Chapter 10 Pregnant?

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When her alarm rang that morning Julia felt like knocking it down. Her stomach was on a roller coaster ride and she had a slight headache yet she got up and bathed and changed for work. She arrived late and entered his office. “You’re late,” he bit out. “Sorr…y…her words trailed off as she gagged and all her morning coffee came spilling back out. She fell forward dropping her bag and the coffee she was holding. Something grabbed her as she vomited her guts out. When it was over someone pulled her back and she felt herself being lifted. Her vision swarm as she tried to stand back up. Someone guided her and she felt herself being walked. She followed until she came to the women’s room and then at once went for the sink.

            After washing her mouth and her face she stood up and gripped the sink. “Are you ok,” a deep voice said from behind her. She nodded and turned. “I’m sorry,” she said. Gabriel stared at her a moment before stepping closer. “So who’s the lucky guy?” he asked. Julia’s eyebrows went up and she shook her head. “W...hat?’ she asked. He held her hand and looked at her. “You know what I mean?” he said. “Oh come off it Julia, you went to the bathroom atleast more than two times and then there‘s the vomiting,” he said. “No,” she said. He shook his head and let out a snicker. “You’re pregnant aren’t you?” he asked. Her eyebrows sank. “What?” she asked and he turned and walked away.

            She followed shakily after him but only managed to get to the door before he had grabbed his jacket and was storming out of the office. “What’s wrong with him?” her mind screamed, “So what I was not pregnant but even if I was why did he have to get all riled up about it,” She stepped aside as the cleaner stepped out with his bucket now filled with her vile contents. She felt better somehow but still she did not know what had caused her to  vomit. She sank into her chair and did the only thing she thought might help. She called Erin. “Hello,” Erin answered. “Erin,” she said. “What’s wrong Ju?” she asked. “Erin he thinks I’m pregnant,” “What?” she cried and then Julia spilled everything.

            “I think you should let him believe it that way he wouldn’t try anything on you,” she said. Julia thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “I guess,” she said and after a bit hung up. Gabriel came in after lunch and slumped in his seat. “Um Gabriel,” she began. “What?” he bit out. “I am pregnant,” she said. He stared at her a full minute before smiling and spoke. “Congrats,” he said and then turned back to his work. Julia did not know what to feel, one minute she felt disappointed and the next. She pouted her lips and then turned from him.


Did he really just assume that uhhh some men!!! Tell me what you think uhhh!!!!



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