chapter twelve

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"My mom's book club usually has more wine." Lydia states, as they, (Lily, Lydia, Scott, Stiles, Malia, Stiles, and Theo), stand around a coffee table with six photoed copied books called "Dread Doctors" with one hard book copy. 

"Well, they probably also didn't read books that caused violent hallucinations." Stiles told Lydia, glancing over at her. They were at Scott's house, in the living room. 

"That's why Malia's here." Scott said, standing beside Stiles stand around the coffee table looking over at Malia, Malia looks back at Scott with a small smile. 

"So none of us go running into traffic?" Kira asked standing next to Lily who was standing on Scott's other side and Scott nodded. 

"Or worse." Lily spoke. 

"Like what happened to Judy," everyone looks up and looks at Malia. "Chapter 14." 

"Maybe I should have my mother read it. She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone." Lydia had said after she picked up the hard copy. 

"Yeah, if it works." Stiles said, looking at Lydia. 

"It has to." Lydia said. 

"What does that mean?" Lily asked. 

"I think I saw them during my surgery," Lydia confessed. "When I look at the cover of the book. . . it's almost like. . ."

"A memory trying to surface." Theo finished. 

Everyone turns to Theo and Lydia looks up from the book starring at Theo. "Yeah." Lydia said. 

"Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it?" turns out, the real author was some guy named Valack in the Eichen House that wrote it. He'd seen it all, experienced it, and so he wrote about it. The Eichen House is where all the nut jobs go to, in Beacon Hills. 

Lydia nods. "If they did something to me, I want to know what it is." Lydia explained, as she went to go and sit on the couch and started to read the book. Stiles picked up a copy, then Lily, then Scott, the Kira, then Theo. 

Lily sat on the ground, leaning on the couch. 

Her chest rose and fell again and again as she sucked air into her lungs. As the adrenaline began to wear off, Judy felt her eyes sting with tears. She looked away from the twisted remains of a creature that was once her friend escaped her lips
With a labored step, Judy turned towards the door at the end of the walkway. Blood pounded in her ears very step of the way, like the drowning of a great cloud of bees

Lily was now on the couch, next to Scott reading chapter 14. Kira was next to Scott tiredness taking over her, Theo remarkably well and wide awake. 

"Anyone feeling anything yet?" Scott asked. 

"Tired." Kira responded, flipping a page of her book. 

"Hungry," Lydia said looking down at her hard copy. 

"I think he meant the book." Theo pointed to the book. It was dark now, which made things worse. Malia and Stiles were making coffee, Lily was almost asleep now. 

Scott looked down at his beta and sighed as Lily relaxes on the couch. "Lily, you should go up to my room." Scott muttered. 

"No, no." Lily shooed it off. 

"You have a big day tomorrow," Scott told her. Kira gave up beside Scott, she rested her head on the couch. "You're not giving up, are you?" Scott asked her. 

"Just resting my eyes." Kira told him, then she turned off the lap and after everyone had finished it, everyone passed out. Well, that wasn't for Theo. 


"Someone! Someone, get the nurse!" Lily heard Ms. Finch yell, Lily's eyes widen and run towards Scott's AP Biology glass. 

"Lily!" Scott gasps, Lily looked at Scott, he was having asthma attacked- he used to get them all the time, but when he got bitten he didn't need to use it. So he never carried it around him anymore. 

"Scott, you need to breathe." Ms. Finich instructs. 

"No, he needs his inhaler." Lily snapped at the teacher, not meaning to. The teacher was taken back. "I'll be back." Lily turned around, there was a crowd now. "Everybody move it or beat it!" Lily yelled, they make a pathway and she sprinted to her locker. Lily always puts an inhaler in her locker, for Scott. She was always prepared for him whenever he needed it. 

There was Liam standing by her locker, and he smiled at her. When she reached to her locker, she didn't acknowledge him, feeling bad as she opened her locker then takes the inhaler and slams the door and runs back to the AP Biology class. 

"Lily!" Liam called after her, but she was around the corner and at Scott's AP Biology class. 

"I've got it! I've got the inhaler!" Lily called as she runs into the classroom, watching the standbys. Liam ran in after them. Ms. Finich moved out the way. "Scott." Lily whispered as she placed the inhaler in his hand. "Scott, come on." he was leaning against the desk at the front of the class on the ground. Lily then faced him closely and flashed her golden eyes quickly at him. "Scott." that seemed to get to him, he looked down at his inhaler. He lifts it up slowly, shakes it quickly then puts it in his mouth, inhaling it and he was breathing normally again. 

"Thanks." Scott said looking at Lily. 

"I'd do anything to safe your life." Lily whispered. "Becuase you saved mine." 


So I quickly did this and I'm so sorry, it is so bad. I can't, anyway, love you all! Bye! 

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