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Jaebum scratched his back as he shifted his shoulders to find the right position. Is it morning already? He could feel the warmth of the sunshine leaking in through the curtains against his skin. He rolled to his side before he opened his eyes ever so slightly.

There was a shriek and the sparrows, on the roof, quickly evade their roost and took to the sky in a fury.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY BED!" Jaebum shouted. "Were you trying to-" He touched his chest and stared at Jinyoung in disbelief. Did he tried to sleep with him?!

Jinyoung sat up as he wiped the drool from his face. "Huh?.. Whats going on?"

"WHY ARE YOU ON MY BED!" Jaebum screamed.

"You told me to come up last night. You were awfully friendly about it too." Jinyoung mumbled as he yawned, still too sleepy to function.

"Me?! I told you what?"

"Aghh. Don't you remember?" Jinyoung groaned in annoyance, his eyes still shut. "You called my name so softly and told me to come up.

Jaebum grabbed his hair as he tried to remember. "What?- Am I amnesiac or something?"

"Or maybe drunk?" Jinyoung mumbled before he fell back on the bed, falling back to sleep instantly as soon as his head hit the pillows.

Jaebum breathed as he instantly recalled the three cans of beer that were now perhaps resting in the trash bins. God! I do the stupidest thing when I'm drunk. He hits his forehead and sighed. "Aish- I don't know anymore." He quickly turned around and went downstairs to prepare for his doctor's appointment.


"Thank you." Jaebum nodded to the doctor politely. He no longer needed a sling, thank goodness, and the cast could be taken off in the week ahead. Jaebum took his coat and left the doctor's office with a sigh. He took out his phone and dailed Mark to pick him up. He waited for a moment, listen to the beeping sound of the call before Mark finally picked up in reply.

"Hey Mark. Yeah I'm done."

"Yoo- Jaebum, I'm stuck in traffic and I think I'm still quite far away. I'll be late." Mark 's voice spoke out from the phone followed by an aggressive honk that could have been him frustrated at the car in front of him. "I'll call you when I'm near the hospital."

"Aight, it's ok. Take your time." Jaebum surpassed a sigh as he slipped his phone back in his pocket.

Jaebum looked to his right as a few doctors got off the elevator. Then something came to his mind.


He sniffed a bit, scratching his neck. "Well why not pay him a visit? It's too boring to wait in the lobby anyways." He made his way up to the fifth floor that was three floors above.

Though he was confused and lost a bit, he managed to find his way to the front desk to sign his visit. The nurses there were quite friendly and lead him to Jinyoung's room.

"Thank you." Jaebum nodded slightly out of politeness as he went in.

Just like the day before, there were no changes on the soulless body. "I wonder what really happened to you." Jaebum exhaled as he gazed carefully at the unconscious boy. "How ever did you get separated from you body?"

Jaebum walked over to the bed's side and sat on on a provided chair. He took a deep breath as he sat back. "You've been alone all this time haven't you? In this steamy room without no one... I looked at the visit sheet for you earlier... You barely had anyone visit you." Jaebum blinked calmly, his voice firm but gentle. "Why did you live like that? Why did you live without leaving your trace or memory with others?"

a dream of love ; got7 (jaebum + jinyoung)Where stories live. Discover now