chapter one

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"What?" Lily asked, looking down at her boyfriend. They were on a date, about their 100th date over the past few years, it was stormy at night, and Liam's new car broke down, once again. They were in the middle of the road, just Liam and Lily, and Liam's car. Broken down car. Lightening clashes along with the thunder.

Liam looks up at his girlfriend, he grew out his hair, making it all flopping a cute. Lily requested for him to do that, and so he did. "Nothin'." Liam lied, Lily bends down to Liam's level which was ground level.

"We should've taken my car. Like I said." Lily told him softly, "several times."

"It's a new car." Liam whined while defended.

They stand up, standing in front of the new car Liam had brought. "It was new to someone, about twenty years ago." Lily told him as he walked to the back of the car. "Hey, remember when you said we could have sex in your car when you buy one? We should try it one time."

Liam laughs, remembering that moment. Then he mocks a laugh, before smiling and walked to the back of the car, then walks to the right side so he could see Lily. "There's no jack." Liam announced, looking guilty.

Lily then lifts up the front of the car, grinning to herself. "Grab the spare." Lily told him, holding up the front of the car with her bare hands. Liam laughs, walking back to the boot then comes back with yet another guilty look. "No spare?" Lily guessed, then drops the car.

They were going to be here for a while, weren't they?

"No spare." Liam shakes his head. "I know, worst date ever." Liam walks towards his girlfriend so that he could be closer to her. They were in the middle of the road, going to a midnight date, Lily was all excited for that and he knew that.

"We've had worst." Lily corrected. "Remember the double date?"

"What about New Year's?" Liam asked, making Lily snort and roll her eyes.

"Christmas with your parents." Lily listed. They were really the worst at dates.

"That time Stiles..."

"Please, don't say it. It's embarrassing enough saying his name." Lily scoffed.

"By the way, what is his real name?" Liam asked, walking closer to her so there was no gap between them.

"Truth be told I'm not allowed to repeat his name. Sti made me pinky promise, I don't break pinky promises. You know that." Lily whispers.

"Actually, this was the best date yet." Liam told her, she frowned.

"No, there was that time where we were on the Ferris wheel, and we kissed at the very top. I loved that date, we need to do it again." Lily said.

"We had lot's of time on that Ferris wheel because the Ferris wheel had broken down." Liam told her.

"Still." Lily mumbled, rolling her eyes. "Well, Liam Dunbar. Promise me, you won't ever forget me." Lily said, looking up into his eyes while he looked down as she holds out her pinky.

"If you don't forget about me." Liam lowly said in her ear, they then sealed it with a kiss, Lily has loved every single one of them kisses.

Lily cocks her head, there were northern lights up in the sky, which caught Lily's attention as she pried away from her boyfriend's lips. "It must be the northern lights." Lily commented as the couple looks up. Lily then hears the sound of wheels move along the gravel road, she turns her head and sees the headlights of an old car rolling towards them. "Hmm. Maybe they've got a spare."

Lily walks away from Liam moving a couple of steps away, waving her hand in the air and Liam follows. Staying closely next to her. Liam, not liking the situation places a hand on Lily's back, Lily feels the hand on her back and she looks at Liam. They move aside to Liam's car, as Liam's hand was now in front of Lily's body, protecting her from anything and anyone.

The car kept rolling and managed to stop as it hits the fence that was there. Its headlights were on, and the engine was still running. Lily and Liam stalk over to the car, which was about ten steps away from them.

They got to the abandoned car safely, Liam looking through the driver's window. It looked like there was no one in it. The front glass was shattered, Liam noticed. Liam looks over at Lily, them having a silent conversation with each other, then Liam looks over at the driver's door.

Liam opened the door, Lily stepping forward some more, then stopped walking. That's when Liam noticed something, the other door on the other side the passenger's door was gone. It was completely ripped off.

Liam stopped the engine, by turning off the car with the keys. Liam noticed something in the rearview mirror, his eyes widen. "What? Hey!" Liam called as a kid jumps out of the car, Lily jumping backward in surprise.

She then grabs him by the arms gently, looking at the frightened kid who was shaking. "Don't let them take me!" the kid pleaded, holding on to Lily's arms as Liam stands next to Lily. The kid then looks off into the distance. "Don't let them take me too."

The couple turns their heads around, looking off into the trees. But there was nothing there.


So, there is season six chapter one! Aren't you all excited about what's going to happen next?! I am so ready to write this season, sorry the last season took so long to write, I have been really busy with moving schools and dealing with my shitty friend group! On that note, I'm gonna go and let you guys read other books or do whatever you like doing. Bye babes! (: 

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