Chapter 5

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Doing the interview s w as a good idea, talking a little about the wedding and even the baby made everyone calm down, and life just got a bit easier for the two of them. She performed a lot of songs behind the piano like ‘Princess Die’ and even the new single that w as put out. She w anted to dance and sing at the same time, it would not be harmful for the baby, she just didn’t have the energy for it. She also could connect to the fans again, signing autographs and taking pictures, the amount of baby gifts she got from them were unbelievable. Gaga’s mom Cynthia w as the one w ho took on the wedding planning, calling Gaga every half hour about the littlest of details. Gaga wasn’t the kind of girl who dreamt about her wedding day all her life, she had other ambitions like; becoming a star, so Gaga allow ed her mom to do a lot for her, which Cynthia took very seriously. McQueen designed a gorgeous custom wedding dress for her, which she LOVED, the brand really embraced her, even after her good friend Alexander McQueen himself had died. The bridesmaids dresses w ere already picked out, beautiful flow y goddess-like dresses in a blue/greyish color. Gaga had asked Tara, her little sister Natali and Colleen (aka Lady Starlight) if they would be her bridesmaids and of course they agreed, but Gaga didn’t w ant a maid of honor “I don’t like it, I don’t w ant one” she just said “but honey it is kind of standard you know ..” Cynthia said doubtful “mom.. like Ido anything standard” she grinned “ok so no maid of honor” Cynthia smiled and scrapped it of her list. Taylor had asked his three brothers to be his grooms. Everyone expected a big, weird wedding from them but they just w anted it to be small, traditional and intimate, the only thing that w as out of the ordinary w as that it w as held in Sicily, Italy, the place w here her family originated from. Their relatives, friends and close ones w ill be flow n over in private jets and stay in a huge mansion they had rented for the occasion. The wedding itself w ill be performed in a beautiful little chapel nearby. Taylor and Gaga intentionally planned the w edding before the baby w as born, not because it w as “the right thing” like her dad said but because they figured that w hen their daughter w as born they simply w ould not have enough time to do it properly. And they had to hurry up, Gaga w as almost in her third trimester, and started to get uncomfortable being tired all the time, the backaches didn’t help either and the baby kicked a lot, it’s cute and all but not really that great w hen you try to sleep and keeps kicking your insides. Taylor did everything to make Gaga feel more comfortable and he loved doing it, she figured because Taylor’s dad w as never around and just w anted do everything right for his kid. Gaga and him are going to fly to Italy tonight and stay there in the mansion for a day before the first few people would come and decorate and set all things up (including their family), a day later all the guest would come over and they’d have their wedding with a party after in the backyard. “Why are you naked?” Taylor asked amused, sitting on the bed tying his shoes “Idon’t feel like w earing clothes” she shrugged and looked at herself in the bed room mirror “you look beautiful you know that” he said proudly “Ido know that” and smiled at him, he laughed, got up and hugged her naked body “why don’t you join me?” and lifted up his shirt “don’t mind if Ido” they kissed passionately and slow ly moved to the bed, she sat dow n and unbuckled his belt and shoved his pants dow n as he kicked his shoes off. He w as now laying on top of her, trying not to crush her as he kissed her neck and dow n to her collarbone “w ait, w ait.. T” he stopped and looked her in the eye “w hat..? I’mpretty sure w e don’t need a condom” she smiled and kissed him “no, it’s not that” he started to kiss her neck again “Taylor..” he looked up again “I-I need to pee” “oh..” he laughed and stood up helping her get up as she rushed to the bathroom “I’m soooorry!” she yelled w hile sitting on the toilet “It’s ok! We need to catch that plain anyw ay!” he yelled back, looking for his lost pants and shirt. Gaga got out of the bathroom but w earing panties now “don’t you w orry, I’ll make it up to ya w hen w ere in Italy” and w inked, he handed her bra “oh I know you w ill” he smiled, she put on her bra and hurried to the closet, she picked out a long dark green dress and put it on “could you zip me up T” he w alked tow ards her “of course” and gently zipped up her dress, his cold hands touching her skin made her shiver and she turned around facing him, putting her arms around him as much as she could “Ican’t believe that it’s almost here, w e’re gonna be married in a few days” he closed the gap betw een them and rested his forehead against hers, noses touching “I know .. are you ready to be Mrs. Lady Gaga Kinney?” he asked jokingly “oh my god, that sounds w eird” she laughed and let go of their embrace, she w alked to the mirror and fixed her hair “Ido w ant your last name though” he raised an eyebrow “are you serious? Stefani Joanne Angelina Kinney?” she turned around “no.. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta-Kinney aka Lady Gaga.. a girl can’t have enough names you know ” she giggled w hile trying to get her shoes on “It sounds amazing, no perfect, it sounds perfect” as he helped her. Still w earing her stiletto’s. The plain flight w ent smoothly, they slept almost all through it. Gaga yaw ned stretching her arms in the air “I need a cigarette” Taylor raised an eyebrow “just joking, relax” she w inked and w alked tow ards the exit of the plain, Taylor follow ed her “here” and handed a bottle of w ater “oh.. yes thank you”. The w armth of the Italian sun hit them as they stepped out “you’re home” Taylor joked “are you making ‘Italian jokes’ now too? I thought my fans w ere bad..” and playfully punched him. “La Signora!” they suddenly heard someone shout, they both looked up “buon giorno! I am George, I’ll be bringing you to your destination today” the man said w ith a pretty thick accent. “buon giorno!” she replied and smiled at the man “follow me, your luggage has already been taken care of” Taylor held Gaga’s hand as they follow ed the man. George opened the car door for Gaga and pointed at her belly “ah congratulations on 
the bambino!” and put his thumb up tow ards Taylor, he aw kw ardly looked at George “grazie” he said and got in the car, Gaga looked at Taylor, trying not to laugh “w hat?” he said “nothing, you’re just cute” and she put her seatbelt on. The man got behind the w heel and started the car, quickly turning the radio volume dow n “scusa!” he apologized looking at the couple in the car mirror “no problem” Gaga said trying to get a little comfortable. “Iheard on TV, is your first baby, right?” Gaga smiled again “yes, a little girl” she answ ered, Taylor looked at her and w hispered “w hy are you telling him?” Gaga looked at him funny “w hy not, he’s nice, relax baby” and stroked his arm. “I have five children..” the chauffeur continued “three boys and 2 girls” he said proudly “look” and tapped on the dashboard of the car w here a photo of five little children w as taped dow n. “they’re beautiful” she replied “I w ant at least five too!” she then added, Taylor turned his head w ith a shocked face “five?” he w hispered “just joking T” she w hispered back, semi-serious. The drive w as only an hour and a half, Gaga talked a bit more to the man, Taylor didn’t understand a w ord because they w ere speaking Italian now so he just looked out of the w indow at the beautiful landscape. “look there is the house” George pointed, it w as a beautiful mansion w ith a big yard and even a fountain, he turned and drove in the endless drivew ay and stopped the car right in front of the house. They quickly got out of the car “this is amazing..” she said in aw e, Taylor stood next to her “it’s beautiful”. Gaga felt a few strong kicks in her belly and held her hand on the spot w here the kicking came from “I guess she’s aw ake” Taylor smiled and turned around at the chauffeur w ho w as leaning against the car smoking a cigarette, he dropped the bud on the ground and put it out w ith his foot. “I’ll be going now , congratulations, have a great stay” and w inked at Gaga he got in the car and drove off. “he w as w ay too flirty w ith you Stef” Taylor said jokingly “yeah maybe Ishould chase him, I’mnot married yet..” and laughed. “very funny, but you’re not getting rid of me that easy!” he grabbed her and held her for a second in the air before letting her on her feet again. She giggled “Stop it T, let’s go inside” and w alked tow ards the entrance, follow ed by Taylor w ith the keys in his hand and opened the huge front door. A girl in a maid dress rushed to them “hello Mr. and Mrs. Kinney, your luggage is the master bedroom and the staff w ill be gone until the guests arrive like you requested” Taylor nodded and the girl walked out of the door, soon follow ed by more people. Gaga and Taylor had the place all to themselves now “oh I like hearing that.. Mrs. Kinney” she said putting her arms around his neck and kissing him “oh you do, do you” holding her tightly “w ell, I have to keep my promise, w here’s the bedroom?” she said between kisses, Taylor closed the front door with his foot and escorted her to one of the empty bedrooms, “come on in Mrs. Kinney”. After they “personalized the house” like Gaga said, they decided to discover the house for a bit, going in every room, walking through the kitchen, inspecting the bathrooms and finally ending up in the lounge w here they sat down and drank some water. “It’s hot!” Taylor said, wiping the sweat of his forehead and taking his shirt off “I know .. Why don’t w e go swimming? There’s a pool” and pointed to the backyard. They went upstairs changing, Gaga wearing a simple black bikini and Taylor in surfers trunks , he grabbed some fluffy towels and they rushed to the pool. Gaga put sunscreen on Taylor and he returned the favor before jumping in the pool. Gaga got in carefully using the steps, making her body adjust to the water temperature and finally got in fully. She let herself drift on her back, her belly protruding from the water. Taylor dove under the water and gently scooped her up, holding his fiancée in his arms “remember w hen I held you like this, you w ere still blonde..” Gaga kissed him“yeah and not pregnant!” he gently rocked her in the water. “are you scared?” Taylor asked her, she hesitated “yes a little, it’s a lot you know ” Taylor nodded “but w hen I am with you my fears float away Taylor, I really mean that” she said looking into his blue eyes “I love you” and they kissed again. Their day alone went by way to quickly and before they knew it w as over, that one day w as supposed to be like a little tiny honeymoon, they weren't able to have one because of their schedules. Gaga w as resting on their bed reading ‘w hat to expect w hen you’re expecting’ she sighed and put the book next to her, the baby w as kicking furiously like every day now around this time, she needed more rest but couldn't fall asleep because of it. It w as ‘3 in the afternoon, her and his first family members would arrive at ‘4. Taylor walked in the room and looked at her “I thought you w ere asleep” she rubbed her eyes “I tried but she keeps kicking” Taylor smiled big and climbed on the bed, giving her a sandwich and a bottle of water “w ell at least eat and drink something” Gaga hated to be told w hat to do even if she knew he w as right “fine” she said grumpy. Taylor held his head close to her belly “you need to let your mommy rest, big day tomorrow ” and kissed just above the navel. Gaga looked adoring at him, he sat next to her. “did that help?” “no not really, sorry” as the baby continued to kick, maybe even more so. Gaga had already eaten the sandw ich. “so people w ill arrive soon..” Taylor said, “Iknow the real shit is gonna start soon” she answ ered “don’t you w ant to sleep for a bit?” he asked w orriedly “nah, don’t feel like it” she held her hand on her belly “and so does she”. After a bit more of talking and even discussing their birthing plan their family had arrived and w ith that the staff that came w ith the rented mansion returned. And w hen they w ere all settled in and w ere having dinner Gaga realized that, that one day, those 24 hours might be the last time she and Taylor w ould be just boy and girlfriend having a relaxing vacation. And it frightened her, she looked up fromher food and straight into her fiancée’s blue eyes, all the noise around her and in her ow n mind disappeared, and felt she felt safe, safer than she had ever felt before. It w as the day of the w edding, Taylor got out of bed really, really early in the morning “I‘ll see you at the altar” he said then kissed her and disappeared for the day. Gaga w as now in the hands of her mother, sister, Tara, Starlight and a few haus members that had already all their outfits on. She sat before a huge mirror in one of the rooms far aw ay from Taylor. Tara w as doing her make-up, her hair w as already done and w as looking at herself in the mirror, not even recognizing herself. “you alw ays make me look so beautiful Tara” she smiled at her friend “Taylor w ill be blow n aw ay” “oh yes he w ill” Tara squealed. Her make-up w as done now and it w as time for the w edding dress, several people helped her getting into it. The dress w as so beautiful she w anted to cry, but realizing her make-up w ould probably not survive, she fought back the tears. The bottomof the long strapless dress w as embroiled w ith satin and little Sw arovski diamonds that w ere in an almost flow er-like pattern, there w as a smallband just above her belly w hich made the fabric fall perfectly over her body, a long veil attached to a tiara on her head, some jew elry and w hite pumps completed the look and the w oman in the roomlooked stunned. “oh my god” Natali gasped “you look flaw less”. Gaga turned around, now facing them “approved?” she said w ith a quirky smile, the w oman nodded “although it’s technically not ‘virginal’ w hite anymore” Starlight joked pointing at her belly, they all laughed. There w as a knock on the door “your ride is in front, everyone has already arrived in the church are you ready?” Gaga sw allow ed “yes, Iamdefinitely ready”. The loud church bells w ere chiming, Gaga w as nervous but not in a bad w ay, she w as more in a ‘just before a concert’ nervousness. Everyone had already found it’s place and w ere settled. Gaga’s dad Joe held her arm, not saying a w ord. The church bells slow ly stopped and the famous ‘there comes the bride’ music started playing, Gaga sw allow ed and looked her dad in the eye, he nodded, she nodded and the doors w ere opened. She heard everyone gasp as she w alked w ith her dad by her side betw een the church benches. People w ere stunned including Taylor, w ho’s mouth had literally dropped. Gaga and her father stopped w alking and they turned facing each other, he gave her a kiss on her cheek and w alked tow ards his w ife. Gaga stepped up the altar and w as now facing the love of her life. Everyone sat dow n and the minister began his speech, Gaga and Taylor w eren’t really paying attention to w hat he w as saying, they lovingly looked in each other’s eyes. “Taylor w ill you have this w oman to be your w edded w ife, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto her, for so long as you both shall live?” He smiled and nodded, “I do” the minister now turned to Gaga “and Stefani, w ill you have this man to be your wedded husband, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto him, so long as you both shall live?” she also smiled and nodded, holding back tears “I do” “Take hands and repeat after me: I, Taylor Kinney, take you, Stefani Germanotta to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.” Taylor repeated it. It w as now Gaga’s turn “I, Stefani Germanotta take you, Taylor Kinney, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.” She said in a broken voice. “Do you have a ring for the bride? Please place the ring on the bride’s finger and say: With this ring, I thee wed.” Taylor put the ring on her finger and said “With this ring, I thee w ed” the minister continued “Is there a ring for the groom? Please place the ring on the groom’s finger and say: With this ring I thee w ed.” Gaga now put the ring on his finger and repeated “with this ring I thee w ed” they shakily held each other’s hands. “Let these rings be given and received as a token of your affection, sincerity and fidelity to one another.” The minister smiled at them “In as much as Taylor and Stefani have consented together in wedlock and have witnessed the same before this company, and pledged their vow s to each other, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” “you may now -“ Taylor grabbed Gaga and kissed her “kiss the bride” everyone stood up and clapped. Tears w ere streaming down a lot of faces and the wedding bells w ere ringing again. “I love you” he w whispered “I love you too” she cried. 

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