1. - "Are you okay?" (Past)

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I looked outside the window as I were in the cafeteria. Soon two other students sit on the table I'm sitting at. They are my only family as my parents hate me for some reason.

"Hi guys..." I said quietly as my mute side was slowly, but surely breaking apart around them.
I noticed my twin brother's smiling at me before looking behind me. I decided to peek over my shoulder and what I saw made me confused.
There was two boys standing, and awkwardly trying to find places to sit and eat. I noticed their uniforms had dark green shoes. Same as mine. I looked at my brother's as they seemed to notice this fact too.

"Go tell them they can sit with us." Joonie hyung said calmly while smiling. TaeTae hyung nodded while gesturing towards the two boys.
I sighed a little before getting up and going to the boys who are in my grade.

"H-hi... Um.... Yo-you two can sit with me a-and my bro-brother's..." I said quietly to the two boys. They looked at me before both of them smiled.

"Thank you! We would love to sit with you and your brother's!" the boy with heart shaped smile stated happily. The boy with gummy smile just nodded.

"O-oh... Uh... Follow m-me..." I whispered before turning around and walking to my brother's with the two boys.
As I sat down, they sat next to me.

"Hey! You two must be fresh men too like our brother, right?" Joonie hyung asked.
The two of them looked at my shoes and nodded.

"Cool! Can you two be our baby brothers friend's? We can't be with him all the time as we are Seniors..." TaeTae hyung told them. They both nodded whit out hesitant.

"Yes we can be his friends. Oh yeah we forgot to say our names... Oh well! I'm Hoseok and this is my best friend Yoongi! Nice to meet you three!" Hoseok chirped. TaeTae hyung looked at him weirdly.

"Your cute Hoseok..." he said his thoughts out loud. Joonie huyng, YoonGi and I started to laugh -or more like giggle for me and Yoongi- as TaeTae hyung and Hoseok blushed. TaeTae hyung didn't blush as much as Hoseok did though. Then I felt something went on my head. Someone threw their drink onto me. I went mute again.

"Hey! Why are you laughing that stupid laugh of yours when you sound like windshield?" The boy 1 yelled as he started to laugh.

"Yeah why?? You are ugly too when you laugh!" The boy 2 shout. I just kept quiet as my brothers got up.

"You guys shut the fuck up! No one, I repeat, NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY BROTHER LIKE THAT!" TaeTae hyung yelled before he punched one of the boys onto his face making him to fall down. TaeTae hyung continued to punch the guy as some other students came to hold the bully's from running away. Soon teacher and the head master came to the cafeteria.

"What's happening here?!" Head master yelled and that made everyone shut up and stay still.
I got up and ran out of the cafeteria. My brother's ran after me knowing what I would do. Head master or any of the teachers weren't going to stop me nor my brother's as they knew why I ran away.

"Seokjin! Wait!" I heard Joonie hyung yell, but I didn't wait. I ran as fast I could to the school's old side that was out of use because it was dangerous. But I still came here despite that fact I had got many wounds from there.

Before I could open the door of the side though, I bumped onto something or should I say someone. I fell on the ground hissing in pain.

"I'm so sorry-! Are you okay?" the boy asked. I looked up to see this boy with black hair looking right at me worried. He was offering his hand to help me get up. I hesitantly held his hand. He pulled me up so fast that I couldn't keep my balance and hit his chest.

"-In! SeokJin! Se- Here you are!" TaeTae hyung yelled as they finally found me. I then realized that I was still holding hands with the strange boy as my face was still on his chest. I quickly pulled away from him and his grip. I bowed before running to my brother's.
But what I didn't know that he was going to be really important person in my life soon after...

Then I woke up as my alarm clock informs me and my fiance to get up. I glanced at me and noticed he didn't wake up.

"This heavy sleeper..." I mumbled as I leaned closer to his face leaving an inch between his and my lips.

"Wake up or you won't get your morning kiss..." I whispered. He opened his eyes slowly soon after that and tried to kiss me, but I were smarter and got up.

"Jin you are mean!" he whined. I laughed as I changed my clothes.

"I'll make breakfast so you better be down with your clothes on soon!"I sayed while looking at him before sending an flying kiss and running away to the kitchen that was downstairs. I could hear him groan.

After ten minutes I had made our breakfast completely done and before I could call him downstairs his arms were around my waist.

"Good morning, baby..." he mumbled as he kissed my neck, making me giggle because it tickled.

"Good morning Kookie~" I said while turning around and warping my arms around his neck. Jungkook smiled his bunny smile before giving me couple pecks on my lips.

"You are so adorable and I'm so happy to have you in my life forever..." he said while pulling away and walking us to the dining table to eat while holding my hand's.
I ate everything he putted onto my plate even tough we both knew that I would only force myself to eat it. But he still made sure I ate a lot to keep me and the baby inside me healthy.

"Seokjin, Honey, I love you and our son a lot. Don't forget that no matter what." he told me the same thing every morning while we were eating and every evening while we were about to go to sleep.

"I know dear, I know... I love him and you a lot too..." I said before looking at him with a small smile. He smiled at me and bend  over the dining table kissing me onto my lips.
I smiled to the kiss, but little did we both knew about this day.





2nd of January 2019 Update: I just fixed some typos, but I don't know if there is more than Wattpad shows

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