Online Love

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Gaga tried to wiggle her MacBook open with her long nails, which was very difficult but not impossible as she managed to open it and the screen lit up, she smiled at the background, it was her and Taylor as he had held her in the air with ease, the picture was shot by her good friend Terry Richardson and it was her favorite image in the world right now, she clicked on the little icon in her dock, it automatically logged her in as she waited with anticipation but was let down as the little icon with her boyfriend’s name next to it was still red “oh” she said out loud and looked at the clock in the upper corner, she smiled “it’s still too early” as she tapped with her finger on her lip, something she always did when thinking and shrugged as she checked her e-mail, her inbox was filled with all sorts of messages with details she had to look over, she sighed “not now” and pulled her sweater up smelling the fabric, she ‘stole’ that sweater before Taylor returned back to Chicago and she wore it every time she was alone in her hotel room, just like now, his smell had almost completely disappeared over the days and it made her sad, she yawned and looked at the clock again, it was now ten minutes later and he still hadn’t come online, she stood up from her bed and walked around in the new hotel room she just arrived in after doing a show, she went with her hands through her hair waiting for that obnoxious sound of a Skype call, she had ordered everyone not to disturb her if it wasn’t necessary “why?” they asked, Gaga smiled “I am going to sleep” she answered, suddenly she heard a sound coming from her computer and practically jumped on her bed, she sighed as it wasn’t Taylor but Tara who messaged her ‘I thought you were going to sleep’ it read ‘no, I was lying I’m gonna Skype with Tay’ Gaga typed back, soon Tara replied ‘haha, I knew it, have fun, bye’ as Tara was offline again, she shook her head and smiled walking through her big hotel room again, after being in so much different rooms in so many different hotels and countries it all became a little of a blur, she started day dreaming of being in Taylor’s apartment in Chicago and how much time they spent together there as she subconsciously began to smile, Gaga was a little ashamed of the fact that every time she was with him, or someone even mentioned his name she would lit up, how depended on him  she had gotten and how her heart ached when she was without him. She jumped up surprised when she heard her MacBook making a sudden noise and jumped on the bed “yes” she smiled and accepted the call while having a big smile on her face, the webcam went on as she saw her boyfriend smiling on her screen “babe!” she exclaimed as Taylor was clearly walking with his own laptop in his hands, the screen going up and down with every step while still wearing his fireman’s suit “hey Stef, sorry I am late but this scene took way longer than expected, I haven’t even changed yet” he said, smiling as his eyes sparkled, she knew how much he loved his job and being on the hit show ‘Chicago Fire’ “you know how much I love seeing you in that suit, it’s hot!” Taylor nodded “yes hot indeed, I am sweating like crazy! Do you wanna say hello to the others?” he asked, but before she could answer he had turned the screen and saw the rest of the cast waving and smiling “hey!” they said almost in unison, Gaga giggled “hello guys, how’s it going?” but Taylor had already turned the computer so it was facing him again “you wanna see me change?” he said flirty and put the laptop on one of the tables in his trailer “always” she said back, Gaga was lying on her belly her feet slowly moving back and forth in the air as she was biting her lip, she felt like a teenager again.

Taylor was taking off his heavy suit “-so how was the show tonight?” he asked, Gaga smiled “great, I love seeing those little faces every night” she answered “how was your day?” Taylor sighed as he took off his shirt “exhausting but fun, I love doing my own stunts, it adds to the job really” as he sprayed deodorant underneath his armpits “why do I even love seeing him putting on deodorant?” Gaga asked herself and shook her head “what?” he said smiling to the screen as he saw his girlfriend shaking her head “nothing, I just love you” she answered, Taylor stopped for a second and sat in front of the screen “I love you too” he said almost whispering and winked at her, Gaga bit her lip “I wish you were here right now” Taylor nodded and sighed putting on his pants “me too” Gaga let her chin rest on her hands “-or I wish I was there, either way” Taylor smiled at her “we’re seeing each other soon, and with seeing I mean more than just through a grainy computer webcam” as he tapped on the little camera above the screen, Gaga laughed “I know, this sucks” Taylor was putting on his socks when he noticed her wearing his sweater “babe, I was looking for that sweater everywhere but you got it!” he laughed, Gaga buried herself deeper in it “sorry, I just needed to have it” Taylor kept laughing “you can keep it” but Gaga shook her head “no, you have to wear it, so It smells like you again” Gaga gasped hearing herself say that, feeling a bit pathetic but Taylor just smiled “it’s even better now, because it smells like you” Gaga smiled “which is?” Taylor shrugged as he put on his last shoe “a sweet combination of weed and your own perfume” Gaga laughed but frowned “why are you in such a hurry anyway?” she asked as Taylor had been very speedy putting on his clothes “oh-“ he shrugged “I just need to catch a plane…” Gaga raised her eyebrow “plane, where to?” Taylor came closer to the computer, his face close to the webcam “seeing you baby” and gave her a big smile “what?” she gasped “really? But what about your job?” Taylor smiled again “we just finished shooting for a few days, I’ll go back when I’m need” Gaga’s heart was racing “you’re not joking, you are actually flying over? For me?” Taylor nodded “where else?” as Gaga wanted to squeal out of happiness, Taylor put his bag over his shoulder “I have to go now, see you in a few hours, bye” Gaga quickly blew him a hand kiss “bye!” as the screen went black and Gaga was left alone in her hotel room while trying to contain her emotions.

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