Chapter 3

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A knock on the door aw oke Gaga, it took her a few seconds before realizing she w as in the hospital and grunted in dismay. There w as another knock on the door “Miss, can Icome in?” Gaga slow ly sat up, hiding the sonogram pictures quickly under her pillow , “sure come in” she said. An older nurse came in, she looked like she could retire any day, she smiled at Gaga; “Good morning ma’am, how are you feeling?” Gaga sighed as she tried to scratch her w ound, but immediately backed off because of a sharp pain. “tired” she answ ered as she tried to be nice. The nurse nodded as she w as looking at the charts that previously w ere hanging on the bed post “I see you are being released this morning, you know the procedure right? With a concussion? I see you’ve had one before” Gaga nodded “Yeah someone accidentally dropped a pole on my head” the nurse nodded and w rote something dow n on the chart “w ell, you have to come back for a hard cast but otherw ise you’re good to go, is someone picking you up?” “yeah my parents” Gaga said uninterested, w hile grabbing her phone, there w ere like dozens of missed phone calls and unansw ered text messages. Gaga put the phone dow n, the calls and texts w ere almost all fromTara. The nurse w as done w riting and put the chart under her arm“good luck out there” she said w ith a sympathetic smile “Thanks, how bad is it? I mean the paparazzi..?” the nurse sighed “It’s bad” Gaga nodded and the nurse left. Gaga let herself fall back again, carefully placing her head on the pillow . As her non broken hand made its w ay to her stomach, rubbing it softly. Of course there w as nothing to feel, no bump, no kicking, she looked far from pregnant but she w as and she knew this w as going to change her w hole life. Gaga closed her eyes “w hat the hell am I going to do now ?” she w hispered. Her thoughts w ere interrupted by the door that flew open and Tara in the doorpost “GAGA!” she almost yelled, dropping all her stuff and running to the bed hugging her best friend “I w as so w orried! How are you feeling, are you scared?” as she rambled on and on “Tara, TARA! Iam fine, you’re crushing me!” Tara slow ly backed off “I-I’m sorry I w as so w orried..” Gaga smiled at her friend “It’s ok, I’m fine just broke my arm and a concussion but w hat else is new ?” Tara smiled in relieve and picked up the stuff up she dropped on the ground earlier “Ibrought some clothes and make-up, just in case..” Gaga smiled in gratitude “thank you, I need to look decent even if I had an accident” Tara took all the clothes and make-up fromthe bag and placed themon a table next to the bed “w here are my parents?” Gaga asked “Oh they’ll be right..” “Here w e are!” an all too familiar voice said “Mom! Dad!” Gaga said relieved know ing her parents w ere here. “Hey Loop, how are you feeling?” her dad asked as they w alked to her bed “Ifeel fine!” Gaga already sat on the edge of the bed w ith her feet on the floor and hugged her mom and dad. Tara had picked out a fashionable yet comfy long dress, w ith some not that high heels and her beloved black hat “just to hide that bandage on the back of your head” she said. Gaga approved it as she slow ly started to get up, picking up the clothes and w alked into the little bathroom “you need help w ith putting on your clothes?” Tara asked, Gaga sighed “Yeah, I think so w ith this thing” and held her broken arm in the air. Tara quickly follow ed her into the bathroom holding a case of makeup. Cynthia, Gaga’s momstarted to make the bed “Why are you making the bed? They have people for that here” Joe said amused “yeah I know , but Ican’t help it” and she smiled at her husband. Suddenly something flew from underneath the pillow , Cynthia bend over to grab it from the floor and looked at it “w hat are these?” and gasped, covering her mouth w ith her hand. “What, w hat is it?” Joe said, Cynthia didn’t say anything and just gave the pictures too her husband “What are these? Are these.. sonogram pictures?” Cynthia nodded in disbelieve, his eyes grew big. Meanw hile in the bathroom Tara w as helping to get Gaga’s arm trough the armhole “ouch Tara, be gentle please!” Tara sighed “I’mdoing the best I can!” after a bit of a struggle they finally got the dress on. Tara gently brushed her hair w hile Gaga w as looking at herself in the mirror “Tara I need to tell you something, but you have to be QUIET ok” Tara looked at Gaga in the mirror w ith a confused expression on her face “sure w hat’s up?” as she continued brushing, Gaga took a deep breath “I’m pregnant”. Tara immediately dropped the brush on the floor “w hat?” she almost hissed “I thought you guys w ere careful!” “We w ere! It just happened I don’t even know !” Tara grabbed her hand “How long do you know ? Who else know s about it? How far along are you?” as Tara started to ramble again “shush Tara, w e just found out last night, they did blood tests and a sonogram I’m 6 or 7 w eeks along and nobody know s except you, Taylor, the doctor and me!” Tara picked the brush up and looked at her friend in the mirror “this is huge” Gaga sw allow ed “Iknow ”. After a bit of talking Gaga and Tara w ere ready and w alked out of the bathroom. Gaga looked at her parents w ho just sat there on the bed “What’s w rong?” but then saw the sonogram pictures in Joe’s hand. “oh my God” at that same moment Taylor w alked into the room w ith some flow ers “hey Igot off this morning so I..” Taylor stopped mid-sentence as he saw Gaga’s parents w ith a shocked expression on their face. Taylor quickly w alked up to Gaga “w hat’s w rong?” Gaga grabbed his arm “they know ” Tara took the flow ers fromTaylor “oh.. they know” he said. They w alked to the bed, Cynthia got up “are you really pregnant?” Gaga nodded “yeah mom, w e just found out yesterday night w hen they examined my blood after the accident” Cynthia held Gaga’s hand “are you guys happy? Is this w hat you w ant?” they both nodded “It’s gonna be difficult and Ihave to figure all this stuff out w ith the tour and my fans, but I think I can say that I am happy about this” suddenly Joe got up and grabbed Taylor’s arm “you 
promised me not to hurt her!” Taylor w as shocked at this sudden reaction and freed himself of Joe’s grip. Cynthia pushed Joe back on the bed “calm dow n Joe!” Gaga show ed the engagement ring to her parents “look w e’re even engaged dad! Even before w e knew I w as pregnant”. Joe buried his face in his hands “I’m sorry I reacted this w ay, Cynthia is right..” he looked at his daughter “are you really happy sw eetheart? I mean you’re not gonna marry himjust because he knocked you up right?” Gaga sat next to him“no daddy Isw ear” and grabbed his hand. “good. That’s.. good” After some more explaining and talking they w ere finally ready to leave, Gaga checked herself out and got w heeled out of the hospital (standard rules, although she complained multiple times about it) she got up fromher w heelchair and w alked to her security guard w ho w as standing at the exit of the hospital “are you ready” he asked, Gaga nodded and the doors opened. The camera flashes w ere blinding and disorienting as her guard maneuvered her trough the masses of people “GAGA! GAGA! HOW AREYOU FEELING? WHAT’S GOING ON?” the paparazzi screamed “NO COMMENT!” the guard yelled back as she got put in the car follow ed by her parents, Taylor and Tara. The car muffled almost all the sound of screaming paparazzi, they sighed in relief, Taylor sat next to Gaga, she took her hat off and put her head on his shoulder “how ’s the head? Any severe headaches?” Taylor asked w orriedly “nothing I can’t handle” she responded. The car started driving “We can’t go back to the apartment, they discovered it, it’s not safe anymore” Gaga rubbed her eyes “It’s a lot of change in tw o days Tay” “I know ” he sighed. After a short drive the car stopped “w e’re here” the chauffeur said “thanks” Joe responded, Gaga put her big hat on again and braced herself “Let’s go!” she grabbed Taylor’s hand as they got out of the car. Another army of paparazzi w ere standing outside, her beloved bodyguard Ed held her armas he protected her from the crow d. They w ere almost in until a paparazzo screamed “GAGA, GAGA ARE YOU PREGNANT?!” her breathing stocked and looked w ith panicky eyes at her fiancée but before she could respond the front door opened and got pushed inside follow ed by her family and Tara. “They know ?” Gaga asked shocked “no, no I think they’re just speculating, don’t w orry about it” Tara answ ered before Taylor could, but nodded in agree. “ok” she said in relief. They w ent upstairs to her parent’s place and all sat around the kitchen table “Tara could you do me a favor?” Gaga asked “sure” “can you call my manager, the people from interscope, the haus and you know the rest, I need an emergency meeting via skype” Tara nodded “of course” and she w alked out of the room, Cynthia looked w orriedly “are you sure you can handle this right now ? You’re fresh out of the hospital!” Joe agreed. “I can handle it, the faster the better” Taylor got off his chair and w alked up to Gaga “I need to go to w ork, I w as lucky I got the morning off but..” Gaga kissed him“I know , Ilove you” he kissed her once more and put his jacket on “I’ll be back tonight, I sw ear” she gave hima faint smile “Iknow you do” he said his goodbyes and w aved at Tara w ho w as on the phone and w alked out of the apartment. Cynthia w ent to sit next to her daughter and hugged her gently “are you nauseous?” Gaga shook her head “no not at all, I w as kinda expecting that” Cynthia nodded “maybe you’re one of the few lucky ones w ho don’t get sick” “Ihope so..” as she looked distantly at a painting of her sister “w ait.. Where’s Natali? Ididn’t even tell her” Joe put his hand on her shoulder “she’s w ith her school in San Fransisco for an arts project remember? We told her everything on the phone, she said she w as happy for you and couldn’t w ait to see you” Gaga smiled “so you told her everything?” “yeah I told her on the phone this morning, w hen w e sat in the car, you w ere w ith us remember” he said teasingly “Really? Imust’ve fallen asleep or something..” Tara w alked in, I talked to everyone and set up your laptop in your bedroomupstairs. Gaga took a deep breath and got up fromher chair “thank you” and hugged Tara “w ill you come upstairs w ith me?” Tara held her hand “of course”. After hours and hours of explaining and juggling w ith the new situation they finally made a plan and Gaga w as relieved, everyone from interscope to the haus w ere so nice and even though they didn’t like that they had to postpone the tour they understood. Gaga w ill be making the album, shoot some videos (before she got too big) and do interview s. Her manager really w anted her to w ait w ith talking about the pregnancy until she w as in her second trimester but Gaga didn’t agree “Ineed to tell my fans, they need to know w hat is going on” her manager sighed “how are you going to plan on telling them?” she shrugged “I think I’ll just make a video and post it on my w ebsite, they need to know .. They have so much love for me and I love themso end of discussion” “you know the press w ill know it immediately too right?” “Yeah I know , Idon’t care” they talked a little more and said their goodbyes. Gaga closed her laptop and let herself fall on the bed, the same bed she slept on w hen she w as a child. “how are you feeling now everybody know s?” Tara asked “Better Iguess.. I’ll just tw eet my fans making themaw are that I’m gonna post a video tonight” but before she finished the tw eet she had already fallen asleep, Tara took the phone out of Gaga’s hand and finished the tw eet, putting back the phone and tip toed out of the room. Gaga w oke up w ith the smell of delicious food, her stomach grow led she looked at her phone “is it already that late?” she got up, straightened her hair and w alked dow nstairs. There she saw her family, Taylor and Tara laughing and telling stories at the dinner table, she smiled. Taylor w as the first one w ho saw her w alking dow n “hey sleeping beauty” he said, she yaw ned “hey babe” and took a seat next to him. “I w as exhausted” he kissed her on the cheek. “How are you feeling? Not nauseous at all?” and slow ly rubbed her belly, she smiled “no just really hungry” Joe put a big pan of pasta on the table “w ell, good ‘cause Imade enough food to feed all of America” they laughed and had dinner. Later in the evening Gaga made a video including Taylor, Tara and even her parents talking about w hy she couldn’t tour, she cried almost the w hole video feeling so guilty, she even show ed the sonogram pictures. But all the responses fromher fans w ere so nice and sw eet, they told her that they’d w ait ten years if they could see her live and they w ere happy about the extra ‘little monster’. She w as so relieved and proud, maybe it w asn’t such a disaster at all.. 

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