Twenty Eight

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"That's cheating-" Sehun said distractedly and pushed Chen's hand away. "Hyung, stop fucking around, why-" He pushed him away and Chen kept interrupting his game while laughing. Sehun and Kai had challenged each other to a game of Modern Combat and somehow, Chen believed this was the right time for him to settle some past business with Sehun. Chen was trying his best to make sure Sehun didn't win.

"Has anyone seen Lay? He hasn't responded to my messages since yesterday night." Xiumin said as he rechecked his phone. "He always replies."

"Maybe he forgot? Or he's busy?" I suggested. "Call him." He nodded and left Kai's living room to go to the bathroom while I stayed on the floor and scrolled through Instagram. This is what they all did when they were off training and didn't have any college work. It was just Kai, Chen and Sehun near the PlayStation, D.O taking a nap on the couch, Xiumin in the other room and I was sitting on the floor with nothing else to do. Things were different, they were more peaceful now and I liked it this way.

Xiumin's phone rang and I was surprised when I saw the caller ID. It was Lay. "Chen," I called out and he turned around to look at me. "Xiumin wasn't able to reach Lay earlier, but now," I showed him the caller ID.

"Why don't you pick up?" He let out a confused laugh. I nodded and swiped the green icon.


"Sarang?" There was a pause. "I missed you so much." I immediately recognized the voice and it surely didn't belong to Lay.

"Jun? Why are you calling from Lay's phone? Is he okay? Where are you both right now?" I asked him so many questions, causing everyone in the room to stop whatever they were doing and pay attention to me. The name 'Jun' always raised all signals for alertness in their minds.

"Is Xiumin around?" Jun asked and I was worried more than confused.

"Jun, what are you not telling me? Did something happen to Lay?" I asked and Sehun's eyes widened.

"What happened to Lay hyung?"

"Can I speak to him?" Kai whispered and I shook my head because I wanted to know what happened too. When I realised that they were all as worried as I was, I put the phone on loudspeaker.

"Tell us what's wrong." I said and I heard Jun sigh in response.

"What's going on?" Xiumin asked as he entered the room with his fingers in his hair, fixing them.

"Jun called you from Lay's phone and he said he wants to talk to you." I said and despite how curious I was, I gave the phone to him. He put the phone back on ear piece and I had no idea what Jun was telling him, but it clearly didn't make Xiumin happy. Suddenly, the call disconnected and Xiumin looked angry for some reason.

"Did something happen to Lay hyung?" Sehun asked.

"Uh," Xiumin looked at me and then back to Sehun. "Jun said that Lay is with him and he wants us to do what he says or he'll hurt him." He explained.

"What kind of a joke is that?" I forced a laugh.

"I'm going to set up the computer right now." Kai ran upstairs into his room and brought back a laptop, some wires and other stuff I didn't recognise. He set everything on the table in front of the couch and typed away. "Lay's phone number, right? I'm going to track it right now." He said.

"I'll go call Tao so we can call everyone else if we need more help." Sehun added.

"Aren't you all over reacting? Jun is probably pranking us or its some kind of a dumb joke." I said, but no one was paying attention.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #5] VerglasWhere stories live. Discover now