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Jinyoung sat down on the stairs. The house was dark with only the dim hallways light left on so Jaebum wouldn't trip over all his scattered papers once he came home. Frustration raged in Jinyoung's eyes but confusion plagued his mind.

He was lost for words. He couldn't understand what had happened earlier. The pain that he felt in his chest. It felt so real. The hollowness of it all and the agony of not knowing when the pain will stop. For the hundredth time, Jinyoung placed a hand on his chest, not really knowing what he'd feel and he wasn't expecting anything. But there was that slight hope in him. A slight hope that he'd feel a heartbeat.

But that won't be possible. That would be the impossible. He was a ghost. Ghost don't have heartbeats. Ghost can't feel pain. Ghost can't feel― and yet he did. He felt. He was in pain. What was the impossible at this point?

But why― How? How was he able to experience that. It wasn't like ghost and spirits have hallucinations. Heck they were the hallucinations. So how? Why?

Jinyoung let out a heavy breath out, struggling to calm his nerves down. Asking the air the question that conquered his mind wouldn't be much of help, he figured after a while. Only frustration built up and with it followed anger of the unknown.

But Jinyoung was more angry at himself, more than to anyone else. He couldn't face the fact that he, he who claimed Jaebum his friend, hurt him. Jaebum was the only one there for him now.. And he could've killed him.

Jinyoung placed his head down on his knees as he squeezed his eyes shut. Make it stop... Make these thoughts go away..

And then out of the darkness and silence, an icy chill took over the serenity of the dim-lit house. Alarmed, Jinyoung looked up. He knew too well what had arrived.


"I'm telling you Jaebum. He- He's going to kill you. Maybe not physically but his energy will cause your death. I'm so serious."

"Mark." Jackson grunted as he side eyed behind him where Jaebum sat alone, petting Coco's head in a repetitive manner as he blankly stared out the window. His ears were plugged with a pair of earphones and both Mark and Jackson could hear the faint booming sound of music echoing ever so slightly from them.

Mark let out a frustrated sigh as he released his pent up annoyance at his wheel, hitting the sides of it slightly as he relaxed his back on his seat. "He won't listen."

"He's his own person, Mark." Jackson tried to remind his worried boyfriend. "You can tell him what he has to do. Advise him. But it's his choice if he wants to actually do it or not."

"And if he chooses to die then I should let him?" Mark snapped, frustrated.

"Of course not! But if it ever came to that, you know that both of us will be there to stop him."

Mark sighed as he drove on, entering the bustling streets of Seoul. Even at near midnight, the city was still blaring with life, never ceasing it's activities. Mark was an expert driver as his driving skills was honed from the streets of L.A. itself so he had no problem maneuvering in the dark and hectic hours.

He pulled up into the street and steered up the hill towards Jaebum's place. Jackson looked back at Jaebum who was still seemingly in a daze as he stared out the window, blinking every now and then.

"You think he's be ok?" Jackson asked Mark.

"Are you asking me personally or do you want the fa-"

a dream of love ; got7 (jaebum + jinyoung)Where stories live. Discover now