(Final Part) Ending it All

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I woke up in Pirate's Cove. I went outside and said morning to all of my friends. At first.. I wanted to stay as an animatronic forever. But.... Since I saw how lonely my friends were... I decided to kill3 Trap and end it all.

I went to see Foxy and hugged him from behind. Foxy jumped and... Uh... Almost tried to kill me.... Yeah.... But he saw it was me and said sorry. I chuckled a bit and said, "It's okay! I didn't mean to. Hehehe.. But since you almost tried to kill me... You will pay the price!"

I started a tickle war. Yep. A. TICKLE. War... I know it sounds stupid but trust me.... It makes Foxy and all the others die of laughter. I grabbed a feather and started to tickle where he "protected" from getting tickled..

Freddy, Chica, Puppet, Mangle, and Bb looked at us. Let's just say.... They didn't want to be tickled because they knew I AM the Tickle Master. Yes. Im that good at tickling..

I ended the Tickle War and Foxy was literally dead... Not. Hehe he just passed out. I then helped him get up and we went outside.

Chica then looked at us and yelled ,"Hey!! Pizza's going to be ready in 10 minutes!!" Me and Foxy ran to the table and and sat down waiting for the pizza.

(Cue the waiting music)

Chica came out with a fresh ovened (Is that how you spell it?) Pizza ready to be eaten. We ate until there was no tomorrow. Until we heard a knock at the door.

We were all suprised and groaned because of tourists.. But guess what? (What??) THEY OPENED THE DOOR!!! We were scared so we threw away the pizza cleaned the table and went to our positions.

2-10 people came inside the pizzeria and started to take pictures. But first they went to me and Foxy. Someone opened up the curtains and looked at us. One of the tourists child came up and climbed up me.

The child opened up. My mouth! And put his whole arm inside! I was SO digusted i wanted to do the bite again. The child then pulled his hand out and closed my mouth.

The child climbed down the stage and went back to it's parents. They then closed the curtains and I started to cough. 'OG!!! WHY ME?!!? WHY!!!!!!!!!' I thought inside my head. I looked at Foxy and he was TRAUMITIZED. He was so traumitized I could see his second skin.

We then heard some clicks and shutters and the door opened and closed. We waited a while and moved out of our places.

Freddy looked at me and said ,"What happened to you, Y/n?" "A kid shoved his entire arm inside my mouth...." They're eyes widened and we turned human. Just as that happened. The SAME kid who shoved his arm in my mouth the pulled on Freddy's pants.

"E-excuse me? Mister with no leg?" Freddy's ear flinched but it wasn't noticable and looked at the kid. "Yes, young one?" "I- I'm lost and I don't know where my m-mommy is.."

We all stayed silent until we all chuckled. He was confused and took a second look at all of us. He gasped and said, "You guys are the animatronics!!" "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!"

We all were suprised and my ears were half-way down. He pointed to Freddy and said "You're Freddy." He pointed to Chica,"You're Chica" and pointed to Foxy, "You're Foxy, your Puppet, and your Ballon boy!"

Again. We were all suprised and I stared at him. He then looked at me and said, "Can I keep you?" "No" Foxy said and hugged me. "Why?" He asked

We all looked at him as if he was as dumb as a fish on steriods. Freddy then said ,"Come on now. Is it really nice to take one of our members as a safe keeping toy?" He then complained.

"BUT I WANNA KEEP HER!! SHE CUTE AND I WANNA KEEP HER!!!!" We covered our ears and looked at him. My eyes widened. I walked over to him and flicked him on the head.

"Now. What would your mother say about your behavior!" He looked at me and cried. He ran out of the pizzeria crying out, "SAVE ME!! SAVE ME!! THEY'RE GOING TO EAT ME!!!!" I sighed and stood up.

-Timeskip to 3:24 AM-

Trap appeared again and we were all suprised. "Did you guys really think!! That you can get rid of ME!!! Hahahaha!! We glared at him and we fought him one by one.

We were all bloody and me. Foxy. Freddy. Chica. And puppet were standing. Trap laughed manaically again saying "YOU CAN'T!!!" We all then started to do a punching thing and we were winning.

And when Foxy did the final punch I came and my claws scratched his whole body.

Trap fell down and not being able to move we carried him to a random dumpster (FAR FAR FAR away), threw him in, locked it and went back inside.

"As of today. We shall live peacefully and not totally die a painful death from Springtrap!" We all cheered and ate pizza.

Now.... We all lived a peaceful life as an animatronic because we. Are a family.

Trap: YOU CAN!!!
Author: TRAP!! IT'S 'CAN'T'!!! 'CAN'T'!!!!
Foxy: Hehehe *in a corner fixing his outfit*
Y/n: uhh.... A kid... Puts his arm.. In my mouth????
Freddy: ...... WHY!! I dont want a kid say "Mister with no leg"!!
Author: Deal with it.
Camera guy: K
Freddy: WA-

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