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The fine grains of white sand under my foot, slightly irritated my skin. I looked down and realized, I was missing one shoe. The situation is really familiar and I know this has happened before, but I can't remember what comes next.

Suddenly, I heard a snarl behind me. The leopard. Shit. I ran as fast as I could, but obviously, the wild animal was faster and seemed to be catching up. Again, I tripped on my own foot and fell against the lump of white sand.

I heard laughter from a distance. It wasn't the boisterous, evil kind of laugh, but a soft, boyish laugh as if someone was laughing at the sight of me falling down. I looked up and there was a boy that walked towards the leopard behind me, facing his back in my direction. I couldn't see his face, but his appearance reminded me of Jun.

Dark brown hair, light skinned, not very tall, yet intimidating in his own way. He knelt down in front of the leopard and softly pet it's head.

"Are you crazy? Get away from it!" I yelled, making him turn to look at me in surprise. His face was blurry and I couldn't guess who he was, even though I felt a sense of familiarity.

"Don't you remember me?" He asked, but when I didn't reply, he let out a deep sigh. "What a bad memory." He muttered under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

I suddenly remembered the lemon pastries on the table. I turned to look at the table in the middle of the desert, but that guy was already seated on the chair against it. What's worse is that the lemon pastries were gone! The boy looked up at me and held my ID card.

"Sarang." He read out. "How many times should I tell you? Not vanilla ice cream, I need one tall Americano." He complained.


I finished my morning routine and grabbed a thick jacket before leaving for school. What was that strange dream? It was so different from the ones I get everyday. It's always Jun in my dreams, but this time, it was someone else. Someone who pretended to know me personally and even had the courage to laugh at me when I fell down, instead of helping me up.

The weather was unbearably cold the following days. It had reached to the point where I started getting frost bites and shivering when the people around me seemed okay. Even with a thick blanket draped around my body like an Egyptian mummy, sleep still wouldn't claim my body at night.

"Thank you for your notes, Sarang." A transfer student from our class, whose name I don't remember, smiled as he handed my book back to me.

"No problem, just remember to treat me ice cream if the answers are all right." I grinned. Of course they'd be right. I copy all my notes from the class president, Young Mi.

"Okay." He chuckled as he nodded and waved his hand for a good bye. I heard a crackling sound as I held the notebook, but ignored it as I walked back towards my locker. Another crackle as I fished my pockets for the keys. I opened my locker to dump the book inside until I noticed... the notebook was covered with a thick layer of ice. Did that idiot drop my notebook into a pile of snow? I'll make him rewrite this if any of the pages get destroyed. The ice was strong, similar to an ice cube just taken out of the freezer. My gaze shifted towards my locker keys that were also covered in hardened ice.

I must be hallucinating.

I picked out another book from my locker and nothing happened. I sighed in relief. This isn't the first time this has happened. Yesterday night, while cleaning the used dishes, I saw a thin layer of ice coat the spoon I was washing.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #5] VerglasWhere stories live. Discover now