4. "I'm Choi Moon Jin. I'm new assistant"

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After leaving some food at TaeHyung's place for him and my other best friend, me and JungKook went to work. As we got do the backroom for us psychiatrists, we saw new girl there.
She is wearing brownish red colored sweater and some black ripped jeans along whit timberlands. Her eyes are deep blue colored as her hair was light brown with some blonde stripes.
When she noticed us she came to us with a smile. Something about her looked so familiar.

"Hello! Are you two Jeon JungKook and Jeon SeokJin formerly known as Kim SeokJin?" she asked.

"Hi. I'm Jeon JungKook and this is my wif-", I slapped his arm while blushing. "This is my husband who is Jeon SeokJin, formerly known as Kim SeokJin", JungKook answered the girl whit a chuckle as I were pouting a little.
The smile that girl had on her face crew bigger as she jumped and hugged me tightly.

"Jinnie oppa! I finally see you after all these years!" she cheered.
JungKook and I shared a confused look's on our faces.

"Yiu didn't tell your name..." JungKook tsk;ed at the girl. She then pulled away from hugging me.

"Sorry sorry~ I just couldn't believe that I will work whit my cousin adter not seeing him in years... But I'm Choi Moon Jin. I'm the new assistant." she told us who she is.

"Moon?! You look so different, but in a good way!" I said shocked. She chuckled before she glanced on the clock.

"Both of you go to work! Your shifts are starting in few minutes!" she shooed us away from the backroom.
JungKook walked me to my office and gave me a peck on my lips before he asked who was going to meet me now.
Young boy raised his hand shyly and I smiled at him, before the boys mother slapped the boys hand down.

"My son won't be meeting that thing", she said while looking me in discussions.
I sighed and walked to them JungKook right after me.

"Miss, you know that he gets traumatized, depressed and mute soon if he doesn't get help. And I think you need other ways to release your anger than to abuse your son and other people who are okay whit their sexuality." I said before I took boy's hand and took him away from his mother.

"This psychiatrist is kidnapping my son! Help!" the woman yelled. I took the boy in my arms carrying him to the room to sit in a chair as I heard her yelling.

"Wait here as I go help my fiance and soon son's to be father whit your... Mother..." I said whit a sad smile. The boy nodded.
I walked out of the room to see two security members there. Other one was holding the woman and other one was holding JungKook. I came to them fast.

"What is happening here?!" I asked feeling little stressed.
JungKook looked at me whit sad expression as his lip was bleeding.

"You! You happened! You kidnapped my son and now your disgusting boyfriend is trying to talk nonsense to me like you did! You two are both crazy and should die for your sins!" the woman yelled. I showed tge security that was holding my fiance to let him go. And he did.
Then I turned towards the woman.

"You are the one being sinful because we live in 21st century not 12th century! Come to your senses! Your son is already mute! He is afraid to speak and is slowly falling into depression as you are putting him into a palet of perfection which is actually super away from perfection!" I said angrily as I glared the woman. She went pale and shocked.

"Mr. Jeon calm down your fiance. He isn't in good condition to handel this as he is pregnant." one of the older psychiatrist said to JungKook as she walked past us. JungKook took me by my arms and turned me around to face him.

"Baby don't listen to that woman. You are getting stressed and it will not be healthy for you nor our soon to be born son, my love." JungKook pecked my forehead as he hugged me. When he pulled away from the hug a little to see the woman's face. She was terrified.

"And you miss won't find anyone to help your son unless it my husband on my little brother, but my brother isn't putted as psychiatrist for mute and depressed cases yet. So only option is my fiance. And if you would kindly leave your son to my fiance's care he will not be mute, depressed nor shy soon." JungKook finished his sentence before walking me to my office. We saw the boy sitting there actually singing little bit to EXO's song.

"I think I can handle him now... You can go for your client now love..." I said as I pecked his lips before shooting him away and he did leave chuckling as I went to my seat. Me and the boy -HwanGun- started to talk about what he usually does on everyday and what his mother does. I learned that he only sees his father once a month. He only sees his own biological father for one day or less in a month!

× time skip ×

I said bye to HwanGun as his father came to get him. I were pretty shooked to see my and JungKook's old classmate's coming to get HwanGun.

"Thank you... Sorry, but what's your name?" BaekHyun asked confused.

"I'm Dr. Ki- Kookie!" I yelped when my fiance hugged me tightly while mumbling something.

"Uhh... Kookie? Why that sounds familiar..." ChanYeol mumbled before it hit him.

"Wait! Your Jeon JungKook!" he pointed the older male who was hugging me.

"Hmm? Yeah I am and you are Byun ChanYeol." he said while hugging me tighter.

"So... who's that?" BaekHyun asked while pointing me. I pouted a little.

"Please don't point my fiance, BaekHyun." JungKook said.

"Fiance?! Wait wait wait! Hold up! He's SeokJin?!" BaekHyun asked while pointing me again.

"Baekkie don't point Jinnie..." ChanYeol pouted while picking HwanGun up, "Can we go already... It's getting dark..." Channie asked.

"Yeah fine... Bye." and with that they leaved.

"Your shifts are now over! You two can go home!" Moon Jin jumped in front us while holding up V sign and smiling brightly. We nodded and went to the backroom to get our stuff and leaved.

× time skip ×

When we got home, JungKook attached my neck.

"K-Kook?" I shuttered.

"No one says nothing like that to my baby boy..." he mumbled between biting my neck.

"Kook it's okay..." I said as I turned around and kissed his lips while warping my arms around his neck. His arms went around my waist as he licked my lips.
I parted them little and soon the kiss turned into heated one. I aren't complaining though.



Sorry for not updating for while, I have been busy whit school and my hobbies... And I also were busy modeling school, but now that is over hehe ^^'

I hope you guys liked this character tho!

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