go?" Xiumin asked as he slightly pulled away to look at me. "I can tell her we'll be late."

Two minutes more, I wanted to say, but I shook my head and loosened my hold on him. It was still dark and I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was disappointed. There was something about his body language. The way his hands dropped to the sides, the way his fingers untangled themselves from my hair or the way he shifted an inch away. He clearly didn't want to, but it was an undeniable fact that this guy listened to the voice in his head, more than the one in his heart.

I heard him inhale deeply as if he was composing himself. "The door is stuck. Can you push it from the outside?" He asked, his voice back to its normal tone.

"Get away from the door." Yojeung warned before we heard a loud thud from the old wooden door. It took her a couple of attempts, but she finally managed to push it open. "You should've called us earlier if you were stuck inside." She said as she pointed the flashlight in our direction. I used my hand to block the painfully bright light from my vision.

"You couldn't hear me when I called and the reception in this place is pretty bad, so we couldn't give you a phone call either." I explained.

We headed downstairs with Yojeung guiding us through the dim passage. The Hellions were already in the living room, talking and being their usual fun selves as they ate the dinner Maeji and gang prepared for all of them. Everyone went quiet when we arrived, all eyes turned in our direction, looking at us like we were their prey. Like, they were a bunch of Hyenas and we were an injured, defenseless lion.

"Why are you looking at us like that?" Xiumin asked as Yojeung made her way towards the empty seat beside Suho. There were only four chairs around the dining table, so the rest of them had resorted to sitting on the couch and floor with Sehun and Gwen sitting on the chair across Yojeung and Suho.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #5] VerglasWhere stories live. Discover now