Twenty Seven

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(This chapter is from our baby Lay's perspective please don't be confused)


My eyes shot open when water splashed against my face. I winced at how cold it was and now my shirt was all soaked too. When I could finally make sense of my surroundings, I realized that I wasn't in my bed, at home. I was tied to a chair and my mouth was taped. I tried moving a little to be able to get a better look at the room, but the chair was too stable.

"Stay put. If you fall off that chair, you'll break something in your body." I heard a male voice from behind the chair. I tried saying something, but my voice came out muffled. Is that a stalker? A paid killer? I don't think I've done anything to make someone want to kill me, then why? Did he kidnap me by mistake? If he removed the tape from my mouth, at least, I'd be able to explain something to him.

Around an hour later, he came around and I saw his face. It was Jun, Sarang's friend that I was so sure was a nut case. I had warned her and she didn't listen to me. He had a knife stained in red in his hand as he removed the tape from my mouth. "I'm so bored." Jun yawned and stretched while I did some jaw exercises to reduce the numb feeling in my lower jaw.

"Can I have some water?" I asked him and Jun immediately nodded like people do with guests in their home. Within seconds he was back with a glass of water that he brought near my mouth and I gulped it down.

"I was afraid you'd scream or something. We have neighbours, so I didn't want to take the risk. You didn't mind that I kidnapped you, right?" He asked as he went to the table and placed the knife beside the watermelon he was cutting. "Nothing personal man, I just don't want Sarang taken away from me."

I shook my head at him. "Its all cool, just don't tape my mouth again. You pulled it off too harshly and it kind of hurt." I replied. Jun probably needed therapy, but from what little Sarang told me about him, he didn't get violent unless provoked.

"I'll keep you here until our work with your friends is done. I'm a nice guy as long as you listen to me." Jun said and I just tilted my head and looked at him in confusion.

"I wish you'd explain it better. What do you really want? Why kidnap me instead of Sarang?" I asked him. I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear about his plans.

"I hired private investigators, did some of my own research and found out. I didn't understand it properly, but you all have some sort of superpowers, right? You seemed like the most harmless one, so I thought it would be easier to kidnap you and get them to do what I want." Jun looked confused, as if he too wasn't sure why he was doing all this.

"I looked easy to kidnap? That's kind of offensive." I joked. My abilities aren't suited for combat and that encourages people to make me their first target. It can get annoying sometimes, but I get to learn new things and meet new people a lot of times. "You can't keep me with you forever, right? At some point Sarang will use her abilities on you, the Hellions will come for you, then I don't understand what you're trying to achieve through this."

"Aren't you hungry? I ordered Soba noodles for you as an apology for involving you into something like this." Jun quickly headed over to the table and brought a box of noodles with my favourite sauce from my favourite restaurant.

"You're kind of creepy, but I'm not complaining because I love their noodles." I separated the chopsticks and dug in. "Hey, can we heat this up? I like it better if its warm." Jun nodded in response and took the noodles to the microwave. The only sound in the room was that of the microwave. "So, do you have a plan or you're just going to go with the flow?" I attempted to make conversation with him who silently resumed cutting the watermelon.

"I have a rough idea." Jun replied. I didn't know if that's how he usually spoke or he was too afraid of giving away information. Anyway, he wasn't starving or torturing me and I was glad about that.

I remember being tortured by some people from another gang back when we were in High School. The thing is, people are so fascinated by the fact that my wounds heal immediately, that they keep on injuring me repeatedly. That stuff really hurts and if I stop healing myself to make them stop, it encourages them even more because now they want to find out how long I'll be able to withstand pain.

I quietly ate my noodles while Jun cut up more fruit and served it to the guards outside. He was so confusing and so difficult to understand. "I don't mean to offend you, but even if you manage to make Sarang listen to you, do you really think she'll be the same as before?" I asked him.

"I'll try my best to make her understand about every lie you all told her. I don't have another option." He shrugged. "She has known me for longer and I'm the only person that really understood her. Sarang would trust me over any of them."

I remember Sarang telling me about how Jun also faced family issues similar to hers and that's why they got really close during High School. It made me sad to hear that. I felt really grateful for having such loving and supportive parents. Sometimes, when they didn't understand me, then my friends did and I realised I had more than one place to go to. "What if someone other than you also understands Sarang?" I asked him.

"It doesn't matter. She doesn't need them when she has me." Jun's voice was cold. "What do they even know about her?" I could see the anger creeping in. His body language, the tone of his voice, his words, they were all becoming aggressive. "Her favourite colour, her choice in games, clothes, food, I know all of it better than that Xiumin guy. We used to celebrate her birthdays with my mom because her parents always forgot about them, she spent most of her summers playing and dancing with me, I was her first best friend, her first kiss, her first love, the first person she really considered family. Why in the world would she choose anyone else over me?" He added.

"What if she already chose them over you a long time ago?" I had phrased my question so carefully, but still ended up getting punched by Jun. It wasn't too bad and it immediately healed anyway.

"She can't do that." Jun said before touching the side of my lip that just healed from the bruise. "Can you do it again?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Please, no. It seriously hurts, unless you want me to do it on you. Then, I'll do it again."

"You can heal other people too? Damn, can I come to you if I'm hurt sometime?" Jun was really normal sometimes, but that's what probably scared people the most. His normal behaviour also made him very unpredictable.

"You can." I replied. "You know Kai might find this place in minutes." I said and Jun offered some fruits to me which I politely declined.

"I know, but I narrowed it down and realized that he can only reach a place if he knows where it is. Plus, this area is filled with magnetic rocks. Even a compass can go wrong here and you can easily get lost if you're not familiar with the route. So even if your Kai finds out we're here, it'll take him a really long time to locate us." Jun explained.

"Nice planning. I'll give you that." I nodded. "But what after that? What are you going to do with me?" I asked.

"You'll see. Like I said, its nothing personal. I just want to remove this problem from its root so that Sarang will never ever think of going away from me."

[Hellion Brothers: Book #5] VerglasWhere stories live. Discover now