Chapter 7

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After her water had broken Taylor immediately called their doctor who told them to go to the hospital right away, but it's easier said than done, Gaga was now having painful contractions and walked around the apartment waiting on her bodyguard to come up, "fuck" she said while having one and leaned against the wall. Taylor had gotten their bag that they had prepared for this exact moment. There was a knock on the door. He opened the door "there you are, we have to hurry her water broke" Taylor said a little panicky "We can go out in the back, there's a car waiting to bring you to the hospital" the bodyguard said looking worried at his 'boss'. Taylor held Gaga tightly around her waist coaching her through the building, down the elevator and into the car. The chauffeur rushed to the hospital, Gaga held Taylor's hand tightly while another contraction hit her. "these things HURT!" she hissed "I'm so sorry!" he said, not really knowing what to say or how to comfort her . Sadly the paparazzi did find out and they were trying to enter the building, Taylor cursed at them covering his face against the flashes, a few nurses came to the rescue and guided them into the hospital.

She was placed in a private room and quickly changed her Versace dress to a hospital gown. After a few minutes her doctor came in, Taylor was massaging her back. "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Kinney, I heard your water broke, that's exciting! Did you have any contractions before that?" the doctor said holding his clipboard, "just a few but I thought they were Braxton hicks.." Taylor looked at her "you didn't tell me that.." she shrugged "I didn't want to bother you.." another contraction hit her and she leaned over on the bed trying not to scream, Taylor continued rubbing her back in small circles. "how much time is there between contractions?" the doctor asked Taylor "around 5 minutes.." "4 MINUTES!" Gaga yelled still bend over. The contraction ebbed away and she sat on the hospital bed "well you're pretty fast, this baby wants to be born!" the doctor said as he put his notes down, Gaga just nodded "if you can lay down for me, I'm going to check how much centimeters you are dilated", she sat up and put her feet in the stirrups, the doctor did his exam "ah I see you're already 5 cm dilated, hang in there, when you're at ten you can start to push!" Gaga put her legs down and relaxed for a bit, knowing that the next contraction would be just around the corner "Try to stay active, walk around or try different positions things like that, I'll check on you guys later" and with that he walked out of the room, leaving the two of them behind.

The start of labor was maybe quick the middle was going very slow, it was hours later, contraction after contraction hit her and when the doctor checked she was only 7 cm. "hmm.. It is not going that quick anymore, the baby has to be born in a certain time because your water has broken otherwise she could end up with an infection" the doctor saw the couple with concern in their eyes "just stay and relax, it'll be okay! Just stay.." "active, I know!" Gaga said grumpy, walking through the room. The doctor nodded and walked out again. "babe are you sure you don't want that epidural.." as he rubbed her back again "no, it's not good for the.." and another contraction hit her "".

After another hour the contractions even came closer to each other and the doctor checked again "you're 8 cm! Good job! We call this part transition and it isn't pretty.. But it does mean your baby will be born shortly!" Gaga smiled for the first time in hours after hearing those words, and she held Taylor's hand that she crushed multiple times already.

Gaga was lying on her bed trying not to scream bloody murder and crying a little, she had instructed Taylor to call her parents and sister, Taylor took out his phone and dialed the familiar number, it rang 4 times "With the Germanotta residence" a sleepy Joe said "Yes Joe, hi, ehm.. we're.. I mean Stefani is in labor and it won't take long anymore.." there was a silence "Cynthia, CYNTHIA! Stef is in labor! We need to go NOW!" Taylor heard Cynthia say something and getting up "we'll be right over, good luck!" and Joe hang up. "What did my father say?" she said with teary eyes "they'll be right over.." and hurried back to her bedside. The doctor and some nurses walked in, wearing their scrubs "are you ready?" he said, the nurses helped her getting her feet back up in the stirrups "no!" she cried holding Taylor's hand, he held her now with two of his "babe you can do this, you're the strongest, wisest, most beautiful person I know, we'll have our baby in no time!" Gaga got now a determined look in her face now and nodded at the doctor "yes, I'm ready".

Cynthia, Joe and Natali rushed to the hospital, their clothes and hair all messy "I need to see my daughter she's giving birth.." Cynthia asked a nurse behind the counter "What is her name?" "Stefani Germa.. I mean Kinney, it's Kinney" but before the nurse answered Taylor had walked towards them "how is she doing?" they asked in unison "she's now pushing, the baby is almost crowning, just wait here.. it won't take long!" and Taylor rushed back leaving his family-in-law speechless.

"What took you so long!" she screamed when Taylor walked back in "I'm so sorry, it was just for a second.." and walked towards her "oh my God, you're crowing!" he said amazed, "hold me!" she cried. Taylor grabbed her hand. "keep breathing.. yes.. push when you feel like to push" the doctor instructed. Gaga felt like she was dying from the pain. "you're doing so great babe.." Taylor kept saying, but the words didn't really get through to her, everything was a kind of a blur. She felt another contraction hit and pushed as hard as she could, leaning forward and falling back again, sweating and breathing heavily. "I see the top of her head!" Taylor looked "Stef, Stefani! She has a full head of dark hair!" Gaga smiled "really?" and cried. "yes!" Taylor said as tears started to run down his face as well. "Ok, Stefani give me one big push and she'll be out!" she concentrated and pushed like she never did before. "There is the head! Just one little push.." and there it was, the sound they were waiting for in all those months, the crying of their baby. "here's your baby girl!" The doctor put the baby on Gaga's belly "hi, baby, hey.." she cried. "she's beautiful!" Taylor almost whispered. "do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" the doctor asked Taylor "yes" he immediately replied and a nurse handed him a scissor. After he cut it, the nurses took their baby and did a quick exam, putting on a hat and swaddling her with a blanket. She was quickly returned to her parents. Gaga held her baby for the first time in her arms, her daughter stopped almost immediately with crying and opened her eyes, they gasped "she has your blue eyes!" Gaga said with a big smile. Taylor softly kissed the top of his daughter's head and then his wife on her lips. "she's perfect" Taylor said, Gaga nodded and whispered "you were born this way baby".

Meanwhile the nurses had cleaned up Gaga and the room itself and they were now alone, only the doctor was standing in a corner, he cleared his throat "are you guys ok? Do you need anything?" they were silent for a bit "could you get my family please?" she asked without looking up. The doctor smiled "of course" and disappeared behind the door. After a few minutes there was a knock on the door, Gaga's mom, dad and then her sister walked in, gently walking towards their new family member. "I want you to meet my daughter Sofia Joanne Annabelle Kinney" Taylor said proudly. Joe padded Taylor on the back. "Hello Sofia" Natali cooed "she is beautiful.. And look at all that hair!" Cynthia added. Joe kissed the top of his daughter's head "you did good kid, how are you feeling?" Gaga looked up for a second "tired, a little sore.." she looked back at her daughter and smiled "..happy". After a little bit more of admiring Sofia, Joe, Cynthia and Natali said goodbye, they knew Taylor and Gaga wanted some alone time with their new born daughter, so they left.

Taylor had called his family and the Haus letting know that Gaga has given birth, everybody was ecstatic. "Can I hold her now?" Taylor asked, Gaga looked a little uncomfortable, she wasn't really ready to let her baby out of her arms, but when she looked at Taylor, she knew it was ok. "Yes.. of course" and gently handed her to her daddy "hello my little girl, look at you.." he whispered as he rocked her in his strong arms. Gaga got emotional again watching her husband and baby bonding. Sofia got a little fussy after a few minutes and returned his daughter to her mommy. "What's wrong baby? Are you hungry?" she cooed, they went to a lot of baby classes during pregnancy so Gaga instantly knew what she had to do, she put the top of her gown down and held her daughter in the most common breastfeeding position, holding her breast in front of Sofia as she latched on perfectly. "Wow" Taylor said, he got his phone and took a picture, "how about that". Gaga was smiling, looking at her daughter safely in her arms, "it feels funny" she said and Taylor laughed and sat on the edge of the bed right beside his wife. A nurse walked in "hello! I wanted to help you with the nursing of your baby, but I see you're doing fine on your own" Gaga smiled at her and looked back down "she's doing great" the nurse walked closer, inspecting "It looks perfect, you are very lucky not many woman have instant success with breastfeeding" Taylor smiled "we are very lucky" the nurse nodded smiling and walked out.

After a while Sofia was done feeding and was starting to fall asleep again, a nurse put her in a basinet next to Gaga, changing her first diaper with the help of Taylor and then swaddled her. Gaga couldn't hold her eyes open anymore, as tired as she was and fell asleep at the same time her daughter did.

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