New Home

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'Another night' I thought and came inside. Before I even got to blink, Foxy ran to me and hugged me. I asked him what was wrong and he didn't answer. He let go and said, "What?" I gave him a 'Are you kidding me' look and he laughed and apologized as he wiped away his tears. "Sorry, Lad. Me head was running around." "It's okay" I smiled and dropped off my stuff in the office.

I went to the main stage and saw Mangle crying. As a mother instinct I ran to her and hugged her. She was suprised but hugged back anyway crying on my shoulder.
"Whats wrong M?" She looked up and started to cry again. Finally she got the urge to say, "I-I'm so... So sorry! I! I couldn't help it!" The others came but was a safe distance. Mangle looked up and she said that she killed Fritz and only Fritz.

I was shocked really. I never knew that Fritz was dead.. Mangle then stood up and walked to the bathroom to wash her face. I looked at the others and they all had they same expression I had. Shocked. Confused. And Sad.

I stood up and saw Jeremy walk in. As soon as he saw me in the middle of the animatronics. He probably thpught they were going to kill me so I looked at him and shook my head as a sign of 'Don't. You. Dare.' It looked as thought he got the message and walked to the office and sat down.

Chica then came in with cheese and pepperoni pizza all ready for us. She exclaimed, "Pizza's ready!" We all shouted and cheered as thought nothing had happened. Jeremy looked at us weirdly and still did his job to keep an eye out for puppet or BB.

We all (except Jeremy) sat down at the table and started to talk about how our day was going. You know. The usual. People taking pictures of the place and uploading it to Social Media.

I finished my pizza and threw it in the trash and walked to the office only to find Springtrap. My eyes widened in terror and I screamed. "AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The others heard and ran to the office only to find.. Me. Getting stabbed in the chest and head.

Trap (thats what imma call him now) then laughed and disappeared. Foxy cried out sad about my death.. To be honest. All I saw last was memories of times I spent together with Chica. Foxy. Bonnie. Goldie. Freddy. Toy Freddy. Toy Chica. Toy Bonnie. Puppet. BB... Foxy collapsed, crying out, "Im sorry" over and over again.

Freddy then got the courage to put me in a wolf animatronic suit. Because he knew I liked wolves. He put me inside and before Foxy could say 'Im sorry' again. I woke up. Still fresh with my old memories. The first one I saw was Freddy. Then Chica. And last but last not least Foxy.

He was so relieved he cried again. I smiled and hugged him. "Ssshhhhh. It's okay.. Im here... Hehe I'm not dead.." He smiled a bit and kissed me. I kissed back and I turned human. "Welp!! Guess this is my new home now. Huh?" All full with Happiness. We partied all night not giving a damn about how loud we were.
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Welp. I almost cried. AT MY OWN STORY. But. Two chappies in one night!? (Where I live its 7:00) wowie!! Welp see ya!!

Human! Foxy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now