2. - "Can you forgive me?" (Past)

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I were in passenger's seat as my husband was on his seat at the driver's seat. I looked outside despite the fact we were moving so fast that it scared me.
Even tough we are in forced marriage he still is sweet towards me. Or was actually. It has been four months since we found out that I'm pregnant. The baby is healthy, yes, but my mental health went down in matter of days as he became somewhat abusive towards me.

"JiMin...? Are you there?" I knocked on his bedroom door. Before I could ask again he opened it fastly and whit force almost hitting my stomach.
I backed away from him whit tears forming in my eyes as I holded my stomach.
When he noticed what he almost did he let iut a long deep sigh and came towards me and before I could even react he slapped me. That made me break down before I ran away from him.

"YoobGi! You fucking slut come back!" I could hear him yelling. I didn't care. I just ran away from my husband and baby's father.
I stayed at NamJoon's place for a week not going to work. JungKook and SeokJin came to see me everyday. According to JungKook I have 1st level depression. I could be saved from it becoming worse, but I couldn't take thr medicine or psychiatric visits because I am pregnant and SeokJin said that would be dangerous for baby's health if I took them. And my already busy schedule at work made me super stressed.

"YoonGi... JiMin has been asking me if I knew where you are. He had red puffy eyes. I bet he regrets hitting you." NamJoon told me. After that day I decided to go home and all I got was another slap, but not as hard like couple weeks ago.
I looked him dumbfounded as I holded my cheek whit my other hand as other was on my stomach.

"Please never run away again..." he said before hugging me while sobbing and murmuring sorry over and over again.

"-OnGi... Park YoonGi... Hey don't dose off... we are soon at the hospital..." JiMin said from the drivers seat. But before I could answer someone crashed whit our car. I held tightly at my stomach before everything went black.

"YoonGi come on! We gotta go to the playground of the park to meet Jinnie and TaeTae hyungie and Joonie hyungie!" HoSeok whined. I shighed as I finally started to walk towards the park without HoSeok forcing me to walk. He cheered and started to run.
I groaned, but still ran to keep up his speed.
When we got there we gave three brothers hug. I couldn't believe that I got so sweet friends whit such dark past.

"YoonGi! Thank god you woke up! I were so scared to lose you!" I could hear JiMin saying as I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry so I blinked couple times. When everything started to focus I could see JiMin sitting in a chair whit a baby in his hands while crying. The baby was asleep though.

"Is he..." I let out a shaky breath while looking at the baby boy in my husband's arm's.

"Yes he is ours... I'm so so so sorry YoonGi what I did to you... I were just too stressed out... Can you forgive me...?" he asked while looking at me. I nodded a little. He sighted in relief before handing me the baby and hugging me.

"YOU ARE USELESS PIECE OF SHIT YOONGI! I WISH I NEVER GOT A SON LIKE YOU!" I heard my father yelling outside of my door. I didn't care about his yelling, because I were already used to that.
I want to get away from here, but I can't as my parents are one of the top Mafia/Entertainment CEO's in the world so they found me everytime.
Before my father would yell more insults at me through my bedroom door, I heard a gun shot. Then screaming and more gun shot's.

"Is the Min's heir in this room?" I could hear old deep voice outside of my room. I were scared and started to sob quietly as I went under my bed.
I saw the door breaking onto pieces as three men in black suits came inside. They looked for me through every corner of my room, except under my bed.

"He's not here let's just go." one of the men sayed while turning around to leave.

"Wait! We haven't look under the bed!" other one nearest to my bed said as he started to bend down. He peeked under my bed and saw me.
He looked me onto my eyes as I let the tears go down my cheeks. I could see and hear him gasp.

"He is under here... He is crying..." the man whispered to the others as he offered a hand for me. I looked at him scared, but he was smiling sadly so I hesitantly placed my tiny hand onto his big one.
He pulled me underneath my bed carefully and as I were standing he took me onto a hug.
The two other men gasped. I started to cry my heart out as he calmed me down.

"Shh... We will take you to our boss and he will keep you safe from every bad thing in this world..." The man eho was hugging me said.
Later I learned that the man was named as Mr. Jeon, my now best friends father.
I still to this day show him my respect as he looked under the bed and took me to safe place.
The boss of his was Mr. Park and his son had died in a car crash a long whit his wife, but his grandson was alive and under his caring wings.
And from that day onwards I were under his caring wings too.

"What are you thinking of? You are smiling..." JiMin asked while giving me some tea in order for me to get sleep.

"Before I met you... I'm thinking of that accident..." I said while smiling a little. He knows what I have been through before I was took under the loving and caring home of grandpa and grandma Park.

"Baby... Don't think about that time please..." he said while putting my tea aside and hugging me. We were like that until I fell asleep.
Little did we know that everything would go down fast soon.






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