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"Hey, Sarang." I heard Yojeung say as I stormed into their living room. Mrs. Kim wasn't around so I could throw a tantrum if I wanted. "Do you want some popcorn?" She offered, her eyes glued to the TV in front of her.

I went up to her and shoved some popcorn into my mouth. "I hate him." I complained. "Xiumin didn't meet me for two whole weeks. He said he has exams and doesn't want to be distracted. What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Oppa can be really trash sometimes. Don't forgive him for this." Yojeung said distractedly and offered me some more popcorn.

"Would you forgive Suho if he did something like this to you?" I asked her.

"Never." Yojeung replied. "Oppa is upstairs in his room. Go, fight." She pointed.

I stood up from the couch and headed straight towards Xiumin's room. I let out a sarcastic laugh when I saw him sleeping peacefully with the AC on full blast. "Is he playing with me right now?" I mumbled. "Xiumin, why have you made this room into Antarctica?" I asked him, but he looked too deep asleep to respond. I shook him, but he turned over, whined against the pillow and went back to sleep. "Xiumin, wake up! You didn't meet me for two whole weeks. That's very rude." I added. When there was still no response, I let out a deep sigh. "I'm just going to leave then." I turned around, but suddenly felt a warm hand hold my wrist and then pull.

I landed on the bed on top of Xiumin and he just wrapped his arms around me and fully pulled me in. "Sleep." He mumbled and pulled the blanket over both of us. It was really warm inside the blanket, plus one of Xiumin's arms was under my head and the other around my waist.

It was still early in the evening and I could see his face clearly inside the blanket. He had really beautiful eyes and unfairly long eye lashes. I traced a finger over his lips. "Were you ignoring me?" I asked.

"I haven't slept in days, Sarang." Xiumin replied, his voice still sleepy. He didn't have any dark circles, but he looked a little tired. "I wanted to get good marks. When I'm around you, I can't study. I just want to talk to you and spend time with you. This exam was really important." He explained and then pulled me closer to him. His face was buried in my neck and when he spoke, his breaths made me clutch on to his shirt. "I'd never ignore you, baby."

"Xiumin, y- you're too close." I said, but his hold didn't even loosen.

He went up towards my ear and whispered, "But you like it, don't you?" I closed my eyes really tight and grabbed on to his arm. Then, I heard his soft chuckles. "You're so cute, Sarang." He slowly pulled away.

"I'm really going." I attempted to get out of his blanket.

"Okay, I'm sorry. We'll go out to get ice cream after my nap. Is that okay?" Xiumin asked.

"Just a few hours." I warned.

"Just a few hours." Xiumin replied and tugged me back into the blanket with him. I loved taking naps like this with Xiumin, but he rarely ever let us sleep in the same bed. He said something about being responsible and mature, but I don't understand what's so wrong with doing what other couples do. There are also times when he says I'm too young and I shouldn't be reckless all the time, but I don't pay attention to these little things.

I love when Xiumin lets me wear his shirts and jackets. He also comes to my apartment and cooks for me more often, teaches me Economics for my entrance tests and also teaches me how to work on my abilities. He acts like an actual teacher and scolds me while training me as if he isn't my boyfriend temporarily. But I love all of it. I can't get enough of him.

I wasn't sleepy, but being wrapped up in Xiumin's arms gave me some sort of reassurance. It reminded me of the days two months ago, right after we had rescued Lay and sent off Jun for treatment. I couldn't sleep without Xiumin beside me. I had so many nightmares after that about losing Xiumin in different ways, being hated by him, or watching him get hurt but he was right beside me to kiss me and tell me he was here and okay. The nightmares lasted for a week and then slowly faded away.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #5] VerglasWhere stories live. Discover now