Chapter 6

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After the ceremony everyone returned to the house and had a big party, the whole house and backyard were concealed so no paparazzi could ever get in or take a picture. But Gaga felt bad for the fans who were so excited for her, so she asked Tara to take a picture of her in her wedding dress standing next to Taylor with her head leaning on his shoulder and uploaded it to her website. It wasn’t really a party though, it was more casual than that, starting in the backyard with people dancing, laughing and eating around the pool, later having an enormous dinner and after that a party in the house where her close fiend Elton John surprised them with a song dedicated to her, speeches and jokes were made and Taylor and Gaga had their first dance, the DJ asked if Mr. and Mrs. Kinney would come on the dance floor. Taylor held his hand out and helped his wife up, she was now wearing a more ‘casual’ dress and had already kicked off her heels a long time ago, she smiled and took his hand, he held her closely, slowly rocking, she put her head against his chest taking in his scent which was a combination of cologne, alcohol and sun. “Are you happy?” he whispered into her ear with that she held him more tightly and looked up, he saw tears in her eyes, happy tears and softly kissed her. They were now accompanied by several other people dancing, the music was now more upbeat but they hadn’t even noticed. Taylor felt how Gaga was letting go inch by inch after a while, she felt weaker, he grabbed her tightly and noticed that she just had fallen asleep! He smiled in relieve and picked her up bridal style, everyone around them looked questioning “don’t worry, she just fell asleep” he said smiling “goodnight!” everyone looked adoringly at them and eventually continued partying.. He walked with her upstairs, opening the bedroom door and gently put her on the bed, he closed the door which immediately muted the sound from downstairs. He took his shirt and pants off and got in the bed with her, he wiped a strand of hair from her face, looked at her for a few seconds and fell asleep himself.

A beam of sunlight escaping from behind the curtains awoke Gaga, she blinked with her eyes holding her hand in the air blocking the sun from her face and noticed the added ring on her hand, she instantly smiled and whispered “oh that’s right I am married now”. She looked next to her and saw Taylor lying on his back snoring a little. She scooted over and laid her head on his toned chest. He woke up from the tickling of her hair and yawned “good morning sleeping beauty” and caressed her face “did I really fall asleep on our wedding night?” he smiled “don’t you worry we have a lifetime of ‘consummating our marriage’, don’t need a wedding night for that!” she laughed “When did I fall asleep though? One second I am dancing and then..” she started to remember “did I fall asleep while we were dancing?” turning her head so she was facing him “yes you did, it scared the crap out of me I thought something was wrong” as he said smiling “oh sorry” she apologized “no, no it doesn’t matter, it’s a funny story for the grandkids” “oh god” and put her head back down. Taylor and Gaga fell asleep again and were woken up a few hours later with the daily kicking of their baby. The house was cleaned up, family and friends (most with a hangover) were headed to the plane and they all returned home.

*time lapse*

“You haven’t started on the baby room yet? Stef you’re 32 weeks pregnant!” her mom said in unbelief. The baby’s room was stuffed with all the gifts they had received a week ago at the baby shower, and it was a total mess. “I know, I know we’ve just been so busy, I’m tired, my back aches and those paparazzi…” Cynthia sighed “those are excuses and you know it” Gaga took another sip of her tea “maybe… the mural is done though!” Gaga had asked a friend who was an artist to paint one of the walls and it was beautiful, a realistic landscape but with unicorns (of course) and rainbows. “That mural was done months ago, you should really buy things like a crib, changing table etc.” Taylor walked in the room and sat next to them on the couch “I think she’s right Stef, why don’t we go now?” Taylor looked so excited, so Gaga gave in “fine, let’s go, If you can help me off this couch.” He got up and pulled her off the couch. He handed her heels that she had kicked off “nah I’m going to wear flats, it’s a lot of walking and-” Taylor and Cynthia started laughing “what?” Gaga said “just, I never thought you would take those off, ever, maybe in the delivery room… “ Gaga started laughing too “I can’t handle it anymore, I’ve gotten so big!” holding her hand on her belly. “Yes you did” Cynthia cooed while rubbing her bump.

They went to a huge baby store where you could buy everything baby-related, the paparazzi held a respectable distance now she was pregnant, Gaga didn’t really mind being photographed as long as they didn’t come too close. “This store is huge!” Gaga said, Taylor had gotten a shopping cart and they were now walking through the aisles of baby stuff. “So we decided that we wanted the baby room to be classic, right?” “uh-hm” Taylor nodded as he disappeared behind some big stuffed animals. “Look Stefani, I made a list of the things you still need…” Cynthia handed her the piece of paper “ok let’s see, we have loads of clothing already, but we still need socks, booties and hats” Taylor had already returned to her with the shopping cart filled with stuff, he had a big smile on his face “look what I found!” and held up a onesie with ‘BABY GAGA’ written on it, they all laughed “well we have to buy that one!” Cynthia said and Taylor put it in the cart. They continued shopping buying all the necessary stuff like: diapers, all sorts of bottles, bibs, breast pump, car seat, stroller, baby carrier, sheets, a highchair, baby bathtub, pacifiers, a play mat, blankets and much, much more. They only had to pick out the furniture now and it was already around closing time, they choose a beautiful changing table in a light shade of wood that matched the crib and closet, a cradle for the first few months, a rocking chair and all the stuff that comes with it. They were all pretty tired now, especially Gaga who leaned against the shopping cart while walking “we’re done, let’s go home” Taylor said as he rubbed her back “yes please” she said and yawned. They bought the stuff and let it delivered to their place.

When Gaga spent her last day in the studio before she got on maternity leave, Taylor and Joe had finished the baby room in its entirety as a surprise for Gaga. Joe and Taylor stood in the doorway looking proud of what they had accomplished, on the wooden floor there was a soft white carpet, the crib was put against mural wall with a mobile above it, there were frames with pictures, stuffed animals, pink princess-like curtains, the closet with baby clothes stood next to the changing table, the rocking chair was put in the corner and they even had a chandelier put up.

And they were just in time, Joe had gone home right before Gaga stumbled into their apartment, she ranted on and on about her day while hanging her coat up and kicking her shoes off, she stopped talking when she saw her husband with a big smile just staring at her “what’s up?” she smiled back “I have a surprise for you!” and grabbed her gently holding his hands in front of her eyes “what are you doing T?” she laughed “just trust me ok” and he led her to the baby room and moved his hands away from her face she gasped one hand covering her mouth and the other grabbing Taylor’s arm “you like it?” he smiled “I LOVE it, how.. when..?” she walked into the room touching the crib lightly as tears started to develop “well, when you were away the stuff came in and I called your dad if he wanted to help me and he did.. are you crying Stef?” he put his arms around her “it’s just so real.. you even put the sheets on and everything.. we’re ready now, we are finally ready” she softly spoke, he grabbed her more tightly “yes , yes we are”.

The weeks flew by, tomorrow was their due date and they got really impatient now, waiting on the arrival of their baby, Gaga couldn’t do anything and waddled through the apartment all day, bored of everything, she had severe back aches and a was cranky too. She was lying on the couch watching TV waiting for Taylor to come home, her best friend Tara was out of town because her grandma was sick and she had practically no one to hang out with except her parents and Taylor, who had to do a photo shoot today for the movie posters. Taylor got home with a bag of groceries and put them on the counter and walked to his wife, kissing her on her head “how was your day?” “boring” she said grumpy, Taylor immediately knew what kind of mood she was in, Gaga got up and looked through the groceries “Taylor, where is the eggplant? I asked you to bring it for the pasta I’m making tonight” “you didn’t say you wanted eggplant!” he yelled from the other room, Gaga got angry “I said it this morning! I know what I said, you weren’t listening!” Taylor walked towards her “why are you picking a fight with me?” Gaga opened her mouth to say something, but stopped as she grabbed her belly and looked with wide eyes at Taylor “what?” he said still a bit angry, he looked down “oh my god” Gaga nodded “my water just broke!”.

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