7. "I wanna feel safe..." 2/2 (past)

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I didn't want to go back to school anymore, because of my bullies, but my hyungs and friends encouraged me to come there.
I only spoke with my friends and my hyungs, but little did I know that someone was looking after me when they weren't.

*Little time skip*

After my music lesson had ended, I were about to leave the classroom like everyone else, but Mrs. Jeon, our new music teacher, asked me to stay. I looked at Hoseok and Yoongi. They shared an look before nodding at me. They said they would go find hyungs and get me something to eat too. I nodded my head while waving at them.
When they closed the door, I looked at Mrs. Jeon in a question manner.

"Seokjin, I want to ask you something little personal. Is that okay with you?" she asked. I nodded as an answer. She sighted, because she wanted me to answer her with words, but no can do.

"So... Seokjin... How did you became half-mute? I know you can talk and will talk if you are around your friends and your older brothers.. So, please tell me, I want to help you." she said with an worried voice.

I opened my mouth to speak, but there was a knock on the door.

"Mo-- I mean, Mrs. Jeon, are you here..?" I heard somewhat familiar voice behind the door.

Mrs. Jeon sights before saying "Come in, Jungkook."

A boy who looked to be one or two years older than me, walked in. When I saw his face, I realized that it was the boy who I had pumped into and he's the one who made my bullies go away couple nights ago at the store.

He didn't seem to notice me, because he did came to talk with Mrs. Jeon about something.

"Mom, I think no one in this school tries to help the bullying of Kim Seokjin stop..." the boy, who's name I assume to be Jungkook, says.

"Jungkook... Go eat something and check up on your little brother, we'll talk about this later." Mrs. Jeon said. The boy named Jungkook just nodded before leaving the room. After he closed it, I spoke.

"I didn't know you have two sons, Mrs. Jeon. But to answer your question... It's because of my parents... They don't like me for some reason and always yell at me when I speak... And those bullies that Jungkook-ssi talked about, they have been bullying me since we were in kindergarten. Yeah, it has scarred me, but no one never cared to stop them since their families are all in the the top 5 entertainment companies." I ended my speech.

She looked at me in shock before getting up and hugging me tightly. After a while she pulled away and looked at me.

"Go eat lunch now... Okay?" I nodded and that made her smile a little.

"I hope you will have a nice day Seokjin, bye." she said as I walked towards the door. I waved at her before leaving and closing the door.

I walked to cafeteria and started to look for my friends. As I noticed them, my bullies noticed me. They walked to next to me before I could even run away.

"Hey ugly! Do you have any money? We want to buy some food, but none of us has money." The boy number 3 said. I just shoke my head and tried to get off from the boy number 1's grip.

As they were about to continue, someone walked up to us.

"Why are three (3) sophomores bullying a junior, may I, a senior, ask?" Jungkook asked with a cold voice while glaring at my bullies.

They all froze and let go of me. Jungkook fastly pulled me behind his back. I peeked behind him to see what my bullies are doing.
The scene that everyone now was looking, made us all want to laugh at those three kids as Mrs. Jeon got behind them with the principle and they tapped on the boys shoulders with a annoyed smile.

The three sophomores were banned from school for 4 weeks. Their parents were disappointed and came to apologize from me with them and even tried to offer some money as in the money they all stole from me through the years.
I politically refused to take the money and just said that, I only want the older boys to leave me alone because there is already trouble in my life since the day I were born.
The trio apologized many times that day for not knowing while their parents just gave the money to my hyungs so we can buy some clothes and something to eat when we want.

*One week time skip*

I were outside with Hoseok as my brothers were getting ready for their final exams and Yoongi had gotten sick.
Soon a older boy walked to us while wearing an face mask.

"Hoseok, I didn't know you were friends with Seokjin." he said with something dripping in his words.

"Oh, hyung! Yeah, I'm friends with Jinnie! He is the person I told you about after our and Yoongi's first day of school. He came to ask us to sit with him and his brother's." Hoseok said with a smile.
The boy took off his face mask and I saw it was Jungkook.

"It's you! The one who I pumped into accidentally, the one who made my bullies go away from me at the store, the one who came to talk to Mrs. Jeon about me while I were in the room and then helping or basically saving me from my bullies!" I rambled. Both Hoseok and Jungkook were shocked that I could talk so much for being a half-mute (but mostly mute) kid in our school.

"Yeah, I did all those." Jungkook chuckled. Then Hoseok jumped up and took both of mine and his hyungs hands. We looked at him confused.

"Hyung! Can Seokjin and his brother's come to home?! We could have a sleep over!" Hoseok jumped up and down while pleading for Jungkook to answer. I got up too and started to plead for an answer while jumping up and down.

Jungkook started to chuckle some more before he took out his phone and started to call someone. Me and Hoseok froze and just looked at him.

"Hey mom, could Seokjin, Taehyung and Namjoon come and have a sleep over at our home. It's Hoseok's idea by the way. Is that okay with you and dad?" Jungkook asked while standing up.

He was so tall compared to me and Hoseok. Even Hoseok who is taller than me seemed like a little kid around Jungkook.

"Okay. I'll tell them. See ya later mom." Jungkook said after a while before hanging up. Me and Hoseok looked at him.

"You and your brothers can come to have a sleep over. Should we go to your place and get your and their stuff? They can study to the exams at our place, because I'll study to them too anyways." Jungkook stated while looking into my eyes. I stared back at him for a while before nodding.

We left the park without expecting a thing what would happen when we went to my home to pack and inform my brothers.

A/N: Sorry, that I
take so long to
update this story.
I just a lot going
on my mind so
I hope ya'll
- Starmyo (Mike)
P.S. Isn't Jungkookie
so cute in the gif
at the top? ♡

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