New partners

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After I knew all their names... I started to call them by their real names.
Let's just say.....they were VERY embarrased... I noticed and started to call them by their animatronic names...
Suddenly i got a phone call saying, "Hey. You have new partners! Their names are Fritzs and Jeremy! Bye" Cool i thought and went back until i heard the door i turned around and saw two new guards... Probably Fritzs and Jeremy. I greeted them and they were... Scared.. Very. Scared... I shrugged my shoulders and went to the office to check what was going on... "Y-you're Y/n... Right??" Jeremy asked. I nodded and he hugged me very tightly.. "DONT GET KILLED!!!" I was suprised and got free out of Jeremys arms... "Uhh.... Okay??" I went outside but got interuppted by Fritzs," NO DONT GO OUT THERE!!!" Ugh i thought and said," I wont get killed...." I went outside to meet the others.

Foxy then came to me and asked, "Who're they?" "New guards" he nodded and i rode on his back, "Giddy up! Hehehe" he rolled his eyes and ran to the others, "WHHEEEEEEE HHAHA!!" I screamed we arrived and evryone was looking at us weirdly i went off his back and Jeremy and Fritzs got a crowbat and whacked Foxy on the head. "FOXY!!" I ran over to his side and saw he was bleeding from the head. I looked at Jeremy and Fritzs, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU????" Jeremy lokked confused while Fritzs passed out. Freddy then carried him to the table and patched him up.

I started to scold Jeremy and Fritzs telling them they're friends and they're not trying to kill me or them.
I thought I saw Goldie.. Turns out it was and i hugged him, "GOLDIE!!!" He smiled and patted my head and disappeared.

I sighed and walked back seeing Foxy awake, "Are you okay??" He nodded. I sat down next to him and he layed his head on my shoulder whining about how much his head hurts so bad. I flicked his head gently and said, "Stupid" he whimpered and i hugged him saying, "I cant be mad at you forever"... Until then chica came out with pizza, "Who wants pizza~??" We all cheered. We ate and ate telling storys. But-
6:00 AM

Oh well... I packed up and Foxy opened the door for me "thanks, see ya tonight!" He waved goodbye smiling sweetly at me saying, "Bye!! Have a safe trip home!!" As Foxy went back into the pizzeria.
Bye everyone Have a great day/night!
(Words: 438)

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