When you wake up in the morning and you
are feeling great,
You have a flat tire, and it makes you late.
When you get all dressed up from head to
Only to have a run in your pantyhose.
You've worked real hard on your job,
Only to have the promotion go to some
guy named Bob.
For your family you decide to make a
special meal,
Only to realize you forgot to buy the veal.
You get held up in the line because the
cashier's in a muddle,
And now your ice cream has turned into a
For lunch you order a sandwich at the local
It was supposed to be egg salad, but instead
you got peanut butter and jelly.
You planned a trip to the seashore on the train,
But halfway there it started to rain.
You have a doctor's appointment at eight,
Only to hear, I'm sorry but the doctor is running
a little late.
You rush to the cleaners to pick up your clothes,
Only to find the place is closed.
In life there are many irritation's and frustrations,
but we have to grin,
Keep a stiff upper lip, and take it on the chin.
PoetryThis is a compilation of poetry written over the course of many decades. Poetry containing my thoughts, dreams, imaginations, and observations. Some may be whimsical, while others may take another avenue. Thank you for reading, G. H. M...