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Jaebum yawned as he stretched his arms in the backseat of the car. "Aigooo~ I've never felt this free in so long. It feels nice to finally get that cast off."

Mark chuckled. "You really hated that thing didn't you?"

"Casts are uncomfortable, Markie." Jackson reminded his boyfriend. "Remember that time when you had one when you broke your finger."

Jaebum laughed as he leaned between the two seats. "Ahh~ I remember. How long has that been?"

Mark coughed as he rubbed his chin. "What are you talking about... I don't remember anything."

"How can you not remember!" Jackson gave him a light hit. "Pabo! You should think harder!"

"HEY!" Mark complained, overreacting from Jackson's hit. "Don't abuse me! I'm driving right now."

"You were really cool though, hyung. That time when you stepped in and fought those bullies! You really taught them a lesson." Jaebum grinned from ear to ear in amusement, his eyes narrowing from his smile. "Jackson, you liked him since that moment didn't you?"

Jackson shook his head as he was taking a sip from his iced coffee. "Oh that time? Nope. JB bro, I liked him ever since I met him. Before he punched someone for the first time to protect me and ended up breaking his pinky. Before we became table mates. Before we became friends. Yes. I liked him ever since I first laid my eyes on him... My heart told me-"

"His heart told him I was the man for him." Mark finished, trying his best to not crack up in a smile and keep his calm and cool image.

Jackson nodded. "Yes that was it! Just something in my chest went boom, boom."

Boom? Boom? In the back, besides Jaebum, Jinyoung sat contently as he was watching over Miriri who had tagged along as well. He looked up at the couple in the front seat. He'd then put a hand tenderly on his chest. Badum?.. Badum? Is it different?.. Hmm probably.

"Isn't that Seventeen?" Jaebum commented after a slight moment. "Isn't it? 'Everyday boom, boom. Because of you boom, boom.' Seventeen right?" He chuckled, pleased by his joke.

"Ahh! That right! Seventeen." Jackson nodded. "Well~ Sure. It went a little like that. 'He got me like boom, boom. Boom, boom.'" Jackson shot a heart with his fingers at Mark as he moved his chest up and down, jokingly.

"Hmnn. I love you too, Jack."

Jaebum squealed like a fanboy, covering his huge grin with his hands as he sat back. "Ohooooo!!! Wahhhh bro! You're totally the ideal man!" He gave the older an approving thumbs up.

"Of course he is!" Jackson chuckled as he intertwined his fingers with Mark's free hand firmly but gently. "And he's mine."

"They aren't Koreans aren't they?" Jinyoung sniffed, his face popping besides Jaebum's as he watched them as well.

"Asd- You scared me!" Jaebum hissed as he grabbed his chest.

"Where are they from?" Jinyoung nodded to the couple in front of them. "America? England?"

"It's none of your business." Jaebum whispered quietly.

Mark looked over his rear-view mirror, his sharp eyes reflecting against them as he looked back.

"What's his deal?" Jinyoung muttered as it seemed as if he was looking straight at him.

Mark sighed as he focused back on the road. "Is that ghost still around you, Jaebum?"

Jaebum looked up at the older, thought he continued to keep his eyes peeled on the street. Jackson turned around instead. "WHAT?!- Is there really a ghost here?..."

"Ghost? What are you talking about-" Jaebum looked up and caught Mark's warning glare at him on the mirror. Jaebum sighed as he sunk back on his seat. "Yeah... There's a ghost here."

"R- really?!!" Jackson sunk back in his seat. "JB bro! I swear if you're lying to me, I won't forgive you." He quickly covered his head with his hood and zipped up his jacket until the tip.

"He won't hurt you..." Jaebum assured him after a minute.

"He?" Mark moved an eyebrow as he looked at Jaebum over the mirror, scoffing in disbelief before his eyes shift back on the road ahead of him. "Oh so now it's a he? HE?!" Mark shouted in a furious tone. "You don't call a ghost by pronouns Jaebum! What? Are you getting friendly with him now?"

Jaebum cleared his throat as he looked out the window with a sigh. He took out his glasses from their perch on the rim of his collar and placed it over his eyes.

"What's going on here- The mood totally changed." Jinyoung peeped.

"I'm not in the mood to talk.. Leave me alone." Jaebum muttered simply without looking the confused ghosts.

"Tch." Jinyoung frowned as he sat back to look at the sleeping dog curled up by Jaebum's waist. He smiled and reached his hand out to stroke her fur. Although the Coco might not be able to sense or feel him, at least he can.

"Jaebum-ah... You can't live with the ghost."

Jinyoung looked up to see Mark speaking in a firm, serious voice. Jaebum didn't give any reaction to the older. He waited patiently for Mark to go on.

"Its unsafe. A ghost can become an phantom any moment.. He can become one of those evil spirits. Have you forgotten already?-"

Jackson put a gentle hand on Mark's shoulder. "Mark-"

"Don't you not remember those ghosts who chased your parent's spirit that you told me about before?! If not for the Reaper your parent's soul might as well ceased to exist."

Jackson peered behind to see a pained expression on Jaebum's face. "Stop it, Mark. Don't ruin the day please."

"I just don't want anything to happen to him.." Mark exhaled with a deep sigh, his whole body drooping as he breathed out. "Fine. We'll talk about this later...." Mark looked again over the mirror to the empty seat besides Jaebum and Coco. "And you ghost... Watch it. You are not a human. Don't desire anything and go ascend already."

Jinyoung looked at his ghostly feet quietly. I guess he's right. I shouldn't dwell too much in the idea of living again. There's a chance that it might not be a success and up in fail.

He glanced at Jaebum who's eyes were colder than ever. But Jinyoung knew more than anyone. He was trying his best to stay strong. He was trying his best to stay as one piece. He was trying his best to hold on to the thin thread called life no matter how many whips and toil he received from it. That coldness. His icy, awkward demeanor was a mask that covered his weak self.

Help me. That was all Jinyoung could hear since the first time they exchanged eye contact on the day of his arrival. When he noticed the ghost in the room, Jinyoung could never forget the many expression that took hold of his face. Fear, guilt, miserable. It all flashed over the human's dark eyes as he glanced at him in surprise.

Jinyoung stopped his gentle stroking motion on Coco's back as he reached his hand out to Jaebum. How lonely it looked. Jaebum's shoulder. Those high tired bones that had no one to lean on. If only I could...

Mark let out an audible sigh. "There is a line in where ghosts and humans must not cross." Mark said in a soft murmur, enough that Jinyoung can hear.

Jinyoung stopped himself and curled his fingers in a fist and pulled them back. He shouldn't delve in the matter's of human. That's right. Just think of yourself. You've always done that all your life. Don't go starting stupid new things. You know that better than anyone else, Jinyoung.

a dream of love ; got7 (jaebum + jinyoung)Where stories live. Discover now