Chapter 4

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The first few w eeks w eren’t that hard for Gaga, the morning sickness did kick in, she w as pretty moody and very tired but the only thing that really bugged her w as that damn broken arm, luckily for her she’s left handed so she still could do all the regular things. They had to give up on the apartment she and Taylor lived in, it w as great for the tw o of themand the fact that nobody knew about it, but now it w as just too small and inconvenient so they sold it and w ere now living in a hotel. Gaga took the time she had off; on recording in the studio, looking for new places in New York and planning the w edding. She didn’t w ant to do interview s or performbefore she w as in her second trimester, Taylor agreed on that. That didn’t mean she got left alone by paparazzi, no, they w ere insufferable, trying to get that exclusive story, she even had an accident w here a photographer hit her in the face w ith his camera. She tw eeted her fans daily, keeping themupdated on everything, she still felt very, very guilty and did everything to make her little monsters happy. The first official TV interview she had planned w as on the Ellen show and she hoped that people w ould stop harassing her and her family this much after that. Even Taylor couldn’t promote his new movie and TV-show because they only asked about her. Gaga got a phone call, it w as Taylor “babe I found the perfect place for us!” Gaga laughed “Hello to you too, w here?” “It is a 3 bedroom apartment, lots of light and a view over central park, sounds good right?” “that does sound good, but so did the other places..” “yes, but Ialready checked it out, do you have time off for lunch? We can go and take a look if you w ant.. If you’re not too tired” *silence* “I am pretty busy Tay..” she lied, she just w asn’t feeling on going outside “oh come on, I’ll pick you up, it w ill only take an hour” “w ell fine!” she sighed “you’ll love it” and he hung up. “Who w as that?” Tara asked “T, he w ants to show me another apartment, I kinda gave up looking so he took over” Tara smiled “I hope this is the one, I’mkinda tired of you guys moving all the time” Gaga grinned “Well, me too Tara, me too” and flipped through a w edding magazine. But Taylor w as right, the apartment w as perfect, it w as big and bright but not too big, the view w as beautiful, an open kitchen, a huge closet and a perfect room for the baby. Gaga kissed Taylor “you did good” he deepened the kiss “yeah you like it?” he smiled “l love it! Let’s buy it!” Taylor w alked to the broker to make a deal on the place as Gaga w alked in the room that could be the baby’s one day, she sighed of happiness and just stood there in the doorw ay. Suddenly she felt someone hug her from behind “hey babe” Taylor w hispered, he put a lock of brow n hair behind her ear and kissed her neck. “hey” she said back and enjoyed the moment “w hat are you thinking of?” he asked “just the baby.. our lives here and.. this room” Taylor moved his hand to her belly that w as starting to develop a little bump “12,5 w eeks, w e’re almost in the second trimester” Gaga put her hand on his “yeah, finally” they stood there for a w hile enjoying the moment “w hen w ill w e get the keys?” Taylor freed one hand and bungled a set of keys before her eyes “I already got them!” Gaga squealed “really?” “It’s ours baby!” she turned around and practically jumped into his arms. Gaga w as now in her second trimester, she felt w ay more comfortable and didn’t have to w orry about a possible miscarriage anymore, she also got rid of that cast on her arm, that made things easier too. Her bump w as already w ay bigger and so w ere her boobs, Taylor enjoyed that part very much. A lot of friends of hers in fashion like Versace, McQueen and Louis Vuitton had given her the most beautiful custom ‘maternity’ dresses and she practically w ore them every day. Another great thing w as that Taylor had a few months off, they w ere done shooting the movie and it w as now in its editing stage. Gaga w as a little relieved about that so she could have himall by herself (not that she w ould ever admit that to herself) It w as late at night and both Gaga and Taylor w ere lying in bed, Gaga had curled up to himas much as she could and rested her head on his bare chest, listening to his heartbeat. “are you excited for tomorrow ? We’re gonna find out if w e’re having a boy or a girl!” Gaga moved her head so she could look at Taylor “Yeah, I’mso excited, w e can finally start to decorate the baby room” Taylor folded his arms around her and played w ith the ring on his fiancée’s finger “so w hat do you w ant? I know healthy.. But you w ant a boy or girl?” he asked “I really don’t care, I’d love both” Gaga responded “I w ant a girl” he said. “Really?” Gaga said surprised “yeah, a baby girl that w ill look as beautiful as you, w hy not?” “Tay, you make me feel all fluttery inside” he laughed and put the lights out “w e need to sleep babe, tomorrow the big appointment!” Gaga giggled and closed her eyes “goodnight T” “Goodnight Stef” and kissed her forehead “goodnight baby” and rubbed her belly. They almost w ere asleep w hen suddenly Gaga sat up “W-w hat are you doing Stef?” and put the lights on again, she looked at Taylor w hile holding her belly “Is there something w rong? You have any pain?” “No.. no, the baby.. it kicked” she grabbed his hand and holding it on place “really?” tears started to develop in Gaga’s eyes “I don’t feel-“ Taylor’s eyes grew big “oh my God! I feel it!” they sat there for a w hile w aiting for some more kicks, but it stopped after 10 min. “Ithink the baby fell asleep T” she w hispered, Taylor nodded “I think so too” he and Gaga lay dow n again and tried going back to sleep. 

“This may feel a little cold” as the doctor squirted some jelly on her bump. After basically telling the w orld she w as pregnant her good friend Beyoncé called her and recommended this OB-GYN that w as hers w hen she w as pregnant, she w as glad she did, you can’t trust everyone, even doctors w ith such private information. Taylor sat next to her holding Gaga’s hand as the doctor turned on the screen, it w as now definitely a baby, w ith little toes and fingers “So everything looks great, the heartbeat is strong” as he looked around more, hovering the probe over her belly. “I’ve read that you w anted to find out the sex of the baby right?” “yes” they said simultaneously, the doctor laughed and moved the probe “w ell let’s see, you’re gonna have a..” Gaga w as now almost crushing Taylor’s hand “ah.. Yes I see, congratulations it’s a baby girl!” “Oh my God, that’s amazing” Taylor gasped as Gaga looked w ith a big smile at him. The doctor printed some pictures for themand turned off the machine “you can get clothed again” the doctor smiled. Gaga put her dress dow n that w as curled up on her chest and Taylor handed herLouboutin heels “I can’t believe you’re still w earing these” Gaga put them on her feet “I w ear them until Ican’t anymore T” she smiled. “Well you’re certainly one of my most glamorous patients I have” as the doctor sat behind his desk, Gaga and Taylor joined him “so any complaints, pain etc.?” Gaga shook her head “a little dizzy, my boobs are soar and leg cramps but I read those are normal in the second trimester right?” the doctor nodded “yes that’s pretty standard, you might need to drink more fluids against the dizziness” Gaga looked guilty as Taylor side-eyed her. Taylor w as alw ays pushing her to drink more w ater, even before she w as pregnant, the dehydration w as alw ays a problemw ith her and she knew it. “I know , I try” it w as not that he w as mean or anything, just protective about his girl and now his other little girl. The appointment w ent smoothly, no problems besides the w ater drinking and they w ere on their w ay out of the hospital. “oh w ait T, I need to go to the bathroom, w ait for me w ill ya?” and she disappeared behind the doors of the ladies room. Taylor leaned against the w all w hen he spotted the hospital gift shop, he quickly w alked to it and brow sed through the baby stuff, there he saw the perfect onesie, a w hite one w ith pink stripes and ‘Princess” w ritten on it, he grinned and bought it before returning to the bathroom doors. A few seconds later Gaga got out “sorry it took so long, these dresses are beautiful but not very handy” she laughed and w alked tow ards the exit “w ait, w ait!” Taylor grabbed her hand “w hat? We need to go to Ellen remember!” “yes, yes I know ” Taylor handed her a little package “oh w hat’s this?” and opened it “oh my god T, this is so cute” as she held it in the air, Gaga kissed him “Iam such a lucky girl to have you” clenching the piece of baby clothing in her hand, he held her w ith one armas they started to w alk “no Iam the lucky one” 

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