chapter twenty-four

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"Corey's not texting me back." Mason said, in the hallways looking down at his phone. 

"Because he left with Theo." Lily stated, looking around. 

"Are you sure?" Mason asked walking over to Lily and Liam. 

"He was here." Liam confirmed. 

"Well then, we should do something, right?" Mason asked the two Betas. "We should tell someone." A moment of silence. "Lily, Liam. You have to tell him." 

"You think he'll even talk to me?" Liam asked.  

"You're his beta." Mason said. "Doesn't he have to?"

 "Where would I even start?" Liam asked. ""Sorry for trying to kill you?" "Sorry for leaving you for the dead so that Theo could kill you?"" 

"If, if you start off with sorry, the rest won't even matter." Lily spoke. "And trust me, I've known him for a long time, he's like my brother. . . and, I've done mistakes that I could never forgive myself doing to him, and I say "sorry," to him, always. And look where we are now, Liam." 

Liam pounds on the animal clinic's backdoor entry, waiting for Scott to open up. Liam had finally decided that he'd face Scott, tell him he was sorry like Lily had said to do. "Scott! I need to talk to you!" Liam was close by the garage door, while Lily stands ten seconds away, ready to give them some space. He knocks on the door once again. "Scott?" he calls after a few seconds. 

They then hear the sound of a car pulling up beside them, they both turn around, looking at the familiar car. It was Hayden's. Hayden had jumped out of the car and closes the door, turning to the two. 

"What are you doing here?" Lily asked, coldly, stepping closer to Liam. 

"Looking for you two," Hayden replied softly. 

"Is that okay with Theo?" Liam fires, shrugging. 

"Probably not." 

"Why are you here?" Lily questioned, Hayden, didn't want them to be friends with her, what else could she possibly want? 
"Becuase you guys are." Hayden simply said. Lily felt herself lean against Liam, sighing. The couple steps forward to Hayden, approaching her. "Did you really almost kill Scott just to save me?" 

"It was a supermoon, but. . . yeah, I guess I did." Liam spoke. "I would've done it for any of you."

"That's really screwed up, Liam." Hayden tried to joke. "He's one of your best friends."

"Yeah, now you're with Theo who told me to kill him." Liam spoke softly. 

Hayden sighed, crossing her arms then shoots glances at Lily and Liam. "Something's different now. I don't know why, but ever since coming back, nothing feels the same. Nothing feels right." 

"Nothing?" Lily asked, hoping she'd realize that they all want to be friends again. 

"Except for you guys." Hayden softly said. "You guys are the only thing that feels the same." Hayden said, placing a hand on Lily's shoulder. "The only thing that feels right." Hayden drops her hand from Lily's shoulder. "I guess I just want you guys to know how you feel about me." 

The couple stays in silence, making Hayden nervous. She wanted nothing more to be just best friends with these guys, she wanted some real friends. Hayden turns, but Lily grabs her wrist, pulling her back into a hug. Hayden gladly returns the hug, Lily felt another pair of arms around them, it was Liam's. "Hayden," Lily spoke for the first time in a while. "We want to be friends with you, again." 

"Perfect." Hayden breaths, so much weight lifted off her shoulders. 


Wow, this was really, raelly hard to create this chapter. I felt a few tears, but they didn't shred. ONE MORE WEEK TILL CHRISTMAS! WOOOOOOOOO! Are you guys excited?! 

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