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It's been a few days since Jaebum has been discharged and went home. Living in the house with a ghost seemed slightly easier without trying to hide the fact that he could see them. Jinyoung stopped following him to the bathroom and slept on the floor or couch when Jaebum used the bed. It surely felt more comfortable than the first few days...

But why do I feel a like we're a little bit distant?

Like any normal day, Jaebum woke up and did his daily routine. The first thing he did was brew himself a cup of coffee. As the coffee was brewing he went to the bathroom quickly. And when he came out, his coffee was ready and warm. Not too hot and not too cold.

"Just perfect." Jaebum nodded approvingly at his morning coffee. He so wanted to take a shower but he had to stick to a bath for a few more days before they could see if they can take off the cast.

"You always do the exact same things in nearly the exact same time, day by day. Like some AI.." Jinyoung muttered as he walked to the table and sat on the other chair. "Don't you get bored?"

"Don't you get restless without any schedule?" Jaebum shot back at him.

Jinyoung glared at him. "I'm a ghost. I don't have anymore responsibilities."

"That's going to be a bad habit when you come back." Jaebum scoffed as he sipped his coffee, enjoying the warmth that over came his body as he drank it down.

"When I come back?"

Dammit- Ever since that day he found out about Jinyoung not being really dead, they both didn't talk about it since. Jaebum cleared his throat and acted casually. "Well you know... Miracles can happen."

"What makes you think that? Miracles are only a lie for us humans." Jinyoung said in grumpy tone.

"I was trying to sound cheerful ok." Jaebum snapped. He opened his book and frowned as he tried to read to forget about the annoying ghost. Why is he so frustrating?

Jinyoung stared out the window and the two were quiet for a moment. Nearly an hour passed and Jaebum's mind started to wander away from the book he was reading. When he read the same sentence for more than five times, he knew he was getting distracted. He closed his book and leaned his back on the chair, closing his eyes as he looked into the darkness, deep in thought.

What could cause a soul to be separated from a living body? I've never heard of such thing before but there's proof that it's possible.. How do you put them back together? Can't it be just like possessing a human?

"Hey- What are you thinking?" Jinyoung's sharp voice sliced through his deep thoughts.

Jaebum sighed as he rubbed his forehead. "What do you want?"

"You haven't got out of the house for like five days... Shouldn't you get some exercise or something?"

"The treadmill came yesterday. I'll just take a run there later on."

"Augh. Such a pig." Jinyoung shook his head making multiple of tsk sounds with his tongue.

"What-" Jaebum looked at him with a glare. "I dare you to repeat that, ghost."

"Piggy. You are a fat ugly pig, piggy piggy." Jinyoung stuck his tongue out, teasingly, intentionally trying to get under Jaebum's skin.

Jaebum lashed out in annoyance and threw his book at him. As he expected, Jinyoung's quick reflexes saved him even though the book would've just went through him if he didn't. "SHUT UP! You shouldn't be saying that when all you do is sleep in the house. Do you think I don't know what you do?!" Jaebum roared.

a dream of love ; got7 (jaebum + jinyoung)Where stories live. Discover now