The Accident

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“What do you mean you have to go?” Taylor said baffled “I have to go work… I’m sorry” Gaga swallowed as she put on her heels “this is the fifth time already! You know I’ve flown over here for our anniversary to be with you and you just… go?” Taylor said in an angry tone, but Gaga ignored it “I love that you did, but If I don’t go I’m gonna be in big trouble” Taylor sat down “do you even CARE?” he said holding his face in his hands, Gaga got angry “Of course I CARE! You know that, but I have my career, I NEVER sacrificed anything for that… Especially a boyfriend” Taylor jumped in “and I support that, your ex-boyfriends were bastards you were good to cut them off, but I LOVE you, I just want to be with you” Gaga turned around facing him “I’m not gonna stay here, play house and have children with you, I know that you want that, but I am not ready and I am really sorry, but I have to go, 30 million fans depend on me” Gaga put on her coat, even tried to kiss him before she left but he didn’t let her “you know what, I’m going to work too, there’s a plane going to Chicago in about two hours, have a great day” as he walked off “FINE! GO! I don’t need you!” she yelled. Taylor threw the door behind him, making the apartment shutter; Gaga cried “fuck him, I am always better off on my own”.

Gaga was in a meeting, talking about some new performances and clothing for the Born this Way Ball. Gaga’s phone rang again, Tara was getting concerned “why don’t you pick it up?” Gaga sighed, “It’s just Taylor…” Tara tried to get the phone from her “If you’re not picking up, than I am” Gaga took a deep breath and finally answered it “What now Taylor?” she said angry “Hello, is this Ms. Germanotta?” an unknown voice answered “yes this is her, who are you, what is this?” everybody in the meeting got silent “Hello, I am a nurse from the New York City hospital, I’m sad to inform you that Mr. Kinney has been in a car accident” Gaga gasped “accident? What kind of accident? Is he…” she swallowed “alive?” “Yes luckily he is, he’s now in surgery but it is critical, could you come over and give us some information?” tears were running down her face “I’ll be right there” she stuttered, she hang up the phone, she looked stunned at all the questioning faces around her “I have to go” she whispered and ran out of the room.

Gaga leaped into the hospital, not caring about the photographers that had taking pictures of her crying face “How is he?.. I mean.. Taylor Kinney, you called for me?” she almost screamed at the nurse behind the desk, the nurse looked up, Gaga suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, she yelped and turned around, there was a doctor “hello, my name is doctor Hudson, you must me Ms. Germanotta? ” he gave her a hand “how is he?” the doctor gave her a sympathetic smile “he is stable, he had internal bleeding, a severe concussion, a few broken ribs and multiple cuts and bruises but he is very lucky to be alive” Gaga shivered and cried out of relief hearing he was ok “can I see him?” she whispered. “Of course, come with me”. “Baby” she said and grabbed his hand, his head was wrapped in a bandages and his beautiful body was covered in bruises, the sound of the heart monitor made it impossible for her to think straight “when will he wake up?” the doctor shrugged “could be an hour or days, he’ll wake up when he’s ready” Gaga nodded and held his hand more tightly, the doctor wrote something on his chart and walked out.  But hours became days and nothing had changed, Gaga only wore his worn shirts and sweaters, the smell of it comforted but tortured her at the same time. “T, I am SO SORRY, I do love you, I NEED you, I was so selfish” she cried; she was now lying next to him, even though the nurses had asked her not to. “I was just scared, you were ready to make this commitment, talking about our future and even kids and I, I just was afraid I guess, I want that, you know… a future with you” Gaga rambled, not noticing that Taylor’s hand was now moving “you’re the best thing that has happened to me” “I love you” she said almost defeated, putting her head against his neck, her tears staining his hospital gown. She felt something touch her; she almost jumped out of surprise feeling his hand against hers “Taylor? Taylor? Are you awake, can you hear me?” she cried out, Taylor moaned and slowly opened one eye “I love you too”.

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