Are you okay Y/n??

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(By the way, this is in Fnaf 2 and all the toys and withered are FRIENDS)

I hid in a dark corner until i felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked up and saw Foxy with the others I looked down once more and told them the truth about my eye.
Y/n: So. Basically. This eye came yesterday and it bled so much that i had to go to the bathroom and clean it... But after i got out of the bathroom i saw that my window was broken and a part of the glass must've hit my eye.
Chica: Oh my god, Y/n how come you never told us earlier??
Y/n: I thought that you guys would think I was a monster so i hid it...
Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy, Goldie: Just because you have a different eye color that doesnt mean that WE would hate you. I mean look at us we're not so different from you...
(I swear that was some occult sh*t) I smiled and hugged them and said thank you.
All of us: WE DO!!!!
All of us: *Cheers*
After we ate, we played spin the bottle
Chica: Okay here we go. *spins the bottle and lands on freddy* uhhhh
Freddy: *pokerface and blushes at the same time*
They kissed and turned into a blushing mess.
Bonnie: *spins the bottle and lands on Toy Chica*
They kiss
*I spin the bottle and it lands on....Foxy.... We both blush and kiss we sit back down and we blush 50 shades of red*
6:00 AM
Y/n: Welp... I got to go. Bye everyone. See ya tomorrow!
They wave back and I leave..

See ya in the next Chapter!! BYE!!!

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