Are you kidding me?!?!

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It's Monday morning and I woke up just a normal day it felt like. I got out of bed got ready ate breakfast and headed to school. When I got their I went in the school and sat by my best friend Kiri. We talked and laughed. Ps: we have first period together. So we went to first period, Spanish the worst class ever with the most horrible teacher. We all hated her. So I sit by this girl and then my best friend is sitting at the end of the table. We were all talking till the teacher told us to be quiet except for all of us we never stayed quiet. The teacher mrs.Zimmerman, threatened to move us several times, but she never did.
Kiri's POV:
We are sitting at our normal table in Spanish. "Hey everyone good morning now everyone get quiet!" Mrs.Zimmerman said. But me and Tamika never stayed quiet even with most of the kids telling us to shut up. "This class sucks it's the most stupid class ever I hate her" Tamika said. "I agree 100%, this whole school sucks" I said. We both just laughed.
Skip to 3rd period
Kiri's POV:
"Ughhh I hate PE" I said to my friend Bridget. She was like "yeah we all do but it's a part of life we have to go to school and PE weather you like it or not" She said. I just sat their and stared at her because sometimes she can get really annoying and everything but you know everyone can be annoying at some point. She really cares about school and she's such a goody goody I am to but to a point. I decided not to participate in PE today so when everyone was doing work outs and other things Me and some other people just walked around outside the blue line in the gym. Welp being my luck a new girl named Kaylee showed up. She had dyed her hair red and my first impression was a new best friend. So we started talking.

"Hey, my names Kiri what's yours?" I said. She looked at me and smiled "My names Kaylee nice to meet you" she said. At first I thought she was normal but as the weeks and day went on I noticed something different about her I just couldn't figure it out. We became best friends and I started hanging out with her more then any of my other friends and they started getting sad and really mad especially Tamika.

Tamika's POV:
Ughhh I hate that Kaylee girl she's so annoying and she's taking my best friend away from me I have to do something. Well she did something alright. (First period the next day). "Hey Kiri we need to talk!" I said. "Okay what's up" Kiri said. " Look I don't like Kaylee that much she's taking you away from me-" before I could finish Kiri cut me off and said " Okay look Your one of my very best friends but look I still spend time with you she's not taking me away from you" I started to get really mad and sad because this girl was changing my best friend for the worst. " Kiri you need to choose me or Kaylee I'm sorry" I said "Are you kidding me?!? You are seriously acting like this making a small thing into something huge! I need time to think about this" Kiri said. " Okay but make the right decision" I said "Okay!" She said.
Kiri's POV:
Wow I can't believe this, she's really making me choose over my friends I hate this I didn't want this to happen.

Author's Note:
Hey guys I'm not going to put everything that happened last year into this because it's just to much and I can't really remember everything everyone said or exactly what they said so it's a little made up and real at the same time.💜 But this really happened and these names are not really their names. Im also not Tamika Im kiri in the book.  Sorry it was little short sometimes I just hate writing but I want people to know the story and the meaning behind it. And also I'm still trying to figure the app out so sorry guys. I have some drama coming up in the next few chapters.😂

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