chapter three

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Liam and Lily walk out of the library with Lydia and Stiles. The quad was outside, walking towards their cars. Stiles and Lydia were trying to figure out why there were men with horses and trying to kill them, Lily wanted to join also on their little investigation. Liam? Well, he hasn't left Lily's side since she was nearly killed.

"I keep feeling like it's familiar, you know?" Stiles asked aloud, but really he did mean to ask Lydia. Lydia and Stiles were in the front, while Lily and Liam were at the back, holding hands and whispering sweet things to each other, giggling and all that couply stuff. With irradiated Stiles. "Like I've heard it before." Stiles continued,

"Pensée civage?" Lydia spoke in her best French accent. "That's French. For, a lingering thought you can't reach."

"Okay, well, is there a French word for, feeling and an overwhelming sense of urgency and impending doom?" Stiles asked, flipping through the book they borrowed.

"Féminine un fille phantom?" Lily immediately spoke up, ease dropping on their conversation. "It's French for Banshee." Liam looks down at her in surprise, he didn't know that she could French so fluently.

"Okay, what, what does your Banshee intuition say this is?" Stiles asked either of the two, as they stopped and made a little square formation.

"That you don't have to figure out it all right this second." Lydia stopped him.

"But this kid. This kid's got no one." Stiles said, looking straight at Lydia. "You know, and. . ." he flips a page. "There's a reason why, there's gotta be." He flips another page before closing it, and there goes the sound of thunder, Lily not liking the thunder one bit.

"Give this man a ride, sweet family die. Killer on the road." Lydia said aloud, to no one in particular.

"Riders on a Storm?" Lily asked, looking over at Lydia.

"What?" Lydia asked, snapping her head towards Lily.

"That's my favorite song." Lily said. "Riders on a Storm?"

"That's it." Lydia spoke, her thinking face was on.

"What's it?" Liam asked.

"The Ghost Riders. The Wild Hunt." Lydia spoke. "They come by storm riding horses, and they take people."

"Lydia, your so smart, I could kiss you right now!" Stiles jumped with joy, realizing what she had just said. 

"Do not kiss me." Lydia rejected.

"Not gonna, no. Mmmm." Stiles hummed, before quickly placing his lips on Lydia's check, and ran off yelling: "I did it anyway!"

They walked back to the school, walking in the hallways, with Hayden. Mason, however, meet them at the stairs, calling them. "Hey, guys! Wait up." Mason called, walking down the stairs as Lily and Liam turn their attention to them. "I fixed it." Hayden smiled

They looked down at the broken compass, Lily giggling. It wasn't exactly perfect. "Uh! Perfect!" Liam exclaimed happily. "Looks brand new." Lily didn't say anything in case she'd say something that wasn't supposed to be said by her.

"He's going to notice." Lily blurted out, smiling.

"Nah, he'll never notice." Mason said, shutting the broken compass. "We'll just put the compass back and figure out a way to help Scott."

"Or just put the compass back." Hayden suggested.

"We can't leave it all to Scott." Lily defended quickly.

"Why not? He's the Alpha." Hayden said.

"Not for long." Liam spoke.

"Who's going to take his place?" Lily asked.

Liam looked at her in surprise. "You don't think I could be the Alpha?" he asked a little hurt.

"No, no, I wasn't saying that." Lily said, quickly.

"It's just, magnetic anomalies and guys on horses back stealing people?" Hayden questioned.

"We can't just stay out of it." Liam said.

"What's gonna happen when Scott graduates?" Hayden asked. "When there's no one here to figure things out?"

"I can be the. . . Um. . ." Liam trailed off. "I can be the. . ."

"He can be the Alpha." Mason spoke.

"Besides, all you need is me you'll be good." Lily winked, smiling.

"Yeah." Liam softly said. That's when something smelt different. They could smell blood.

"What? What is it?" Mason asked.

"It's blood." Lily stated.

STILES: meet me at the field with Scott, okay?

LILY: okay! 

"Guys, I gotta go." Lily said putting her phone in her bag. She quickly packs her phone away in her bag. She then pecked Liam's lips, before looking at him for the last time. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Liam whispered. Lily then sprinted down the hallway, and somehow in five minutes, she met her two best friends in the entrance of the field.

"Scott, it's called the wild hunt." Stiles explained, seeing Lily there with him. "It's a myth. Only, apparently, it's real. Like ever other Myth in this town that should really remain a nightmare."

"The guy on the horse?" Scott asked as they stopped at the entrance.

"Yeah, the call them Ghost Riders." Lily explained also.

"Hang on a second." Stiles said cutting off Lily, he then pointed to a guy who had his lacrosse t-shirt that said 24 on it, it was Stiles' t-shirt. "Hey, that's my jersey. Where'd you get that?"

"Coach gave it to me at practice." the young teenager spoke, leaving them.

"We had practice? Why doesn't anyone tell me anything?" Stiles exclaimed loudly.

"Why would a Ghost Riders want to take Alex's parents?" Scott spoke, placing one hand on Stiles' shoulder calming him down a bit.

"Because that's what they do, they take people, okay?" Lily answered for Stiles. "They run around, collecting souls, and once they take you, your gone."

"But it's not just you, it's everything about you." Scott said.

"Yeah, like how they took Alex's room." Stiles said.

"Does that mean Alex is next?" Scott asked as Stiles had his thinking face on.

Lily sat in her car, not ready to move yet. She sat there thinking, will she be taken next? No one will remember her otherwise. Not even Liam, the guy who loves her and who she loves the most. She didn't want that, not that at all. Her own brother, Stiles, would forget about her. Everyone important to her, she'll be forgotten.

There was a sudden thunder crash, boom, and lighting. She heard the sound of horses coming from a mile of away. Panick struck her, holy shit! She cursed to herself, sliding into her seat realizing she had no time to escape. She then heard her passenger car door open, to see Liam looking at her. He hoped in.

"What's wrong? Lils?" Liam asked, hearing her heart rate.

"Liam! They're here. The Ghost Riders, they're going to take me! Liam, don't let them take me!" Lily hissed.

"I don't see them! There's only a thunderstorm!" Liam panicked as well, looking around frantically. Lily quickly moved closer to Liam, giving him two quick short kisses.

"Liam, you're going to forget me." 

"I won't, I won't." Liam protested. "I promise." 

"You will, Liam. Just remember, that I love you." Lily's voice cracked, and there were tears in her eyes. "To the moon and back."

 Liam was in shock, he couldn't say anything even though they've said it a hundred times. The car door flies open, revealing an ugly looking man. He had whipped a rope around her, her only hearing the words fall from Liam.

"Lily!" Liam had screamed, before the green and blue smoke went up in the air, and Lily was gone. Liam had silently cried for an hour before he forgot what he was crying about and left his car.


Eh, not my best work.  

let me here those words ✧ liam dunbarWhere stories live. Discover now