chapter sixteen

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"Lily," she was nudged awake by Scott McCall, she flutters her eyes open, being greeted by Mason, Lydia, Malia, and Scott. Did she fall asleep? She must've. Lily mumbles something before standing up and stretching. 

"What happened?" she asked, looking around for Liam with her eyes, but he wasn't there. All their faces dropped, but they said nothing. At the moment, Lily knew there was something wrong. "Let me repeat that, what happened?" 

"Scott has something to tell you!" Lydia blurts, before covering her mouth. Scott looked over at Lydia and glared at her, before turning to Lily. 

"What? Where's Liam?" Lily asked. 

"Liam was taken." Scott started, at those words, Lily's heart shattered. Her face fell, her eyes glistening. "By the Dread Doctors, along with Hayden." 

"I fall asleep, and I wake up to hear my boyfriend is missing." Lily snaps, anger suddenly kicking in. 


Lily runs around the forest, up above where Beacon Hills was. She was looking for Liam, she needed Liam, right now, at this very moment to tell him that she loves him. Scott was running by her side, as they dodged a few trees at that it was foggy. 

They stand on a rock that looked over Beacon Hills, Malia was somewhere out there as well. Scott then lets out a howl, a loud one, hoping Liam would return the howl. But he didn't. Scott collapsed on the ground, along with Lily and incomes Malia running in. 

"There's no scent." Lily whimpered. "No tracks. Nowhere to find 'em." 

"But Liam can howl back, right?" Malia asked. 

Scott looks over Beacon Hills, it was dark out and the lights were shinning over the town making it very beautiful. "Only if he heard me." 

Lily walked into the McCall's house, she closed the door behind her. Stiles had given her a spare key to Scott's place, years ago. Stiles had made a copy of quite a few keys, the school's master key, Scott's house and animal clinic.  

Lily sits down on the couch and turns on the light. 

It was early in the morning and Stiles entered as well, Lily got off the couch and runs over to Stiles and she hugs him. "Stiles, Liam's gone!" Lily whimpered as he embraces her. 

"Shh, I know, we'll find him. I promise," they stay like this a few moments before they hear the door closed and there was Malia. Malia walks over to them and Theo entered. 

Scott then comes in and they were all there but Kira. "Hey, is Kira okay?" Stiles asked Scott walked right past them. Kira was apparently suspected of a murder, but they all knew she didn't commit it. 

"Scott?" Lily asked as Scott ignored them and walked right past them. 

Lydia, Mason, and Corey were upstairs making Corey read the Dread Doctors book, Corey was another Chimera aka another science experiment, and Scott walked up the stairs. 

Malia, Lily, Stiles, and Theo run up the stairs, down the hallway, and into Scott's room. Corey was on the bed with Scott's claws in his neck, Lydia and Mason watching them. 

"Don't get too close." Lydia told them. 

They watch Scott and Corey wince. "What is he doing?" Theo asked. 

"Tapping." Lily explained. "He's tapping into Corey's memories," 

"It's usually something only Alpha's do." Lydia added next to Lily. 

Theo walks in a little more and looks at Scott. "Is it as dangerous as it looks?" 

"Probably more." Stiles answered.  

"Does anyone know if it's working?" Mason asked. 

Scott then let's go, almost collapsing, but Theo and Stiles catching Scott's fall, Lydia pulling Corey away, standing him up. "Is he okay?" Scott asked. 

"What the hell did you do to me?" Corey exclaimed, looking at Scott. 

"You'll be alright." Lily softly said to Corey. 

"There's blood!" Corey exclaimed touching the back of his neck. 

"You'll heal." Scott breaths. 

"Scott. . ." Stiles trailed off. 

"He'll be fine!" Scott yelled, "listen. . . I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels. Pipes along with walls. There were these two huge blue pipes at the entrance. Two on both sides," Scott said as he drew it out on a pad. 

"Wait a second." Stiles said as he hovers over Scott along with Lily. "I've seen this before." 

"That's one of the tunnels we used to skateboard in." Lily finished, her eyes widening. "Remember our dad caught us one time and told me to never go back?" 

"It's the water treatment plant." Lydia said, looking over at the drawing. 

"That's where they are." Scott said. 

"That's where we'll find Liam!" Lily exclaimed, her as her face lits up. 

"And Hayden." Lydia added. 

"Scott. . ." Stiles trailed off as Lily him and Scott walked down the stairs, as the rest trail behind. "Scott, slow down, just think of a second, okay? Mason should be going."

"Liam's my best friend. I'm going." Mason pops in beside Stiles. 

"Liam's my boyfriend, I'm going." Lily said. 

"Lily you aren't going." Lydia said. 

"Oh, you suddenly get super wolf powers?" Stiles told Mason sarcastically. "I wasn't aware of the development."

"Why can't I go?" Lily whispered to Lydia. 

"Well, if you're not going, I could use the help." Scott said as Mason and Malia were standing beside Scott, in front of Stiles where Lily, Lydia, Corey, and Theo was standing behind Stiles. 

"No, I'm coming just as soon as I talk to my dad. They're moving the body and he wants to make sure that this time no one steals it." 

"How's he going to do that?" Malia quizzed. 

"I don't know, but whoever took the last one was strong enough to flip my Jeep." Stiles explained and Scott and Malia share a few glances. 

"We can bring Theo." Malia said, pointing to Theo. "And Lily," 

Lily grinned. "Maybe we better stay here." Theo said looking over at Lily who's grinned dropped. "You know, in case the doctors decide to make a house call for Corey," 

"Scott, Stiles is right. We need to slow down and think." Lydia spoke. 

"I am thinking. . . about Liam and Hayden could already be dead." Scott said in a hurry, making Lily's heart drop. 

"You could've hurt him, Scott. Really hurt him." Lydia said. 

"I have to find Liam." Scott said, Scott turned around, Mason and Malia following. 

"Hey, text me if you need anything." Stiles told Malia who turned around. 

"I got it." Malia told him and they left. 

"Anything at all. Okay?" Stiles called. 


I can't wait to write the next chapter lolololololo 

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